Playing killer is a chore

Gens go so fast nowadays, if you try to play any killer other than Nurse or Spirit. if you don't run a gen slowing perk and spend more than 30 seconds in a chase you will start to lose gens so fast. its not the survivors fault, its this boring M1 sim that hasn't been changed throughout the games life time
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I'm only a new player and in the green ranks so I know my opinion carries very little weight but I find being a killer supremely fun regardless of the time the gens are done or the amount of people that escape.
Perhaps I am just an odd duck.
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u need like atleast 2 slots for gen slowing perks to buy urself time that leaves like no room for other perks
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I don’t find killer to be a chore.
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I do to, But I hate when I do good as a killer and still only end up with a single kill.
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Idk why but only recently I've started to get annoyed by the game. I guess I just see all the stupid flaws it has now that I've put time into the game. learning HillBilly is the only reason I still really play tbh
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The game in general can be.
It can be extremely frustrating.
Friday 13th was much better. Way more fun.
I'm a long-time player of both games and enjoy DBD, but F13 will always be my no1 online horror game.
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I find it odd sometimes when I play really well and only barely manage to get 1 k some times matched against rank 18-15s then I'll just be running around putting zero thought into it and I'll slaughter a bunch of survivors ranked 12-7.
I wouldn't say I hate it though. I've had some really good conversations after matches by messaging those that made me look a fool. Even had a few people offer to help me with advice.
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@Dr_Loomis I feel the exact, same way. I still hope that one day a studio that gives a damn about their game creates a game in the vein of Friday the 13th. I like DbD, but Friday the 13th did so many things so much better, despite its warts.
Good news is, the growing popularity of DbD, and Behavior's accolades of having sold millions of copies of the game, seems to be bringing more attention to the asymmetrical genre. So, maybe we'll get a real competitor to DbD down the line. This game needs a solid competitor. Then Behavior either ups their game, or falls.
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if you play killer to have fun then it's not a chore
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@thatguyinktown I'm still very new at F13. Just hit Level 13, almost 14. But I love the game. I play on PC, by the way.
Lately, because I play later at night, I've been doing bots and the challenges since nighttime lobbies seem to take a while. Still, even in bots and challenges, I find the game fun. And since I don't play games every night due to my career, it stops them from betting boring too fast.
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@thatguyinktown Okay, that I did not know about the unlocked doors. Interesting.
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You're just new man. Give it some time and you'll feel it eventually.
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You can do well with ANY killer if you put time into it. This whole idea of only Nurse and Spirit being viable is constantly sprouted out by people who arnt willing to take the time to learn the nuances of other killers and think outside the box a little. "Do I think about what perks compliment this killer's power and make a build with this in mind? Nah, lets just throw Spirit fury and enduring on it and insist its required."
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If there was a god I would pray that would never happen.
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its not fun when I down someone and they instantly get back up because insta heal
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well insta heals are something you just naturally have to deal with
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Then try bubba or piggy or any other loopable killer at red ranks and see how well it goes
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I main bubba and can do well at red ranks.
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I started about two years ago, I don’t find killer stressful, it is actually quite fun and I usually make red ranks. :)
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I have my bad days and good days...killer is fun! But if im having a bad day ill just switch to survivor and see if I can make anything of that 😂 it's a good attitude to have though. In the end it still is just a game and its meant to be for fun. I understand wanting to win and dominate some toxic survivors though sometimes haha
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i dont.
the only issue are the maps, or let us say, the main and biggest issue. And yea some killer will always be hard to play. but first you're not supposed to always 4k and second more and more killer become A tier (huntress, billy, freddy, demogorgon, hag) and at least there are to killers who can 4k every game (s tier, spirit and nurse)
and if you arent able to put some pressure to the survivors then yea it's YOUR fault, not the game's and maybe you should watch good players or tutorials on youtube to learn some tricks and strategies to do so. and still you can get pooped on because sometimes you lose and thats good because the other side can also win.
And..i tell you a lil secret
sht dont tell anyone
(killer were able to 4k in 2k16, when gens took 40 seconds, pallets were everywhere, pallet vaccum was a thing, no exhaustion, 20 sec cooldown sprint burst, true infinites/no entity blocker, no bloodlust, insta blinds, insta gens, permanent sabotage, 80%? selfcare, very slow killer actions and so on)
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I don't care about ranks but on the other hand I am hoping that as I continue playing I'll develop my skills as the Trapper and make it to the red ranks.
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Good luck :)
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Thank you for your well wishes. I don't plan on changing my main and I hear that it's difficult to make it there with the Trapper.
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You’re welcome:) I’m starting to play every killer but Leatherface is my main. :)
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I do... Goes quite well. Im one of the people who use to main OLD Freddy, and he was actually the first killer I got to rank 1 with. Didnt use Spirit fury, enduring or even Ruin on him.
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I make it to rank one consistently as killer, maps are the problem but as long as survivors play very cautiously gens will get done at a good pace
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i mean you can... not play killer if you dont enjoy it
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I find playing killer to actually be much more engaging than playing survivor.
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How much of a chore this game is really depends on the quality of survivors you're facing. Newbie survivors almost feel bad to play against. Kind of like kicking puppies. Intermediate survivors are the best. They are good enough to put up halfway decent chases once is while and understand the game well enough to stay on task and not farm each other too badly. You get interesting things that happen. A nice blend of "nice play mate" and "what were you thinking?" moments.
But I agree with the OP that high level survivors are indeed boring to play against. You very rarely see anything interesting. The optimal play is gen rush and loop with lots of second chance perks and items. That's it. Over and over. There is no mystery what the survivors are going to be doing. They don't care if they are found. That just means chase points. They know all their buddies are slaving away at generators while they are being chased and even if they are caught they will have plenty of other chances to come back.
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I'm with you man, new player also as of 6 days ago. This is one of those rare games for me where I still have fun even when I lose. So far coming to these forums has been pretty depressing because all I see is people complaining about every little thing and calling the game toxic.
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I do to, but occasionally more aggrivating as well
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Playing killer against sweaty survivors is a chore.
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Don't let stuff like this discourage you, Everyone has their likes and dislikes. even though this game is aggravating its still one of my favorite games and was worth the money I put into it.
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Everyone's experiences are different, what you consider a chore might be considered fun to other people.
Like for example, I think playing Survivor is boring and that all Survivors are basically the same with a different skin and unique perk selection... Does that mean everyone else believes the same thing? No.
And also, time is a valuable resource in this game whether you're a Killer or Survivor... So yeah, anything after 30 seconds is bound to get done or not depending on the map pressure, how many Survivors are doing that objective, the Killers skill, etc.