I wish these models were in-game

Okay, so I did a little research that still leaves me fumbled: Claudette and Meg switched races back in the Alpha! I also looked on the Official Wiki of DBD and saw early designs of our original four survivors. Claudette had different hair, her skin color was tad brighter, she had bandages wrapped around her arm, and her shirt was a lighter pink, and her pants were yellow! Dwight was less of a nerd, having no glasses. He had a cool jacket and he had a bruise on his forehead. Meg was badass, with those ear piercings that cut a hole in her ear, a bun, and her outfit was ripped a little. Jake was much more Asian, and he had a beanie, a vest over a jacket, and again, more Asian. (BTW black meg and white claudette are seen in the DBD official trailer. If you looked for a vid of the alpha, you will see people playing claudette, and u will see a glimpse of meg on the character menu.) PLEASE INVOLVE THESE CONCEPTS AS A COSMETIC!!!!!!!!!!! PLS DBD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
