Chapter Idea - Winter's Wrath
Killer: The Snowman
Ormond - Abandoned Mines
Lore (I might improve it later)
Felix Clarke was born from a long line of miners who took great pride in their work across the country. Even when traditional mining fell out of fashion, the family pickaxe was passed down from generation to generation. On his eighteenth birthday, Felix's father handed him the pickaxe and sent him to oversee the construction of a new mine. The work was not what he expected, as he spent most of his time dealing with the protesters who opposed the mine's construction. Only a few days later, his father passed away from an unknown cause, and word quickly spread to Felix. That night, he heard whispers from his pickaxe. The whispers told him tales of days long past. They told him that they knew many things, including what happened to his father. They told him his father was murdered. By those who opposed the mines. They were a threat to the family. Those people, said the whispers, must be killed.
When Felix awoke, his body was aching. His joints were stiff and he could almost hear his bones scraping. When he looked in the mirror, he noticed that his beard had grown immensely, but it, along with the rest of his hair, had lost all color. Wrinkles had formed on his skin. His eyes did not look like his own. They were cold, yet burning with a fiery rage. He shivered. He felt so cold that he thought his blood would freeze at any moment. Then, he heard voices shouting... voices of the protesters. They had found where he had been staying for these past few nights, and they had no doubt come to kill him, just like his father. Dark thoughts swirled in his head. He took hold of his pickaxe and stepped outside. The snow became an intense blizzard that drowned out the voices of the protesters and obscured their vision.
The snow calmed down just a few minutes later. At that moment, there was silence.
Bodies were eventually found, but none among those belonged to Felix Clarke, who disappeared without a trace.
Weapon: Pickaxe
Family heirloom, no longer used for mining but is deadly as a weapon. Emanates a strange energy. If you listen carefully, you might hear voices resonating within it.
Power: Frozen terror
Survivors will begin to be affected by Frostbite. This effect has 3 Tiers, but is different from Madness in how the tiers are displayed: Each tier will be shown immediately on the HUD but Survivors will not begin to suffer from its effects until the meter has made a full circle. You will not immediately be afflicted by Frostbite 1's effects, for instance, but you will be able to see it build up.
- Tier 1: Survivors will begin breathing 50% louder and their breath will be slightly visible, making them easier to spot. Action speed and skillcheck success zones will be decreased by 10%. They will occasionally shiver and make a distinct noise.
- Tier 2: Survivors breathe 75% louder. Shivering becomes slightly more frequent and will interrupt certain actions (healing, repairing, and other actions that are not reset when interrupted). Action speed and skill check penalty increases to 15%.
- Tier 3: Survivors breathe 100% louder. Shivering frequency increases greatly and lasts longer. Action speed and skill check penalty increases to 20%. Healthy Survivors become Exposed. Injured Survivors become Exhausted. You cannot freeze past this, so once the temperature increases, the Survivor immediately returns to Tier 2.
Reducing Frostbite: To reduce frostbite, you must stay near fire (fire barrels will be evenly distributed throughout each map). The rate at which you defrost depends on your distance from the fire. You may also warm up faster by holding the action button at a fire barrel. Survivors healing will also transfer some heat between the survivors at a slow rate until the healing stops or both survivors are the same temperature. Running will also slow down passive freezing.
Increasing Frostbite: The killer has multiple powers that allow him to increase Frostbite.
- Passive map-wide effect: Survivors will passively gain frostbite at a slow rate. They cannot reach Tier 2 this way.
- Terror-radius effect: The killer will chill survivors within the terror radius. This effect does not bring Survivors to Tier 3.
- Primary Power: Snow Cone - By using his primary power, the killer can emit a cone of frost from his left hand. This will quickly increase frostbite and also freeze objects. Freezing pallets causes survivors who use them to stumble for a short duration. Freezing windows slightly slows vault speeds. Freezing generators will slow down repairs on that generator by an additional 10% and they will also regress slightly faster. These effects wear off after some time. Multiple Survivors and/or objects can be affected by your cone of frost at a time. You move slower while using this power.
- Secondary Power: Ancestral Rage - By holding the secondary power button for a second, the Killer will enter a state of pure rage, temporarily removing the passive terror radius effect and ability to use his primary power and basic attack. However, he will be able to run much faster and perform break actions very quickly. His power gauge will deplete during this time. Pressing the primary power button will cancel the power immediately, and the killer will crouch down for a few seconds to hatch his breath. The length of the fatigue depends on how long the rage lasted. Pressing the attack button will make the killer leap forward, hitting any Survivors and/or pallets he lands on and releasing the remaining power gauge in an explosion of frost with similar effects to the primary power (more remaining power means more Frostbite inflicted).
Killer Addons
Miner Figurine (Brown)/Toy Miner Hat (Yellow)/Miner Costume (Green)/Toy Pickaxe (Purple):
- Slightly/Moderately/Considerably/Tremendously increases the duration of Ancestral Rage.
Aged Locket (Brown)/Faded Photo (Yellow)/Family Photo (Green):
- Slightly/Moderately/Considerably decreases the fatigue duration of Ancestral Rage.
Snowflake Charm (Brown)/Cold Amulet (Yellow)/Frozen Crystal (Green):
- Slightly/Moderately/Considerably increases the effectiveness of Snow Cone.
Old Stamp (Brown)/Faded Postcard (Yellow):
- Slightly/Moderately increases the rate of passive freezing.
Old Memoir (Yellow)/Miner's Journal (Green):
- Slightly/Moderately decreases the cooldown of Ancestral Rage.
Father's Gloves (Green)/Father's Scarf (Purple):
- Moderately/Considerably increases the range of the explosion after leaping with Ancestral Rage.
Dry Ice (Purple):
- Passive freezing can freeze Survivors up to 1 additional Tier. (2 for map-wide, 3 for TR)
Lump of Coal (Purple):
- Tier 3 Frostbite inflicts the Broken Status effect instead of Exposed.
Cracked Snow Globe (Iridescent):
- Replaces the Snow Cone with a blizzard that surrounds you at a large radius. Survivors within the blizzard are inflicted with Blindness and Oblivious. Removes passive freezing from your Terror Radius. Slightly increases movement speed while using your primary ability.
Father's Letter (Iridescent):
- During Ancestral Rage, Killer Instinct reveals survivors who have Tier 2 Frostbite or higher.
Killer Perks
Blind Rage
You won't let anything get in your way.
Being blinded or stunned increases your Bloodlust by 1 level. You do not lose Bloodlust for losing a chase for 10/15/20 seconds after this perk activates.
"When life pushes back, you push harder! That's our family's way!" - Old Miner's Notes
Cold Reception
Your presence instills despair in the hearts of your prey.
All Survivors start the Trial Exhausted for 40/50/60 seconds.
"I fear that this Winter will be especially cruel." - Old Miner's Notes
Fresh Blood
The smell of new prey puts you in a frenzy.
Hitting a Survivor for the first time increases your speed by 5% for 10/15/20 seconds.
"Those who defy our ways deserve a cruel death. Show no mercy. Leave no survivors." - Torn Note
Survivor: The Survivalist
(He'll obviously have a name, I just haven't thought of one yet. If you have a cool idea for one, feel free to share! Heh, cool... get it? Sorry.)
Lore Summary
Starred in a survival TV show. Found out that he was being accused online of not being able to survive without his crew and let it get to him. Ventured off into a snowy forest with nothing but his clothes and his camera, the latter of which was the only thing that was found by the authorities months later.
Do or Die
Your instincts compel you to fight to your last breath.
Once per match, when a killer attempts to kill you, succeed a Skill Check to stun the killer for 5 seconds.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
Ignores Exhaustion.
"You can't kill me! I'm in my element!"
Note: You will be injured after this perk activates regardless of your previous state.
Fight and Flight
You give it all you got when it comes to fighting off predators.
Pallets dropped by you stun the killer for 10/15/20% longer.
After stunning the killer, you start sprinting at 150% your normal running speed for 3 seconds if not exhausted.
Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
"What's the matter, mate? Did something hit your head?"
Anything can be useful with enough ingenuity.
Grants the ability to search a previously searched chest a second time for an item of Rare or lower rarity with 30/40/50% of its charges remaining.
Each chest cannot be searched more than twice. Auras of chests that can still be scavenged are shown in white.
"All I have to do is survive? Piece of cake."
Notes: Works with Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's, and Pharmacy as if searching a chest normally. Rare limit is because half-durability purple/red keys are pretty much the same as full-durability keys, and this perk would pretty much guarantee a purple/red key every game when used with plunderer's.
I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on these ideas!
Edit: Added a backstory for the killer. I'll work on addons tomorrow!
Edit 2: Added some Add-ons for the killer!
Edit 3: Added some flavor to the killer perks!
Edit 4: Reformatted the post and made a few changes (particularly the Scavenger perk).
Really cool ideas! They both sound like fun characters to play as, that wouldn't need too much balancing to make it into the actual game. Just a few number changes and they seem like they'd be fun and not too amazing or under powered. Maybe even without the number changes, they could still be pretty good.
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Happy to hear you like them! I'll add the add-ons and possibly more lore later on.
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I'd like to see them. Seeing the possible ideas for Iridescent add-ons would be cool.
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I think this is a great idea and I think you've done well with it.
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I just added some flavor to the killer perks. I'll probably continue to flesh out the lore over time.
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I always wanted an arctic-themed chapter! Darkness Among Us didn't quite cater to that, but at least we have this now!
I love the freezing mechanics, as they very much create a game that allows environmental props to have an actual role in-game. Plus, it encourages people to use their senses while searching for Survivors as the Killer. I would say that the power seems a lot like Doctor's Shock Therapy, but this is way too good for that. The second ability is awesome-sounding! Such a chaotic power sounds like a total nightmare to face, which is always welcome in my book!
The Survivor that comes with this package has a pretty neat and fitting summary. Their perks also fit their character perfectly! It seems to me like quite a lot of people want the pallet-sprinting perk. I personally feel like Do or Die is what DS should do by default, so perhaps it can have a different effect.
All in all, what a wonderful chapter!
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Honestly, you've done an amazing job designing this. The Killer does indeed feel balanced and fair, the ultra rare add-ons have a design that really augments the ability in an effective way, but doesn't feel OP. All the perks are interesting and seem also well balanced.
Again, you've done a great job and it's been a pleasure to read this.
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I reformatted the post and modified Scavenger for balancing reasons.
The drawback of Scavenger is that you lose half the charges on items, but dull keys and skeleton keys are very powerful items that are not too affected by charge reduction. It also makes more sense that you wouldn't be able to find a purple or red item while scavenging.