Unnerving presence might actually be good...

The DS skill check does get pretty hard to hit and being able to freely tunnel without getting hit by DS as often could be pretty nice.
If you're centering a build around skill check disruption than yes, the perk is actually pretty useful.
And yeah, the perk effects all skillchecks, Billy boxes, generators, healing, DS, etc... Anything with a skillcheck inside the terror radius of the Killer with Unnerving Presence will shorten the Skillcheck.
If you add say, Huntresses lullaby and other add-ons of killers that mess with skillchecks, than yeah... its scary.
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I definitely gotta get this perk, I hate DS! :D
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Basic yet effective, its one of the few things that actually effects DS. I wish this was the same for pre-patch DS though...
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Meanwhile in the outer dimension @RoKrueger in his eternal exile has seen this thread
And he is very, very, happy
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how small does the skill check get though? im curious to see that
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RoKrueger: Ladies and gentlemen... we did it.
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I’m not sure, you could probably test it in kyf. :)
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If you give me a some time, I can test that theory.
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It's not that small, if you can hit Old Decisive with Unnerving then you can hit anything
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It's pretty hilarious on doctor. >.>
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Its been months though, people are not used to it anymore, the only closest thing to it is like... Overcharge or something.
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Its that big when Unnerving Presence is active.
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oh... my gosh. for someone whos still a low-mid rank survivor, that looks like torture to even attempt.
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For context, that's about the same size as pre-patch DS, or one overcharge on a generator.
Not a consistent skill check to hit, but it is indeed a hard one to hit.
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Seems like this would only punish less experienced players. Have to be pretty salty about DS to counter a tunnel counter.
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It looks promising, I’ll have to try the perk.
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Lmao what year is 2017? Running unnerving to avoid DS lol
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It really isn’t always a anti-tunneling perk, I also fail to see how I have to be salty to run a perk to counter something. Guess people who run ruin or iron will are salty?
I wanna tunnel though
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Believe it or not but I got d-striked by 3 survivors in one game back in the day (old decisive strike version) when I wanted to play impossible skillcheck Doctor at rank 1 even though I tier3-shocked them before downing them so "unnerving" seems good by the looks of it but "experienced ds users" will still hit this tiny skillcheck even when it's shacking all over the screen.
Basically I was the one getting shocked that game.
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Fair point, I’ll still probably try it though.
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Yo GrootDude, you can use MYC to avoid DS because it has a 60 second timer that both starts and ends with the unhooked survivor's DS timer!
If you tunnel, you get a hook after 60 seconds,
If you don't tunnel and happen to find the rescuer, you get a hook.
It's a win-win the moment you equip the perk! :)
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That's bloody sweet! I'm totally equipping it on some of my weak killers
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I’m not really a fan of myc since I main LF.
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I actually never thought about this, Maybe I can start to tunnel in peace without disruption. thank you for showing me this
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It’s not as effective at higher ranks though because players have gotten used to the smaller skill checks. There’s people out there who can hit Old DS+Unnerving and Overcharge+Unnerving.
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You’re welcome
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Better not let survivor mains read this .
Or else your name is going on THEIR LIST
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I’ll put them on my list!!!! >:D
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That's fine, but it's good to have your options! :)
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Well I’m gonna try it at high ranks.
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Indeed, and hey, if it doesn't bare the most amazing results, it was worth a try... FOR SCIENCE!
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Exactly, if you use this on Doctor, I wonder how hard it'll be to hit those Skill checks.
If you used Pre-Patch DS back in the day, like everyday... than doing that wouldn't be an issue I suppose. But still... Its not an easy feat.
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Run Unnerving Presence if you want. But there are other factors to consider. Unnerving Presence (UP from now on) also shows up as a status effect on survivors screens. That means whenever you run UP survivors will instantly know if they are in your terror radius. This is a bigger deal than you might initially think. When survivors are working on noisy generators, they can't always tell when they are in the killer's terror radius.
UP completely negates that. Even the most oblivious survivor can see an icon show up on their UI. That means survivors will have more notification and a higher likelihood of them having more distance on you when you encounter them. If you have a massive terror radius on a small map like The Game then this disadvantage is largely negated. But on most maps, this can really come back to haunt you.
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shhh don't encourage tunnelling
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Could actually work against solo survivors if I’m not chasing the obsession.
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I will! >:)
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I’m pleased to see the encouragement of tunneling Bubba.
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Not that I know of.
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Isn't the image I posted above enough proof?
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well I don't expect people to whine about decisive on the forums thier fault for tunnelling
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I think it’s balanced.🤷🏼♂️
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Yeah...no choice to be made when you can have both at once.
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Lmao to me it looks surprisingly easy. I urge killers to waste their perk slots on unnerving even when they aren't doc. Go ahead lol.
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You will be surprised how many people still hit the smaller DS skill check. If you play Doc, go for it, otherwise I would not recommend it.
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I've always been a fan of unnerving presence. People tend to overlook skill heck disruption because at higher ranks survivors can hit hex checks consistently, but truth is most players can't. I'm currently at Rank 4 survivor as of the moment and even at this rank I see the gens blowing the Ruin smoke a lot.
Survivors who can power through it hitting skill checks are rare, even in red ranks. A lot of people whine about ruin being useless, but you still see everyone running it. Should tell you that it's a lot more effective than people downplay it for.
UP is great, especially if you run a build dedicated to skill check hell like with Huntress Lullaby.
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It becomes about half what it should be. For regular skill checks it's manageable but for DS and other harder skill checks, or if you stack other disruption on top like Doctor or Lullaby, it becomes seriously difficult and next to impossible to hit.
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Dude, I seriously saw a survivor who hit an old DS skill check ( which we all know it was smaller ) against a Doctor with Unnerving Presence and Huntress Lullaby. So no, Unnerving Presence isn't a counter, not against even medium skilled survivors.
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I mean, that's not really that small.
Survivors you're concerned about are usually able to hit ruin checks, and that thing's at least 1.5-2x as big as the great zone on a regular skill check.