Nerf Spirit buff Legion

Seriously, who is responsible for the legion rework when there's a killer broken af called spirit.
Spirit is fine, maybe her necklace is a little OP, but that's it in my opinion.
Legion is getting looked at currently! :)
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The new fixated will be good against spirit (No, not the faster walking but being able to see your scratchmarks)
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Dude she is broken OP without addons, she is not fun to play with or against this is not my opinion its streamers and killers main opinion.
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That is just your opinion, you don't speak for others.
Most of the people I watch, seem to agree that spirit is ok, but prayers beads isn't. So I guess that means all killers mains and streamers agree with me and not you, correct?
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Post edited by MrBeast on0 -
Spirit isn't op, she's just very unfun to go against. Prayer beads is busted tho.
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she shouldn't never be able to see scratchmarks, her power is infinite times thousand more broken than legion's and they can't see even the blood now
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Mate you can't win an argument by trying to insult someone that's just poor form.
And for the record She isn't OP the spirit is a challenge to play as and against which is good for this game. We need more killers like The Spirit
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Man all of you just want it easy? Easy chases, easy wins, easy hatch escape, what else do you want easy?
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Not really? There are plenty of counters. Spine chill alone is the bane of bad spirits, Premonition can let you know if she's phasing, double backing, sprinting in one direction and walking another, blinding them when they stay still to try to fool you, listening for her footsteps, Iron will to confuse them... just to name a few.
But Legion needed to be changed, but not to the degree they did. In that we agree.
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Remove survivor collision from her at the very least.
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That's part of why she works though....
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Attacking one's character lets them know that you have no argument. At this point you have lost.
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Easy spirit 👌
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The only way she could remain the same is if they gave killers directional momentum so they cant correct their otherwise missing lunges so ridiculously.
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The real mr beast would just buy the company
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You are 100% right, hope she get a rework
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Thank you for your opinion, and I'm ready to play against Rank 1 nurse all day rather than an easy broken spirit
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Mr Beast can you please enlighten me with what you would do to fix Spirit and make her balanced?
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Spirit is a well balanced killer, however I agree about legion.
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Spirit is balanced and I usually make red ranks.
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After seeing this, pretty sure this post is bait.
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Thinking Spirit is op is totally fine. Posting this on the forums is too. That's what these forums are for.
But your replies on this thread show that the only reason you came to these forums was in hope to receive an echo chamber with all people just agreeing with you, not accepting that some people have a different opinion, and then getting offensive towards people who disagree with you. That's not how you get people to take you serious, though. And luckily, devs try to listen to the majority of the community regarding the game's balance.
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Who cares about what streamers have to say? They're just normal players with a cam and they're not better than the others lol
At least find your opinion without using the others. Prayer beads is broken, not the killer itself. Learn to play against her because she's not the M1 killer that you and your friends can run for hours over infinites or bully them
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Dear Ad19970: Thank you for your comment
I don't need anyone to agree with me, I’m here just to say the truth if the devs really care about the game to make it balanced as much they can, they should Listen to old players who Play the game every day.
And I'm sorry for what I said Previously I didn't mean it
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Your opinion, not fact. because she isn't loop-able doesn't mean you can't beat her...
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Please save your comment if you are saying spirit is balanced
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Why won't you answer anyone with a different opinion?
You've posted in general discussion but aren't open to having a discussion...
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That's good to hear.
Honestly, I think it's very hard to tell the what exactly is balanced and what not. People all just have their opinions on certain matters, based on their experience with this game. If most people agree something is not balanced, than that means in most cases that it's definitely not balanced.
Personally, I'm not quite sure if Spirit is op, but I would like to see some change to Spirit for survivors to have more skill based counterplay. As of now, I feel it's too luck based.
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I have over 4k hr in the game and most of the red ranks are good killers, They play a spirit usually because she requires no effort to end the game I mean she is broken more than the old legion,
sorry killers main this is the truth, also the gen rush these days is ridiculous I hope they make it a more balanced game Like it was before.
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And now everyone disagreeing with you is a killer main? Guess I was right to call bait.
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I think you only care about the killer side 🤷♂️
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Spirit is the only killer that can read you but you can't read her
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You can read a Spirit, it's just far more difficult than other killers but that's good you actually have to think to survive. Paying attention to every detail is crucial against a Spirit and in my eyes makes her the best killer to go against.
Her add-ons could use some Tinkering but besides that what would you recommend the Devs do to help you read her better?
Also as a suggestion if you have issues with Spirit all you have to do is use Spine Chill it's unbelievable how helpful it is to understanding what the Spirit is doing
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Wrong quote
You clearly haven’t seen the majority of my post.
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🙆♂️ Let the developers take care of the rest
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When she uses her power it's mostly based on how good she is, and how lucky you are. If she phase-walks on a simple loop, it's just a guess, not a mind game.
The Nurse allows mind games as you can actually see her and react to her blinks. You can't see the spirit and unless you got certain perks it's just an educated guess.
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I don't think it comes down to luck, it ultimately comes down to your knowledge of the game and your ability to understand how the person playing the spirit is playing.
You have multiple options when at a standard pallet loop and it's all about making the right choice which is hard against a good killer but it isn't luck.
If you think it's luck then almost everything in this game is just luck there's no actually skill or smarts needed to play
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That isn't really true there's way more to it than just luck. It more comes down to how knowledgeable you are at the game and also how well you can read how the killer plays.
There's a bit of luck but everything in this game has that in it, every choice you make has a chance to be wrong or right but it's not just blind luck.
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Other way around.
You can react to the Nurses Blinks thus it isn't a mind game. It's a reaction.
You can't react to the Spirits Phase (due to lack of complete information) thus it IS a mindgame.
Mindgames and Reactions are mutually exclusive.
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Any Killer that must read their opponent can necessarily be read.
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Always when I read "streamers" in context to dbd I feel a bit as would I need to vomit.
Some of them have encourage their audience in the past to write nerf threads against the Legion and more important, to dc against the Legion. Aka. doing a very toxic behavior, to force their will on bhvr when I can believe some survivors.
If that is true they are responsible for the poor situation of the Legion in parts with their hypocritical crying and toxic behavior.
Since then, anything they say = I don't care.
What Spirit matters... I have never play her by myself, but after all what I have read, are the most people happy with her, or just complain about 1 addon.
Still I hope, that this one addon is not enough reason for bhvr to give her the Legion treatment (aka.... "Oh noes!, a Spirit addon is op, let us completley ruin her playstyle").
Post edited by Talmeer on2 -
We have same main killers and I play on console too :D
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You only need one thing
Spirit is balanced and she has her counters. Stop asking for ez wins survivor mains.
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I'm glad people are asking for the Legion buffs 🤩
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He doesn’t want to hear what most people are saying because he’s bias. Just ignore OP’s rant post.
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I'd have to say I disagree. Legion should totally get buffed again so he can be a viable killer once more.
However, with Spirit only a few of her add ons can be broken. Lots of people in the beginning deemed her as "broken" when she is honestly a lot more balanced and viable than how most of these killers are.
However, I respect your opinion though!
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It's sad to see Legion suffering after a rework, they have changed everything about him from his addons, ability, and movement speed... I agree the legion was a little OP but devs why his ability!!!!!?
I have never seen a nerf for a killer like that!!!!
And I'm sure that They can't do a nerf like that to billy, nurse or spirit they are afraid from the majority, they just killed him. #buffLegion
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What's so challenging about hoping the spirit makes the wrong decision? As of now, you as a survivor rarely have any input on the chase since you aren't given anything to make your decisions off of. Hence playing against a spirit is regularly called a guessing game.