Ready... Finish!

The gen rush in this game is insane and frustrating. Isn’t normal at rank 1 with surv friends that you need to play just with spirit or nurse if you want to have some fun! Then people complain about spirit and nurse... Of course nerf them as well, then i bet the survs gonna play on their own. I find this so unbalanced about this game. If you want to nerf nurse or spirit you should revisit the maps as well. Too many loops in certain maps! And as i said the gens pop out like a thunder.


  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    Man there is a lot of issues going on still....give it time though. I'm sure the devs will have this game balanced soon :D I mean so far they are...doing a pretty good job. But yes I do 100% agree with you as a killer main.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Genrush exists. When you don't heal and unhook last second just to pump gens it's literally genrushing. You ignore everything which isn't a big problem and sit on gens with adrenaline.

    Also, genrush is a general term to describe "gens are going to fast". But we are all humans, and humans are lazy. So we just say "genrush" instead of "gens are going to fast"

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Yikes. No gameplay understanding here, just biased opinion.

  • punisher89_x
    punisher89_x Member Posts: 42

    as killer main i don’t use noed. You say op but to me is not op at all. I always try to win before the exit gates are open!

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    90% of the time getting gen rushed is the killers fault imo. You are doing poorly in chases, aren't putting pressure on gens, not having enough situational awareness to realize where survivors might be hiding or even spotting them and walking right past them.

    There is the 10% where it's just bad luck. If you wanted to argue it being 80/20 I'd be even fine with that. But regardless the majority of the time it's the killers fault on why gens get rushed.

    Kill rushing is also a thing, it's just not as easily noticeable when playing as killer, but there are times when a killer just takes down 2-3 people at once sometimes very early if it's a Billy, Tier 3 Myers, Leatherbutt, or perhaps haunting ground went off.

    People complain about noed, and then people say do bones, and then people say they don't have time to look for and cleanse the totems. Both are rushing their objective, it's just how this game goes. I don't think Gens really need a nerf, but I do think some of the weaker killers could use buffs to help them compete with the killers who have the mobility to traverse the map like Nurse, Billy, Freddy etc.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    I spent most of my time in DBD as survivor. And I still think there is something as gen rush.

    One of the main issue comes when 3 survivors work on the same gen. Even I can't believe how fast the progress bar moving. Doing gens by yourself is boring and long. But when its done by 3 survivors its like 10 secs.

    However I don't know how could they intervene that without encouraging more gen rush.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Genrush exists yung'un, the one who has no gamplay understanding is the one who is quoted

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    edited September 2019

    How it is my fault excatly when they are spawn on ruin. Or 4 of them spawn together and just start to work on the same gen, while I am just starting to patrol gens. That's why fast moving killers are better at map pressure its not like 80/20. More like killer choice issue.

    When I play as trapper and not even got to collect my second trap on a side of the map and get one gen pop in 30 sec into the game. and examples goes for many of the killers as well. and can't say its 80/20 here.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    When they spawn on ruin or do a gen in the first minute into the game while you are patrolling/setting up before you do anything, you are in that unlucky category. The 80/20. The 2 games out of 10.

    The first gen barely matters to me regardless, I'm more concerned about setting it up so when gens do get popped the survivors put themselves in a corner and all the gens are in a certain area of the map. Instead of me focusing heavily on defending an area with a gen way out in the boonies, or in unfavorable locations with strong loops.

    It becomes your fault when you let them rush 4 gens in 3 minutes. Not the first gen, to some extent not even the second. After that you better apply the pressure or you're going to be in a lot of trouble.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    I don't think most of the killers have that map pressure. And I do believe the first gen matters a lot. The more you can delay the completion of first gen the higher chance you get after that. That;s why ruin is a meta perk. It kind of gives you that 50/50.

    And when you are dealing with an organized group. I mean like not 4 SWF on coms necessarily, but 4 survivors who knows what thy are doing, not wasting pallets, knows when to heal when not to heal. Even you down one of them quickly, I mean in the first loop they go into gens pretty quickly. It is really impossible task for some killers.

    I think killers rely more on survivor mistakes. This makes it hard to apply pressure whenever you want.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Well I consistently reach red ranks with Myers, and I'm told his map pressure is bad and he suffers against loops. I rarely get gen rushed to death, and usually when I do I'm talking with a friend and not paying that much attention to the game at hand. Of course I use Ruin as well, personally it seems mandatory for a lot of set up killers, like Myers and Trapper. Not being in Evil Within 2 is not fun. And no traps equals no power. Billy, Nurse, and Spirit I don't really think need it.

    The first gen to me is my time to get out of evil within 1, and hopefully down someone before it's popped. I fully expect it to get done, it's just a matter of when. However I'll make sure I go to the important gens like ones in the middle, before checking that random one in a corner. So even if 4 of them swarm to the middle I'll make it to them before it finishes.

  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    Clearly you must not be going up against very good survivors, and even at red ranks most survivors are still not that good at looping. Once you run into the survivors with thousands of hours who know how to play every tile and make very few mistakes, you will realize that while playing m1 killers the chases have little to do with your play and everything to do with the survivors making mistakes. You can try to force mistakes with mindgames but the majority of the pallets in the game are unmindgameable and safe. Toss in some god windows and balanced landing infinites and you can be in for a really rough time, even the worst survivors can abuse those.

    Most maps the totem placements are garbage and you can expect your ruin to last less than a minute, if the survivors even care about it. Many at rank 1 just pound through ruin like it doesn't exist or use socket swivel commodious / prove thyself etc which basically counters it.

    You can just join the herd and spam nurse / billy / huntress / spirit I guess though. But the wins with them just don't feel very rewarding to me sometimes. Same with using crutch perks. Sometimes it does get annoying where you run into the lobbies where every survivor is running every crutch perk there is though, and you put them back on.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Dang, you right I, I probably never run into good my thousands of hours playing it. I gotta find me these super optimal survivors who know how to run every tile of the map, troll me on the cornfields and haddonfield with balanced. Always immediately teleport to all the safe unmindgameable pallets.

    I'll just disagree with you. Killer skill can be taken into account. I main primarily M1 killers. Also there are plenty of players out there like Monto who consistently kill more than they let go with just about any killer they play. There is more skill involved than just being God tier chaser, it's knowing when to give up a chase to go for others in less favorable spots, because chasing that infinite balanced landing guy next to a t-wall and 3 pallets isn't going to win you any games.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    edited September 2019

    Then you are clearly better killer than me. I look for survivors on gens, injure the ones I can start to chase nearest left to me. I try avoiding main building loops. But have a temperature check if the survivor I am chasing knows their loops or not.

    If I am facing solos I probably get 3k. But if I am facing 3 or 4 swfs it could go either way. Either they are overly altruistic and get down pretty easily or they play smart with gens and probably all escape. I am sure I made mistakes along the game, but when 4 gens pop in 3 min. I feel like there was not much I could've done.

    P.s. these 3 minutes have not spent on chasing one survivor, in case that was your first thought.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I don't know if I am or not, I could just be looking at the games from a different light. Most people don't pay attention to the games they win. But heavily remember and get frustrated on the games they lose. Everyone, no matter how good they are eventually loses a game, and everyone escapes. They could have misplayed, or just got heavily unlucky for that game and it just steam rolled before they got a chance to regain control.

    I average 3k myself, the majority of games I play more survivors die than they leave. I don't 4k every game especially not with a hatch. And SWF are way harder than solos most of the time. If they are not being overly altruistic and making bad saves. But if you average more than you kill...why are you complaining as much as you are? This game has tons of rng, Totem placement, gen placement, basement placement, windows being open or not, what map you'll get etc. You are going to get bodied a game or two. It isn't the norm it's just what you most remember.

    If you really are losing constantly, you're not staying in red ranks and will go down.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    It is not about loosing or winning at the end. It’s the game quality itself too. I either dominate the game pretty quick or get dominated hard. And these extreme ends of same stick are both frustrating. There are few games where I really enjoy the challenge where it’s touch and go. And at those even everyone escaped in the end I couldn’t care less. I never said or intended to say I am sad they escaped. I am saying when they do gens organized it is almost impossible to apply map pressure with most of the killers. Maybe it’s just me and my skill level which is ironically also in red ranks.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454


    Mind games are a joke. How do you mindgame someone running spine chill?

    They know if your moonwalking when it turns off. As it has no cool down

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    My biggest issue with this game as a killer main is the fact that killer players are expected to have superhuman skill to stand a chance while survivors can screw around most of the time.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Mathematically, it's faster for each survivor to repair a separate gen at the same time, than it is for them to group up on a gen. Four survivors doing four gens can have four completed in the time for just one gen. With a crew of three running around one by one, it takes longer, especially when you factor in the run time to next gen. I always try to find my own gen.

    I recently started toying with Legion, and for those who don't play Killer or tried Discordance, it's better than you think. The perk says that a 2+ gen lights up, but it causes continuous explosions, as if a survivor is getting a skillcheck every three seconds and failing it. You know right away when two or more are working together without even panning around to see.

    I like the long games myself. The ones where people are all stealthy, and you have time to wander around and seek totems, go for unhooks after the killer has gone far away, and go heal people. The new meta is kind of lousy for everyone. I often reach struggle on first hook because no one comes to save. No one lets me heal, even when I'm using heal perks. Everyone injured but we're not good enough to play with No Mither.

    Killers hate the gen focus and I hate letting team down when I get caught easy. More objectives would help, but in a way where strong killers don't become outrageously powerful. A good Nurse can shut a team down really fast, even if they aren't going for saves like fish at feeding time. It is very difficult to balance a game like this, but it is an amazing game with huge potential so we all want to see it do well. I would suggest something with totems, but there are a lot of possibilities. I think starting to allow Hex perks to swap to an unused totem would help, as well as perhaps hidden objectives or perhaps Killer offering that adds Entity webbing to a match. Certain lockers, windows, etc. are blocked and if you find one you have to take time to tear it out, like cleansing Demo's portals. Once done, you can now use them normally, but this gives Killer a stronger start to prevent the early rush. Should I post in the Suggestion forum?