
  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Exactly.. That was more than likely an SWF he faced. I solo queue plenty and its' extremely rare for people to do gens that fast.

  • Wow that was sad. He outplayed them at pretty much every loop and still had no chance just because of the killer he picked and the map. Though tbh Clown is pretty doodoo regardless of map. His only “mistake” was throwing those bottles at Jeff but considering the potential payoff for hitting him, it wasn’t really a mistake.

    A lot of people are saying “gens don’t go this fast in my gamez!” and that’s fine but that doesn’t change the fact that they can. Also doesn’t change the fact that there are 16 killers right now and 11-12, possibly 13 of them would have been worthless in that game

  • Beepbop123
    Beepbop123 Member Posts: 21

    Can't use the argument of it can happen, in that case mori should be removed because the killer can end a game really quick by using mori on every survivor. The reason no one complains about it is because its rare that it happens?

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407


    accept it. That is NOT sth to discuss about it because this will never ever be an option and the devs are tired saying exact this every time because people dont get it

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    There is definitely some tru3th to that. I watch his youtube clips. He has some fair points, but he has definitely gotten less entertaining and more whiny over time.

  • It’s rare that what happens? Moris are rare. Ebony moris are very rare. Survivors blazing through gens is an every game thing

  • MasterUff
    MasterUff Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2019

    Moris and keys should be banned for ranked and swf. then make a casual-mode who everyone can play keys, moris and swf. easy solution. + you can balance weak killers in rank matches, like gen time is increased with certain killers. Maybe even nerf better killer with reduced gen time? With a ranked mode apart from a casual mode, balancing could improved over time, faster and better as now. And it dont have to get live because it could be tested first in a PTB. PTBs shouldnt exist only for new chapter and being nearly more as an advertising for new killer/survivor.

  • Beepbop123
    Beepbop123 Member Posts: 21

    Rare people moan about being killed by Mori.

    This is the point your missing, it really isn't an every game thing. watch one of Tru3's full VOD's not just one clip on youtube.

  • Doesn’t have to be under five minutes to be blazed through. Never said every game was like this one. But objective times for survivors versus the time it takes most killers to search, down, and hook each survivor three times are far out of balance and have been for a long time.

    Pointing out that mori’s can swing the game in a killers favor is irrelevant. One is a rare/ultra rare one time use offering the other is a core gameplay element experienced in every single match

  • Beepbop123
    Beepbop123 Member Posts: 21

    I disagree "it's experienced in every single match". FYI i haven't disagreed the gen time might need tweaking just the way people go about using extreme examples to try force an opinion(original post) and the fact that gens going quick is an every game occurrence. I play both sides.

    Your entitled to your opinion and i'm entitled to mine. Your adamant your correct so we will leave it there.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Patrol gens better. I hardly have that issue as a killer.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Leaving a chase unexpectedly can be extremely beneficial especially if the chased survivor obviously just wants to waste your time heading to unmindgameable pallets that are next to another unmindgameable pallet.

    This is a good example of mine:

    "toxic flashlight Nea" (that's just what I call that cosmestic) lured me into the gate pallet which has absolutely 0% mindgame and the computer room pallet next to the gate is another 0% mindgame pallet.

    That's why I decided to abandon the chase unexpectedly and ended up creating tons of sudden pressure because both of the other survivors went for the unhook AND healed the survivor allowing me to slug one of them quickly AND go for the other "toxic flashlight Nea" (again: That's just what I call the cosmestic) forcing survivor 3 and/or 1 to come back to pick up the slugged survivor.

    In the meantime I downed/hooked "toxic flashlight Nea" and came back JUST when the slugged survivor got picked up.

    You don't just blindly go for that ONE survivor who obviously has loads of good pallets around them unless you want to allow the other survivors to hold their "mighty gen repair button".

    The result is displayed in the clip as well. 5gen-4k.

    Conclusion: Leaving a chase is not necessarily a bad decision.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Yeah, especially as leatherface or clown. 10/10 map pressure 100%

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Streaming/Youtube content = "factual evidence". Ok then.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391
    edited September 2019

    ^case in point^ anything to deny facts. absolutely anything.

    Take this guy as a good example. He has truly deluded himself into thinking hundreds of thousands of hours of rank 1-20 streamers, and youtubers playing DBD isn't factual evidence. You judge game balance by looking at the gameplay. not by dismissing the mount Everest of video evidence just because it goes against what you want to be true.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Ok! Streamers and youtubers are superior human beings and their videos prove that (insert whatever you want to believe here). Happy now? 🤔

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Ironically I did post a video as a reply to YOUR comment which you -unironically- decided to ignore because it didn't show me "lose because I left a chase". Guess you only accept videos as "FACTS" if said video shows what you want to see? Perhaps you're just bad at the game? 🤔

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Read my comment again. "ranks 1-20" not superior. Just normal people like you, and me that just happened to share their experience in dbd. Also "gameplay".

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    edited September 2019

    I'm not bad at the game, I've got 1600+ hrs , also thousands, maybe even 2000+ hrs passed on YouTube/Twitch seeing dbd videos. Anyway right now I'll give you the win to this discussion, since I have a social life and discussing here for hours is not always possible.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    To be fair though, he ended the first chase within like 2 seconds, if you can even call that a chase. He definitely should have just hit the other survivor instead of wasting time trying to hit survivors with the bottle directly, and then pressure gens. But it's not like his chases took overly long. Clown normally doesn't have an instadown so the first survivor wouldn't have been hooked so fast.

    He could have played better, but I do feel like his chances were almost 0 that he could have won this. Not a gen problem though, but a Clown problem, and maybe a map problem, in my opinion.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    God I couldn't agree more. I still watch some of his videos, and have watched him for quite a while, cause I still enjoy his gameplay at times. But I feel like I've never seen him lose a match where he doesn't blame the game for losing. It's pretty extreme.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Let's not pretend that all games are like this.

    That's not even normal in red ranks, much less from Rank 5-20.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    The solution to this isn't making gen times longer. If they make the gen times longer, nurse, spirit and billy will be even more powerful when they don't need to.

  • ignoredprayers
    ignoredprayers Member Posts: 42

    jUsT dO mAp PrEsSuRe

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited September 2019

    Why when people link in videos and they end up being Tru.. that I feel like just posting a troll post and turning off the video?

    Cause... I don't care.

    Best way to make people care about your argument.... Include a video of some streamer to explain your argument.

    oh yeah.. need to add the "/s"

  • A logical post in this thread? What fresh Hell is this.

    Chase times and survivor looping options are designed as if gens take 3 minutes each or every killer has Nurse mobility or Spirit mind game capabilities. But gens take a third of that time and 13 of 16 killers in the game are doodoo.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    ffs can we stfu about spirit do ppl forget she has already been nerfed once remember fathers glasses was actually part of her base kit, and at least stop saying she is op when all you mean is her prayer beads addon needs a tweak. do you guys not understand that saying a killer is op gets things to happen where the devs instantly go to breaking the base power for no reason because people don't specify the only reason they are op is because of broken or op addon combos. for example legion broken add ons equals one of the worse nerfs in dbd ghostface addon was survivors issues nerfed to where he cant viably use his stalk as intended nurse omega addons op now they ######### with her power too. gj guys you are causing the devs to kill their own game by making all killers not fun or even having a chance to win against swfs.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325

    It's not even just about gens going too fast, which is a massive problem currently. The problem gets even bigger when you add in SWF for example, when they can call out where the killer is and do gens incredibly effectively by communicating. Something as simple as 1 survivor getting the killers attention while the other 2 bumrush the last 2 gens + adren = gg

    It's made worse again by the fact that this game is all about time management and map pressure - your job as a killer and your number one priority is to slow. the. game. down. Yet this is a very difficult task for many reasons, one lesser talked about reason is that survivors will sit injured on gens, and due to the amount of second chance perks in the game, they don't even feel threatened. If you again, add in SWF, you can end a game in under 5 minutes flat. That isn't going to be every game but the reality is that there are some fundamental flaws at the heart of this game and I'm afraid they'll never get addressed.

  • itsmetimohthy
    itsmetimohthy Member Posts: 43

    Well used to be a survivor could repair a gen by themselves at the speed that four survivors take now. So, could be worse.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    When i read your comments it's why the game is not improving. Nurse is the strongest killer sure i like that. What i do like is that we have to play nurse to win against the best team.

    If the balance were correctly done then all killers should be able to kill the best teams. Same happen to perks the meta is boring and too much game changing, That NEED to CHANGE.

  • MalEducado
    MalEducado Member Posts: 139

    Most of suvirvors are noobs , 0 mechanics , only genrush and fast repairs ...0 jukes ... Keep hidding and refuse chase against the killer ...

    My build as a suvirvor is object of obsesión , adrenaline , self healing and die hard ... ando I don't have any problem to reach red ranks...

    Repairs are for noobs, juke is the most funny thing in dbd ... And avoid the window infinites

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I agree that all Killers should be viable in some way. (Before anyone says it, I know you can MASTER a Killer to make them good, but that doesn't help alot of them are just crippled by design.)

  • ZahmZaddy
    ZahmZaddy Member Posts: 54


    Sometimes it be like that tho, just take the L & move on.

  • RossSama
    RossSama Member Posts: 37

    By far the best post in this thread so far.

    Sad to see that people are using this as fuel for their own obvious bias.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Totally bro, Sure there is some insane flicking/curving Billy players. But other killers have no unique mindgame/advanced techniques. Clown have the potential to be the best m1 killer in the game but they are more of a penalties then actually useful. I mean why does Jeffrey is slowed by his own bottles. Sure every killer have a movement penalty but clown shouldn't have one.

    Survivors are still the one controlling the flows for all the weak killers. It's improving but it's not fast enough. I mean clown/legion/wraith have great potential with their powers.

    Clown can control survivors pathing at loops, Wraith have speed but is not useful on chase ( the speed boost only reduce the distance you've lost during uncloaking), Legion have a good power but bad balancing (4s stun is too much , 125% ms is not enough they should revert it to 132% as the power is non-lethal anymore.)

    You understand the point those could be deadly but instead they decided to nerf viable killers. At one point they have to nerf them too i understand that but why right now, I mean the game is not even balanced on most maps.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    As far as Legion goes, I have a 9 page thread in Feedback about how and why they should be reworked/buffed with all the ideas i've found and agreed with.

    But you are right, most maps do feel against the Killer and then some Killers have crippling design built into them. I am not sure why The Clown is slowed to such an extent when reloading. It seems to have been thought of like "Well he's like Huntress but he doesn't down with his bottles... I guess instead of making him go to a locker we will slow him." But it's to such an extent that if you mess up and have to reload, you might as well keep chasing without a power, hurting yourself the whole time. It is too much of a penalty.

    I believe that alot of the lower tier Killers need help, and to be made unique again. That way you WANT to play them more, and Survivors will see more than Spirit and such as well.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    I've done countless thread about legion and clown which are among my favorite killers. We don't see them fixed at all. Playing three killers to win is not fun for everyone. I mean who like to play against spirit for five game in a row no one i guess.

    It's why if everyone was asking the right change then the game would be in a better place. Meta haven't changed since what two years except with old MoM. That need to change and they are working on making more perks viable each patch now. Which is a good thing but it's not fast enough, They are also nerfing/buffing killers one by one (Nurse turn right now) but maps don't get changed.

    Some killers will never be high tier due to their power but all can be mid tier with the right buffs. Maps are definitely the problem most don't need rework only changes but well, only two reworked maps this year it's insane.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    If you have any ideas for Legion, toss them in my thread. Just keep the "Rush Down" playstyle that Legion is loved for.

    They are working on it though man. It's taking time cause it takes ALOT a coding and work. Just give them the support they need.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Of course i will give them the support they need. All i want it's a game that have a high skill ceilling for both side and competitive play on it.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    And interesting and fun game play with good depth to the strategies.

  • irzizi
    irzizi Member Posts: 2

    this game is unbalanced and broken af

    sometimes i think they cheat cuz its so unfair for killer. pallets and exhaustion perks, decisive strike, borrowed time, flash lights are too strong make killer useless and game fun for 4 survivors to laugh at him in 4 min game. devs know it they must make diferente objective for players to make them busy and make toolbox uneffective so killer can be effective without 2 perk to stop player from progress. and funny is all of those perks are in must buy killers make new killers so un effective

    I think the main reason is they need 4 survivors for a game so make this game 4 times more fun for them

    ps: there is gunslinger that so broken and hard to deal with that i think devs are board with this game and want to make it a fast paced shooter or they just want sell dlc

  • lordtomato
    lordtomato Member Posts: 204

    DBD is D

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    I mean the thread got bumbed, but its still a fairly relevant and valid topic.