The lowest things you've done as both killer and survivor

We've all been there, nothing is working for you even when you're a good player most of the time and you need to do something ASAP to either pip up, survive, do a daily challenge or get a black pip.

As killer:

1° Tunneled one guy cause I got stubborn and followed an experienced looper for 4 gens, got a 4k cause his teammates tried to help him...

2° Slugg killed a whole SWF cause they all had Flashlights and didn't let me hook survivors

3° Used a green mori to get rid of the "good looper" as fast as I could by proximity camping, then gave all the others a good non camping nor tunneling match (I knew who the looper was since the lobby, that's why I selected the mori)

As survivor:

1° Went to the exit gates cause I had a daily to open gate and escape, justified leaving ASAP cause the killer was on me at the gate and I didn't know if he had NOED

2° Chasing a rank 20 GF and making him loose stalk mode again and again just cause I could

3° Using bond to lead the killer (he was a camper and tunneler) to someone else when being chased cause I wanted to at least black pip


  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108

    Killing farming survivors during Bloodhunt (a devil incarnate indeed)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Following Trappers, disabling their Bear Traps, hiding after disabling one, and repeat that until the Generators are done or i die.

    As Killer, i've tunneled once.

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    If there's no Obsession I don't worry about getting DS'd so I just tunnel the weakest survivor while ignoring the flashlight clicker who is obviously the designated looper

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    @Spooky13 Dude... Duuuuuuude... LOLOLOLOL

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    I was running a loot build and found a key in a chest. Got chased by Amanada who knocked that idea out of my hands with Franklin's. I wasn't running bond so I didn't do this on purpose, but I ran her by the only other survivor who was still alive and she left me for him. There were still a lot of gens, I wasn't going to be able to finish them anyway so I used the time to loot another chest.. And I found another key. And then I found the hatch and left as he was getting hooked :$ I felt pretty bad about all of that and haven't run the scumbag loot build since.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674
    edited September 2019

    1 guy tbagged me after every pallet. So I decided to facecamp. He sent salty messages with spamming insults. The next 3 out of 5 games I got matched up against him so I switched to the almighty Leatherface, Ignored everyone else and went straight for him and face camped him with chainsaw reving in every game we had. A couple days later I get back to back games with him again and proceed to do the same lol. After every game he always sent more salt in my PS4 messages and I would respond with some back after facecamping until he blocked me from all the facecamping. Lol I’m sure he learned his lesson.

    Edit: Forgot to mention all this happened during double bloodpoints event lol.

    As survivor... I think flashlight blinding rank 20 killers a minimum of 5 times a game as I was introducing the game to my friends who were low ranks.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I mean.. killing farmers on a DBP weekend, really. I don't tunnel, I don't stay near the hook unless another survivor is there, etc. I'd say I'm a nice killer overall, I even keep track of whether people are slugged excessively to prioritize giving that person the hatch.

    But there's been a couple times when farmers are doing gens, pallet slapping, letting me hook them, and I just.. stop caring about them having fun - lemme tell you, the lil peeps start squawking then.

    But I managed three instaheals in one game against a Trapper one time, with Plunderer's+AitH and one brought in. I gave myself to him at the end, because damn that was dirty, but everyone else got out with a key I found.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Trapper--->With Bloody Coil and Bag add-ons

    Agitation, Iron Grasp, Monstrous Shrine, any fourth perk.

    Triple trapping basement.

    :D Free DCs and Black Pip.

    It's rude asf to be honest and not the most fun thing...for survivors at least. Run for save? Trapped. Disarm traps? M1. Once in a while you'd get a Hex totem in there


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I sold out a claudette (Before EGC was released) for spamming pointing and running around in the corner of the map to prevent crows from happening, I was in SWF with a friend and managed to drag michael from one side of the map to the other, worth it as Michael let me live but the claudette reported me

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Killer: Derank to yellow ranks to do my adepts without fifty tries.

    Survivor: Teabag on the exit gate after successfull DS.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    DS, Head On, and a pallet stun within 10-15 seconds.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    edited September 2019

    Perma EW3 Myers with Agitation, Iron Grasp and Mad Grit, enough said.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    I put on ruin noed stbfl and thrill of the hunt after a long swf seizure inducing losestreak

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Chased a GF around to disable his stalk constantly for the whole match.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    During the Lunar event, I left survivors to die because I had a lantern.

    In a match against a Wraith who wasn't doing too well, I made a Borrowed Time save after the gates were open. He disconnected when he hit the unhooked survivor and it just propelled her towards the open exit. I felt kinda bad about that.

    When I was trying to get the mori-4-survivors achievement, I was running Devour Hope and not BBQ. It got pretty frustrating at times, and in one match they destroyed my Devour Hope first thing. Since I didn't have BBQ to incentivize me to hook anyone, I started slugging. Two bled out. When the last two were bleeding out on the ground, one crawled to a hook and began spinning, begging for me to kill them and get it over with (I showed mercy and hooked the last two survivors). I got a very angry message afterward telling me to uninstall the game.

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    I was in a game where the killer was afk the entire match.. I don’t know why, but I thought it would be fun to trap one of my teammates in a corner and see what they gonna do.. so I did it to a poor baby Meg.. I trapped her and kept watching her till she DC’d..I didn’t even know it was ban-able back then and still i never did it again cause i felt like an a$$hole.

  • Vadim239
    Vadim239 Member Posts: 217

    Once, I clicked with a flashlight and teabagged a decent nice killer for no reason, just because I was in a bad mood.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Walked over the open hatch with a survivor in order to get to the hook I barely made. Just cause.

  • Vadim239
    Vadim239 Member Posts: 217

    I played Nurse with the most powerful build. Hex:Ruin / Barbeque and Chili / NOED / Bloodwarden.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    I used The Game offering cause I wanted everyone to suffer

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    When i was starting to play and i didn't really know how i had daily to mori one person as huntress, i had only 1 yellow mori and got matched up against swf and scored only maybe 2 hooks, at the end when they already opened the exit gates i downed someone near the hatch, picked him and put at top of this, his friends left and i moried him during the hatch opening animation.

    As survivor… chain blinding at low ranks.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I once body blocked the last jigsaw box for a survivor as pig because I couldnt redist seeing if it would was quite funny

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Purposefully sand bagged a Meg because she nearly let me die on hook on purpose (This was also before a match I played against her, hard tunneled everyone and camped) let's just say she wasn't very happy with me.

    As killer I body blocked the Thompson stairs to the basement while a Kate was in their as Billy with insidious and Insta saw. I was in a terrible mood that day.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I'm always face camping arch-muppets for acts of teabaggery, body blockery and clicky flashlightery. Do I feel guilty? Nope. They deserved it. Trying to move about on the floor near a window so the option switches between 'vault' and 'pick up' is also seen as a crime in my book and any intentional irritation won't go down well. Love that sweet salt...when it comes from a pest.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    As killer, I was playing Doctor and I came across a Jake who was pretty good at looping and was running Calm Spirit. He wasted a good chunk of my time the first time I hooked him, so the second time I finally caught him I camped his ass. Rest of the team tried to pull me away and ended up feeding me a 3k.

    As survivor, is it considered toxic to 99% every hook on the map and then drop them every time the killer tries to hook someone? If so then.... yeah. I did that. Paid for it with my life, but it was worth it XD

    Also as survivor, I guess this is a reportable offense but eh. My friends and I were playing with a random who was farming the hell out of them the entire match. Like legit pulling people off hooks with the killer 2 steps away. So they both died pretty quickly.

    So when it was down to just me and the random, the random got hooked and I ran up, pointed at the random and the killer nodded and let me farm him (this was before safe unhook scores existed) because even the killer knew that ######### was farming our team the whole game. To be fair though, I let the killer kill me also after the random died. Clipped it on stream too XD

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I still don't understand farming, I always run Borrowed Time and unhook regardless of where the killer is so...

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Camped multiple times as myers without reason.

    Oddly enough, all those games I camped ended in 3k because of aggressive Altruism.

    I don't do it so often anymore. Thank god.

    As survivor, I just open up gate and gtfo. Don't care if someone is on hook or in danger, I'm getting out of here.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    I hadn't played killer for a while so I was back down to the lower ranks.

    Doc + Huntress Lullaby + Distressing + Unnerving Presence

    Got 5 stacks and just stood in front of the totem so they couldn't cleanse it. Then I grabbed my popcorn and enjoyed the screams and explosions.

  • SureSpear
    SureSpear Member Posts: 211


    That's the most chaotic evil thing I can imagine

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    As survivor, suiciding on hook while the rest of my team is still alive. I used to try playing survivor for dailies but I just don't enjoy it, this is why I stopped. I felt guilty about screwing teams over simply because I wasn't having a good time.

    As killer... hm. Probably the first time I encountered Object of Obsession. I was playing Ghostface, still fairly new to him but having fun, when I noticed a survivor's aura lighting up while they pointed at me. This was on the Game, I was being spotted through walls and floors, it actually threw me for quite a loop.

    At first, I tried to work my way around them, but they must have been a SWF group with the OoO calling out my position in voice because I couldn't find anyone. So I started chasing this girl (a Laurie, naturally)even though she looped me pretty well. I get her down once, move on to the next, feeling like my luck has improved.

    It doesn't last long, once she's off the hook she goes right back to blowing up my spot. By now, I've put two and two together and realized that she must see my aura every time I see hers. This makes it impossible for me to play GF effectively, especially on this map.

    So I decide to kill her, as I have literally no other options. I hunt her down, I put her on a hook, and I park my fluttery cloth ass right on top of her. I knife her a few times while she's on the hook as my way of saying "I know what you're doing and I don't like it". Sure enough, someone comes along for the rescue in moments and makes it clear that they're willing to wait out the entire duration of the hook just to get her off it.

    So I oblige them. We have a hook staredown. I knife the hooked Laurie once or twice in front of their teammate because by this point I'm in full slasher flick mindset. I just wish I could taunt by saying something like, "This is the one that's supposed to save you?"

    Sadly, I was still quite green and forgot about the speed boost survivors get from being hit. The rescuer gets in close, I shank them, they dart by for the unhook. I try to get Laurie but I get the rescuer instead, so they go on the hook in their place. I fall back a bit and go into stealth, peeking around a distant corner to see who comes to the rescue, but with OoO back in play, it's pointless. The rescuer DCs on hook.

    Laurie is wounded and the altruist DCed, there are just the two guys frantically banging away on generators. I haven't seen them all match. Laurie tries doing the OoO thing one more time and it's enough for me to track her down. After a fairly epic chase, she goes on the hook. Third time's the charm, she's outta here.

    With OoO out of play, I hunt and kill the last two guys without breaking a sweat. They die running around in a blind panic.

    All in all, it made for quite an experience and I actually got no hate mail, but it was definitely the scummiest I've ever played. I've never face camped like that before or after.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210


    I actually enjoy playing The Game, I used to hate it cause I could never find gens. I still hate Lerys though 😣

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Same, The Game is awesome to play as Survivor and as Freddy with pallets