General Discussions

General Discussions


Member Posts: 92
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

Is running rampant in the PS4 community. I use to play every day oh boy was it good times but now it's just getting out of control.I'm a killer main do you understand that you're not here to target anyone and are putting on a show for ours truly The Entity,how can The Entity devour hope if there is none of course I'm not going to escape because you're tunneling me how can anyone have hope to escape. You're being selfish and destroying the integrity of the game all tunnelers will be punished severely I assure you.

Post edited by BackByDaylight on

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  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2019

    Never mind

  • Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2019

    @Dreamnomad no I'm saying use your own skill and prowess as a killer to kill me not party chat its annoying getting tunneled , also for others I see this all day in the end it's a game so have fun and let others have fun.

    Post edited by BackByDaylight on
  • Member Posts: 92

    @Kilmeran I'm a killer main to and i refuse to play like that its trash

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    So basically you'd be fine with escaping even if you knew you merely escaped because the killer let you? 🤔

  • Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2019

    @Yamaoka no I just want the trophy hunting and manhunting on me to stop. What exactly are they doing with the photos? I had a guy who's obviously been playing for quite a while then on the day I come in the lobby he decides to go for the blood in your mouth trophy he didn't get it hahah but all the same cut the ######### you can kill all survivors anyway you like but the tunneling is completely unfair.

    Post edited by BackByDaylight on
  • Member Posts: 21,214

    Not even good bait.

  • Member Posts: 92

    @Kilmeran if it's not me it's going to be some one else here saying the samething which will probably have more effectiveness I'm telling all killers to stop before you break the game and the devs change something that's going to be really devastating to killers

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504
    edited September 2019

    I have a daily to heal other survivors three health states. I gave up on it after four matches. It was going like this...

    First match, a killer who couldn't or just didn't hit anyone. I went up to her at the end of the match, let her hit me. The other survivors healed me, but none of them let her hit them, so I never got to heal anyone.

    Second match, killer finds me first. They kept whiffing, over and over again. I finally stop running and go up to a hook and point at it, because I can't get the daily done like this. They hook me, nod, and go off. They come back as soon as I'm unhooked, start to chase the unhooker, then break off and chase me, instead. And they tunnel me out of the game. At least it was quick so I could move on to a new match and try for the daily again... but I just got tunneled out of that one first thing, too...

    Not saying killers aren't allowed to tunnel and camp. They certainly are. I just wanted to whine a little, 'cause playing solo survivor is the least fun I've ever had in any video game.

  • Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2019


    Not saying killers aren't allowed to tunnel and camp. They certainly are. I just wanted to whine a little, 'cause playing solo survivor is the least fun I've ever had in any video game.

    Correct I think I can do that if I'm being tunneled every match. I feel bad for survivors and will never do that to them even though, they bring new part, leader, resilience and what ever that is the makes gens just fly. Well If i have two gens left and you get unhooked then yeah maybe a little tunneling because that's fair. I have to get my kills or take away some of the survivors power but just flat out tunneling on a 5 gen I'm not doing it.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm going to tunnel all I want, because it's an efficient way to rid myself of one Survivor. Too bad.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    Dude, please use some periods in your sentences or something. I can't even read them cause it makes my eyes bleed.

  • Member Posts: 461
    edited September 2019

    This made me sad to read. Also, I like your name.

    As for me, I only tunnel someone with Object of Obsession or if I'm about to lose a game. In the case of OoO, I will face camp the hook if I'm playing a stealth killer, because I need that survivor to die in order to use my power.

    In game loss scenarios, I'll watch or patrol the hook from a distance, but I'm happy to swap which survivor goes on the hook. Fresh meat sits on the hook longer and gives me more BBQ stacks. I'll slug the escapee and let them crawl away to be revived if I accidentally hit them instead of a rescuer.

    I won't tunnel a non-OoO into a death hook unless everyone else has escaped. For me, the whole point of keeping a survivor down is to lure out the altruists. Dead survivors can't be saved and thus make poor bait. If my bait behaves well and gets me some extra hooks, I might drop them at the hatch or exit.

    I won't go out of my way to avoid culling the herd, though. If one particular guy is always the loudest, slowest, clumsiest survivor, he's probably going to die first. Sorry.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I agree about OoO especially due to perks like " play with your food" and others. Hook one and go after rescuer due to other perks like BBQ.

    I am not a very good killer so sometimes I ignore a survivor because I don't want to be looped. They get in the way of my Chase I hit them but know I won't be able to down them so I continue my Chase on weaker survivor. Is that consider tunneling..maybe but that is me going to catch who I can.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Killers must have a pen and paper with them and note down who they have hooked so far. They must consult this paper and ensure all hits are distributed evenly amongst survivors, BEFORE starting a chase. Otherwise: TUNNELING!!

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    This is a PvP game. It's normal that players go for their opponent's weak spot. Don't be the weak spot. You can avoid getting found by the killer or be a skilled looper; and you have items, perks and teammates to help you against getting tunneled.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I mean I see what you are saying but personally tunnelling is fine, I main survivor and get tunnelled all the time but I dont get annoyed by it because Im able to keep the killer from my teammates for long enough for them to progress well, its disadvantageous for the killer to tunnel as it wastes their time. The only thing I hate is full on camping because it leaves you no chance of survival

  • Member Posts: 268

    We did have a sad game last night where one of the randoms was hooked, saved, killer tunneled, rinse, repeat. Kudos to the survivor for not d/c-ing, but that killer tunneled him to death, allowing two of us to ultimately escape. It's a decent strategy if you have Dying Light, but not acceptable if you're just a crap killer refusing to put on Ruin to buy your a few extra hooks. Ruin is decent. We've had a 4K game where the ruin was never found. Lol

  • Member Posts: 3,255
    edited September 2019

    I'm not caught up on the survivor 's rules for killer. Isn't there another rule where killer need to let survivor unhook even when killer see that survivor run up to the hook?

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    I always wonder what effect that removing the noise indicator when someone gets unhooked would do for curbing some tunneling.

    The only reason for having a noise indicator is to encourage the killer to drop what they are doing and come back to the hook after a save.

  • Member Posts: 1,134

    Unless I'm in a chase, I return to the sound. And why wouldn't I? It means i know exactly where at least two survivors are and one of them is injured.

    Folks can call it "tunneling" if they want but it's just playing smart. "Tunneling" isn't a real thing....It's a term the community created to negatively describe chasing survivors. You can't objectively define it or differentiate it from how a killer chases normally in a match. If you are a killer, you are chasing. If you are a survivor, you are being tunneled.

    If you take the sound away, it might eliminate some of this community created term "tunneling" but it's really just crippling one of best tools for locating survivors a killer has.

  • Member Posts: 16

    It's just the way it is sometimes man. If a killer is struggling against the 4v1 then sometimes you gotta. If you're being tunneled its cause you're either too good for the killer to catch and they've been tilted or you're the weakest link. Either way just be a team player take the depip or black pip and try and make sure your team has a good time

  • Member Posts: 194

    Wait ur that guy from yesterday who posted the gen war thing. Look buddy, the killer is there to kill you, not to just let you run away if he sees you.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Tunneling off the hook is a teammate's fault. Being targeted afterwards, while highly beneficial for the killer, is the player's fault for failing to stealth properly. Everyone knows that they are higher priority once receiving a hook and complaining about the killer taking that advantageous opportunity is ridiculous.

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