Can Someone Explain to me how Michael is Better than Ghostface

So most people say Michael Myers is better than Ghostface but I don’t understand how. Ghostface can instantly expose someone with a very short stalk duration while Mike is still trying to get to tier 3 also Ghostface gets no terror radius or red stain and while Michael is in tier 3 you could possibly get 1-2 people down maximum and it takes so much longer. Ghostface is a very quick and precise. What’d you think?
Michael gets global exposed and has insane lunge. That's pretty much why.
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Myers has much more snowball potential. One well timed Tier 3 can wipe the entire survivor team or at the very least waste a lot of their time and resources (hook stages).
0 Terror radius is nice and all, but Myer's reduced TR is no joke also.
On top of that, Ghostface is very buggy for both sides (Survivors revealing him through walls, Ghostface not being revealed when the survivor is blatantly staring dead at him at near point-blank range), so he isn't as reliable.
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Myers once on Tier 3 can down all survivors in one hit
His stealth isn't cancelled by survivors looking at him
On Tier 2 and 3 he can vault faster and on Tier 3 he has a longer lunge (Whether or not this is a pro or con is up to debate)
Ghostface can expose single survivors quickly
Can crouch and lean
Best Mori in the game, don't @ me
His power can be completely nullified by looking at him
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i cant look at myers and make him completely useless
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Personally as someone who mains Myers, and also plays Ghostface quite a bit. (Basically all the licensed killers) I feel they are pretty even, but Mikey edges him out slightly.
Ghostface has a bit more counter play to him than Michael does when it comes to their powers. Ghosty boy can get knocked out of his stalking before he gets the chance to expose. And he can't really attempt to go in for a hit and if it fails go for the stalking route. He has to choose how he is going to approach a survivor. In exchange he can stalk a single survivor faster. But he isn't getting the global exposure, nor the increased vault and lunge.
The global exposure and less counter play to his power makes Myers better if only just slightly. I mean there are times when you can take out 3 people if they a attempting to swarm a hook. Also getting to tier 3 does take longer, but he basically is always stalking at dropped pallets and what not, so it isn't that bad, it's just slightly different than Ghostface who attempts his stalking before the chase even starts.
I do think the biggest advantage of playing ghostface over Michael is that he doesn't really need a perk slot for Monitor and Abuse. Anyways that's just my thought on them.
I mean...there is also Myer's higher tier add-ons...they are better than Ghostfaces lol
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Basically this.
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Simple. Michael's Power doesn't get put on a 30 second cooldown when someone looks his firection.
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Here's why.
- Constant Stealth which can't be broken
- Pocket Tier lll which can be activated on any Survivor.
- Exposed ability can be achieved on any Survivor
- Tier lll gives a longer lunge as well as faster vaulting speed
- His ability isn't knocked out by simply looking at him for a second or two...
Anything else? While Ghost Face does bring some refreshing concepts to the table of stealth (even though Pig started the crouching thing...) he's still inferior to his predecessor in every way sadly...
And I don't point this out because I want to prove you wrong, I point this out mainly because I actually wished he was better than Myers... Myers is my main, but it would of been nice if his ability's were improved upon with another Killer... sadly that isn't the case.
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Better snowball potential, faster T3 vault speeds and an increased lunge
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You look at Ghostface and his power is countered. He's the John Cena of DbD
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Let's also not forget Ghostface loses his stalk progress on a Survivor when he hits them while Myers does not
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When that actually works. Usually I will stare right at him for several seconds and get exposed.
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Are you making sure hes in the center of your screen
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Myers is more than just a M1 killer with the passive benefit of being naturaly stealthy without effort. You can further increase his stealth with perks and add-ons, but he does not rely solely on it. He also has janky add-ons, with some useless and some very powerfull.
Ghostface HAS to be stealthy to be more than a M1 killer. If he can't succeed at stealth he has allmost no power. Some survivor's playstyle can make stealth complelty irrelevent. An while all his add-ons are usefull they are boring and unimpressive.
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weird ive only had this issue one time
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Let me ask you this say you was going to be chased by one would u rather have myers or ghostface? Personally I’d have a better get away from face then Myers.
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About his addons: seriously, what's up with them being so boring? His character and power are interesting but the devs didn't seem to want to invest time in developing neat add ons.
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Ghostface just has too much counterplay and limitation (power cancelling on missed hits for instance). It just feels like he was never intended to be consistently competitive in high rank play.
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I'm not sure, Ghostface's purple and red add-ons are just really meh. While Myers has some tombstones, infinite tier 3, and scratched mirrors for variety. Even if I kind of believe that his best add-ons are really just J-myers memorial, and a Bowtie/Dead Rabbit.
Ghostface can do what again? Crouch walk really fast, and stalk faster? Maybe be a bit harder to detect? Nothing great here, nor anything game changing from both survivor's side, and Ghostface's side.
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The only players who say Myers is better then GF are the fans.... when you look at the total packages GF outclasses Myers by quite a bit..... in T1, myers is the weakest killer in the game on like 97% of the maps, in T2 hes a trapless trapper with a smaller TR and in T3 he can 1 shot and vault faster -----> in any of these "tiers" he has nothing for the chase, where GF does even without shroud active...
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He can use his instadown on any Survivor (not just the one he stalked), has an improved lunge and vault speed in tier 3, can't lose his power by being looked at, and doesn't lose all of his stalk progress when he hits a Survivor.
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And SWF can shut GF's power out completely unlike Myers.
Now am I a Myers fan yes, but I also love Ghostface and the Scream movies so this comes down to my personal experience with both characters in the game and the success I have had with both.
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Swf > everything..... if the team is competent you may get 1 with tier3 compared to what you can get in a normal game.... when played correctly GF is solid and even if hes unable to get stalks off he can still use his shroud at loops to get hits when you normally cant..... myers always has that red light and will always get shown the sights around the map because he has nothing for the chase even in tier3.
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Global Expose is huge.
In late game you can finish off an entire crew of survivors and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat with a proper Tier 3.
Ghost Face can't do that without NoEd.
Camping a survivor when the exit gates are open can result in a wipe if the survivors get outplayed and try for the save.
This is impossible for Ghost Face.
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True, but GF can get people exposed in a more consistent basis during the game. While Michael is still getting out of tier 1, GF could have someone exposed already.
So in theory, GF has a consistent power through out the game, while Michael has big power spikes.
So to the really depends on your playstyle which is better.
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Myers doesn't need to do anything fancy at Tier 3. He will win chases just give him Bamboozle and Brutal Strength (or Spirit Fury/Enduring) he will just keep coming and catch you no mind tricks needed.
Myers also has a lot more variety in how you can play him with his add-ons. Someone said T1 Myers is crap but T1 Myers with M&A and Scratched Mirror is the awesome sauce.
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Michael's add-ons make him better. The ability to kill without a mori is also a dangerous talent.
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I do agree that scratched mirror is a fun build... but certain maps are needed for it to work, unless you're in like rank 12-20...
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Myers reduced TR in T2 cant be taken away like GF's TR reduction. He doesnt have to wait on a cooldown to use it. Being able to expose EVERYONE instead of just 1 allows for much better pressure. As it stands, GF can only really use his power to pressure 1 person at a time.