How about a wave of solid bug fixes.
Nothing is off the table

From the video behaviour posted on the behind the scenes of stranger things
With the entry of the demogorgon, no killer is off the table.
Edit: And I saw the other thread after posting this... ignore this post
Gimme that werewolf boi, Behavior!
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How about a wave of solid bug fixes.
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Why not both?
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Id like a original killer in the next chapter
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So would I. The game is already half and half. We need some original content with good lore and characters. One that I can grind for if I don't feel like buying it, which all licensed characters suffer from.
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Because the devs have been unreliable with balance changes when a chapter releases.
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Sadly, I agree- I know they mean well, but *insert oof* they are a bit bad at trying to balance the new things with the old- and I most definitely agree that the next Killer should be an original- they’re fantastic with the lore of their own characters- but I can’t lie- the next licensed Killer I am most excited for is you know who Xx
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Pumpkinhead says hello. And goodbye.
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I agree. They may have the best intentions, but so is the path to hell.
When they aren't constrained by licensing, man can they be good with lore and design. I thought Huntress, Legion, and Plague were some of the most interesting characters in terms of lore, and that Spirit is one of the most creative designs I've seen for a character in a long time.
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Spirit, to me- is possibly the most beautiful thing they added to the game thus far- nothing comes closer to true terror than being boom and zoomed off a generator by this elegant Spectral Killer- she made me feel scared as a survivor again.
The Plague’s lore is frigging’ heartbreaking- she didn’t deserve what became of her.
The Clown’s lore is possibly the most disturbing- that’s some real world levels of f*cked up believability Xx
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I love the shattered effect spirit has... especially with the red kimono, the red kimono sword, and the Oni face paint... probably the best look for her, imo. It's just so disturbing seeing someone so tortured. I love that most survivors can't deal with her. : D
Plague's is. An orphan who was only trying to help people (in the backwards way of ancient people, of course). Makes me want to play as her, but she's so weak as killers go...
Clown, I think, is based off of an actual serial killer who dressed as a clown to kill people. Look it up, he's disturbing. I've actually seen a letter written by him, too. Creepy guy.
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If the grim reaper was in the game what powers would it have?
It could be a possibility to have the grim reaper since death doesn't matter in the entity's realm
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Okay, unpopular theory, what if the new killer is just a table. I heard a table enemy in Persona 3 was particularly brutal.
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I think a Reaper Killer would be interesting. Probably’d be centered around borrowed time-esq perks. The whole you can only cheat Death for so long motif? Xx
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*Lance Henrikson yeets out the gate*
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Instead of hooking someone, the reaper challenges the survivor to a game of chess.
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A skill check battle ensues- best two out of three?
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HAHAHAH yes, I want him as the survivor! But I'll take the big pumpkin if that's all we can get. He's a cool guy I'm sure he'd allow his likeness.
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Nothing is off the table? Nothing? Alrighty then.
Here’s your next Killer. Godzilla, King of the Monsters.
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And Mothra as survivor.
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Sorry to break it to you, but a lot of killers are still off the table. The Demogorgon is literally a one off only made possible by the stranger things creators giving Behavior the mesh for the killer.
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Am I the only one wanting for an original killer? C'mon people. Not everyone shares your fanfiction for Xenomorph drivel.
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Why not both?
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Give me Pumpkinhead BHVR please, I want to grab survivors and toss them around like rag dolls.
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I think you're all missing the obvious choice here.
Jack Skellington aka The Pumpkin King
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Pumpkin head all the way. His frame is pretty similar to the Demogorgon; it'd be a shame to see it go to waste!
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You mean Ghidorah as survivor =3
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Gimme that nighthunter from Dying Light
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If the killer was to be original, I want a werewolf!
If the killer was to be licensed, I want a Xenomorph! :)
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From all the threads here and across the internet regarding DBD- a vast majority wants the Alien as a licensed Killer, nor would I say it’s fair to call it fanfic drivel, when we’ve got insane things like the Demo and Freddy.
However, I think most if not all of us agree: we want an original Killer next Xx
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Original killers are great but give me Xenomorph WITH Ripley AND a Nostromo map and I will die a happy dbd fan.
It should also be noted Xenomorph is the last licensed tm killer I want or need.
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No. Redo your polling. Speak with your U.S. Census Bureau Officer and please come to my office.
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Yes- it’s painfully obvious, a big majority wants the Perfect Organism Xx