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Tru3 Goes in Hard



  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I’m a lot different then most of my friends, even with opinions. Your statement isn’t really completely tru3.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Tru3 states that the reason why NOED is broken is because it grants the killer 4% extra movement speed meaning that every loop that is calculated with 115% killers becomes ineffective and therefore, a killer who has noed active has no counter. The counter-play to removing all totems isn't counter-play, it just changes the purpose of the perk from instant win end game button -> stall perk.

    The reason why Tru3 says billy is most balanced killer in the entire game with instant saw is because you can juke billy. It doesn't matter what the charge time on chainsaw is as long you can parry the hit. In fact, All instant downs are balanced in the game so as long you can prevent them from occurring in the first place. Normally 360 Jukes don't work against killers, but in billy case, they literally do. The most powerful game mechanics in the game are anti-loop mechanics in which they prevent you from "dodging" hits. That's sort of the case when it comes to Nurse and Spirit with certain add-on's. You can smell a small sense of hypocrisy in that statement that you need "Unblockable" hits killers in order to balance SWF. This should give you a clue for how imbalanced SWF is. That's sort of his message at the end of the video when he says at 9:30 "The design team is amazing, but when it comes to balance, they're trash". The translation is that you can't beat SWF unless your killer power equals or surpasses them and for a lot of killers, that's just how the cookie crumbles.

  • Member Posts: 316

    That's very dependent on map and placement of gens pallet's etc. Billy is balanced on certain maps, but is extremely broken on others. There is no balance in this game, period. Noed can be instanly popped at the start creating a wasted perk for the killer which could have been used for bamboozle or some other perk to end chases just as quickly. You can keep believing what you want, but I'm not living in Tru3 fantasy land with you.

  • Member Posts: 145

    No offense, but some of you are talking about balance like DbD is some sort of an esports game. Just have fun and chill, it's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, a.k.a one of the hardest genres to balance and so far DbD has done a pretty good job (I'm not even ironic). Moreover, many of this game's players don't even know what a win is, if you are a killer main and you consider a win only a 4k, then there is your problem right there.

  • Member Posts: 316

    The issue is that a lot of people think that rank means anything, so they cry out balance for what affects them the most if they cant keep rank 1. You need to consistently hook all survivors and 3/4k to sometimes maintain rank. That alone enable people to play Nurse, spirit, billy, and what ever is strong right now to brag about their irrelevant rank.

    This isn't an E-sport game indeed, as much as some of these streamers like to try and make it seem. I play tons of solo queue and unless I get an SWF of 3 ppl, it's typically a loss, but everyone likes to pretend that a majority of the community is a god looper. Can't god loop anyways, if a Gen is just in a ######### area with killers having broken perks like whisperers to let them know you are still around, and BBQ chili when they hook your teammate with no lockers around. Even when there are pallets you got killers like huntress, nurse etc, that you jus't can't loop if they aren't total ######### in some areas.

    I just started playing and Im rank 5 survivor since about the fredy-rework and I'm like the only person that loops my killer lobbies. All I see is people going down way too quickly, but in killers eyes, all they they see is their perspective. They seem to want balance around SWF, which I agree can be toxic, but NOn SWF lobbies are braindead on killer.

  • Member Posts: 394

    All this #########-talk about TrU3 because he states facts. Sad. Just sad.

  • Member Posts: 316

    Nobody is talking smack about tru3.. He has his own opinion and perspective on things, but it doesnt mean its right. Claiming it's facts just shows your bias lol

  • Member Posts: 394

    He plays this game consistently every single day at rank 1 (excluding when he goes on holidays). He understands this game quite well, unlike some people on these forums who try to justify DS by saying "don't tunnel 4head" or anything like that.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    And I know a few people on the forums play at the same level probably even higher than him.

  • Member Posts: 316

    yeah, some of the best loopers just purposely derank themselves so higher ranks are left with the potatoes for the most part, but try explaining that to others. They want this game balanced around SWF or the best loopers that don't even exist in higher ranks lol

    You run across them a few times but let's not kid ourselves about the average rate of solo queue games that don't have survivors in your team going down in seconds.

  • Member Posts: 316

    Their are plenty of rank 1s who don't agree with Tru3, so we should just listing to tru3, why? I've seen plenty of tru3 gameplay and he is indeed a great player. I'm not here to trash on the dude, but coming from other games in the past that were actually E-sports, streamers think they know best their too, and pro players actually laugh at them.

    This game is far from balanced at most ranks due to killer variety and map layout, nothing much will change there unless the map become static, and killers tied to certain maps due to mobility weakness. Also, survivors that know how to loop need incentive to even be at higher ranks. " My number is red, look at me"

    This is a game where the guy you idolize sit in a locker for a majority of a match versus a nurse and lets his teammate die in the basement to sit on a gen. He consistently talks about how Billy is easily loopable, but manages to get one shot multiple times at a very quick rate by Billy mains. By those standars the best loopers are still losing in solo queue very consistently, and I've heard him multiple times complain about his teammates never doing gens, but lets balance around SWF, and the best loopers with RNG pallets/ lag in this game.

    If you don't believe me, I'll look for the clips of him just being insta downed and sitting in lockers, but I'm sure you watch all his streams.

  • Member Posts: 37

    His name should be Tru3Camp3r, I was watching his stream before till that day i saw he camps a downed survivor to avoid DS and i asked why camping, is it true talent? And what? They immediately banned me.

  • Member Posts: 394

    I never said loopers are impossible to catch, they can be caught, but by the time you do, all gens will be done, especially if they camp a broken loop like cowshed, myers house etc.

  • Member Posts: 394

    He usually bans people who falsely accuse him for stuff he doesn't do, alongside general #########.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Oh boy. I bet the balance team of BHVR hasn't stopped crying since they have seen this video.

    This is really getting ridiculous. He does seem like a sympathetic guy in general, but when it comes to this game he just seems to be full of himself at times, and just keeps whining about the game's balance. He definitely does have some understanding of the game's balance, for sure. But if the devs just followed his suggestions of both reworking maps for more mindgameable loops and increasing objective time, we would be looking at incredibly low survival rate and 30 minute killer queue times. How fantastic.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe tru3ta1ent wins like 90-95 % of his killer matches. And I refuse to believe that he has never won against an optimal team during those matches with a different killer than Spirit or Nurse. And he also makes mistakes too, he doesn't play optimally himself in some of his matches.

    It wouldn't be so ridiculous though if it didn't seem like whenever he loses, he blames the game. Like I haven't seen one match of him where he loses and doesn't seem to believe it was the game's balance fault that he lost. It feels like he wants the right thing, any killer having a chance to win against an optimal survivor team, but he seems to believe that's not possible because he can't win every single match he plays.

  • Member Posts: 37

    I am sure that I am not a blind or a liar, you shouldn't believe everyone blindly, not being able to see what he did is not the same thing that '' he doesn't do ''. I tried to check his past streams to show it you but what a coincidence, most of the past streams are not there.

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