Killer tier list from a survivor main.

Recently I've become more active on the forums, and started getting back into DBD once more. I notice that lots of people were saying to "Nerf Spirit" but I'm completely against that idea.
Instead of nerfing another killer, only to have a few true viable ones and seeing them almost every game, let us discuss the others killers we hardly ever see!
There's lots of other killers that should have that same recognition that deserve the viability that other high tier killers have! As a survivor main, I enjoy having a challenge put against me by all killers. It sucks that after awhile you see a repeat of similar killers in more higher ranks.
Before anybody attacks me, I play both sides but prefer survivor! So please don't bash on me so hard! <3
Anyways, here is what I usually see in my games. I will be giving a short description of each killer, their viability, perks, add ons, average kills I see in MY games, what ranks they're in, and how rare they are. Of course you don't have to agree with me, but this is just the way that I see it.
SS Tier killer:
Nurse's power is broken if you play her really well. Her add ons are really good. Her perks are great. Average can be 2k but if played well a 4k will happen. Can apply some map pressure. Very rare to find.
S Tier killers:
Myers's power is astounding. Very powerful with the right add ons, and perks are decent. You will get a 3-4k for sure. You can find him at any rank, but mainly high or mid rank. He can apply some map pressure. Common to find.
Billy is mobile killer, best to reaching exit gates or generators quickly. His add ons are great, but most of his perks aren't that good. He can get a 3-4k if you play him well. Can apply an insane amount of map pressure. You can find him at any rank. Uncommon to find.
A Tier killers:
Spirit is another very mobile killer, great for mind games. She's one of the few balanced, truly viable killers. Good perks, and very great add ons. If you play her well you can get a 3-4k. Can apply immense amount of map pressure. She is seen at any rank. Common to find.
Hag is another viable killer when you catch a survivor at the right time. Her power is great, she has decent perks, ruin being her best one. Her add ons are great. You can get a 2-3k, but if you play really well a 4k for her. Can apply some map pressure. You can find her more at low-mid ranks. Common to find.
B tier killers:
Wraith is fun to play, but not as viable as the others I mentioned above. None of his perks are usually ever used, or when they are, they are completely rare. His add ons are good. On average, I see Wraiths get 2k or below unless they're really good. Can apply some map pressure. Almost always found in low ranks. Common to find.
Freddy can be viable as well. His perks are decent. His add ons are decent. On average, I'd say they get about 2-3k kills. It's rare to get a 4k as Freddy from what I've seen. As survivor, I was able to ignore his power and still do generations easily, which can be a problem nonetheless for Freddy players. Can apply some map pressure. Found in any rank. Rare to find.
GhostFace can be viable, but he's a stealthy type killer. Usually stealthy type killers (Expect for Myers) don't really have good games, I've noticed that a lot. His perks are great. His add ons are good. The average kills I see GhostFaces get are 1-2k. (Yeah, it's really bad!) His power can be avoided however, which makes him more B tier. He doesn't apply any map pressure. Found in low or mid ranks. Rare to find.
C Tier Killers:
The Clown can be somewhat viable. His perks are good. His add ons are decent. I usually see Clown's get either 2k or 3k. They usually get genrushed to hell in my experience. He can apply to little or none when it comes to map pressure. Found in mid ranks. Rare to find.
Plague is also averagely viable. Her perks are okay. Her add ons are decent. Average is usually a 2k. Depending on the team, a 3-4k can happen. Her power can be very easily ignored, making her more a C-tier type killer. Can also get genrushed badly. Vomit Registration can sometimes not go through. Can apply little to some map pressure. Found in mid ranks. Rare to find.
Trapper is another fun killer to play, but easily counter-able as well making him more of a C tier killer. His perks aren't that great. His add ons are good. On average Trappers can get 1k to 2k. (In higher ranks), however in lower ranks he can get more of a 3-4k. Doesn't apply that much map pressure. Found in lower ranks. Common to find.
The Pig is another stealth killer, her traps can be ignored by high ranked players and still continue doing generators. Her perks are okay. Her add ons are okay. On average I'd say they get about 1-2k. Doesn't apply that much map pressure. Found in mid to low ranks. Uncommon to find.
D Tier killers:
The Doctor is one of those killers that are supposed to make generators hard to do, but does the complete opposite. Sometimes his power doesn't work or do enough. His perks are good. Add ons are okay. On average, they get about 1-2k or less due to genrushing. Found in low ranks. Uncommon to find.
Leatherface may sound like a really good killer, but not really. His stun time makes it worse for him. Has great perks. Okay add ons. On average they get about 1-2k or possible 3k. It's rare to see LF get a 4k in my games since they always get genrushed as well. Found in low and mid ranks. Uncommon to find.
Huntress has a great potential as killer but hit boxes, and delays on console make it so much worse. (I'm so happy devs are going to fix this!) Her perks aren't the best, I never see anyone running them that much. Her add ons are good. On average I'd say they get about 1-2k. She's really easy to loop as well, and usually genrushed. Found in low ranks. Uncommon to find.
Legion was a killer that you either hated or loved. After his rework, I barely saw a Legion. His perks are good. His add ons are okay. On average, Legions get 1-2k. Found in low ranks usually. Very rare to find nowadays.
This is my tier list of killers I've played against, and my personal opinion on them. I've also had my own personal experience with them. The killers I play a lot are: Myers, Trapper, Spirit, Plague, Huntress and The Pig.
I also play on PS4 so some of these results might a lot more different than Xbox or PC. Or maybe just for people overall. By average, I mean different players not people who main these killers by the way!!!
Edit: Fixing some errors, and added some text.
No way spirit is A. She is at least S but I would put her on SS, since imo is like nurse
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Freddy has decent perks?
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I completly disagree with your Tier list.
- Myers is no where near as good as Spirit. He should be A or B Tier.
- Huntress on D Tier? Ahm... woot? Her Chase potential is one of the best in the game. A good huntress is somtimes even better then a good billy. She is definitly S or A tier.
- Wraith is not B Tier.. he is at best C Tier, but i would rahter put him in D Tier. Putting him on the same level as Freddy is beyond my comprehension.
- Said that, i would put Freddy in A Tier.
- You underestimate Plague
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I disagree heavily. Coming from another survivor main here is my list. (Within tiers best to worst from left to right)
SS Tier: Nurse and Spirit
S Tier: Hillbilly and Hag
A Tier: Huntress, Freddy and Myers
B Tier: Doctor, Trapper and Clown
C Tier: Ghostface, Leatherface, Pig
D Tier: Wraith, Plague, Legion
You SEVERLY underestimate Huntress and overestimate Myers. Huntress has WAY more chase potential, and she's good with multiple people to at a time as well.
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You guys have to remember he is talking about console, not PC. Huntress is horrible on console and Myers seems OP because not so many people have headphones compared to PC and Myers is sneaky as #########. The meta is different on PS4/XOne.
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The tier list isn’t any different imo. People just play worse so you rarely see a good huntress.
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Your tier list is mostly accurate. But there are some questionable choises. Like you i play with PS4
Spirit in my opinion is the second best killer in the game. She is either with the nurse in the SS tier or the first killer in the S tier. If you master the spirit, it's realluy easy to 4k with her. I also play with PS4 and she is my main.
Freddy howerver is in A tier with the hag. He has some nasty add-ons and the teleport gives him map pressure.
Michael however is B tier, I'd say. He has no map pressure not even a little, because when you are chasing one survivor all the other are doing gens. His oneshot ability is why he's B tier.
I can understand the reason to put the huntress in the D tier, because you play with PS4. But I have played her quite a bit and can say that you underestimate her. Playing her with a controller is hard, but you can get better with her.
Lastly bin bong boi is too high on the list. He in the second worst killer in the game.
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No hate but I swear, everyone and there mothers overestimate Myers.
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Iy is very diffrent
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Actually Nurse is considered to be like...C tier on console bc of the controls and the frames.
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Nah, she's definitely still top on console. Pretty sure most just avoid her since it's a lot harder, but I've met a couple good nurses on ps4.
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Huntress in D?
Allow me to point you to a streamer named ZubatLEL.
"Exhausted by the way"
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When I saw this = This tier list is wrong on so many levels even if it's just an opinion.
Then I saw it's based on console gameplay and it started to make sence.
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As someone who plays on console and on pc. The Tier list for pc carries over to console. A godlike nurse is still going to wreck. And Huntress is still good on console as well. They take more work than on PC, doesn't mean people do not ever play them at a high level. They are just less common. But when they appear they are devastating. Also....weird flex I guess but I think Huntress's hitboxes are so huge when throwing those hatchets that a controller isn't that much of a hindrance.
For me:
SS - Nurse, Spirit
S - Billy, Hag
A - Huntress, Freddy, Myers
B - Everyone else
That's my PS4 Tier list.
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People are just bad. Its overwatch all over again.
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ZubatLEL? That's an odd way to spell "umbra" 🤔
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I personally despise spirit. It's not that she is necessarily op she is just incredibly annoying and unfun to play against. Her phasing is very very annoying and she can use it pretty often. If she had a shimmer or something when phasing that would make her actually fun to go against but that would remove a lot of her utility so it probably is not the best choice for a nerf. I think her power needs adjustment because it's just awful to go against. I dislike trap killers like hag and trapper but they are fine and if anything trapper needs buffs. But spirit is pretty commonly seen as awful tbh. I used to play her but when I went against her enough as survivor it felt wrong to play her
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Which is funny because Plague is literally a better version of Myers.
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I’m on console, I don’t struggle against Myers, I actually think Plague is better than Myers. Spirit and Hag are also much better than billy imo.
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Tier is is terrible. Nurse and spirit can't be easily looped around pallets. They are the best killers in the game. Than it's Billy
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Biggest difference between console and pc is the fps occasionally dipping on console. This makes Nurse, Huntress, and Legion Suffer some. Still the same tier list.
Otherwise I would say Nurse just drops to the bottom of S tier due to her being significantly harder to play on console for a majority of reasons. Mouse and Keyboard make Nurse unbelievably easier in comparison.
I play ps4 pro and pc.
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I think Huntress is too now that they removed directional humming.
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I think she is number six but that’s just my opinion.
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Idk who that is🤣
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Search Umbra on twitch, she is a really good huntress.
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Another opinion from a PS4 survivor main who typically plays in green and purple ranks but used to be red ranked a year ago:
The majority of killers can be viable and easily get a 3-4k with practice and decent add-ons.... ignoring that and going with the average...
Instead of looking at tiers, to simplify, I just use top half (SS to A) and bottom half (B to D).
When considering Ghostface in the bottom, I think that's absolutely wrong. Maybe on PS4 he is broken, but excuse me if I'm annoyed everytime I stare at him and he still gets his power. It's a waste to stare at him unless you're on the hook lol. I think every time I've gone against him I've seen him kill a minimum of 2 players. Otherwise top vs bottom, I think this is correct.
I can't wait until the Stranger Things chapter which will bring in new blood. Don't bully the newbies too hard y'all!
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Solid tier list overall.
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Yeah.... that sneaky Plague....
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Permanent T3 if survivors don’t cleanse, better tracking and possibility of corrupt purge if survivors cleanse or you bring add ons. Most players can see a Myers coming so the stealth isn’t that great.
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Honestly this list is getting way more attention than it deserves. Anyone can throw together a tier list, and this is a perfect example. PS4 does have more sh*tty nurses and huntresses but you still run into a few unstoppable ones.
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Pretty much disagree all the way.
Spirit to be honest is up there at least with Billy, but more likely closer to Nurse.
There is no way Huntress is bottom Tier.
I would actually put Freddy at the bottom, I do not find him a strong killer the only thing he has going for him is gen teleport.
I would put Plague higher as well, definitely higher.
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That's an odd way to say "she is the best Huntress in the world" 🤔 I'm usually not much of a fanboy but she just seems to be born to play Huntress. She really deserves the title "God-Huntress".
@Masantonio Umbra:
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How is Spirit, a Killer with high mobility below Michael, Michael is a STRONG killer but he can't protect gens like Spirit, I'd switch places with Michael and Spirit, I love Michael but I know where he is good and bad.
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Also Plague isn't that bad, and Clown is better than Huntress? Lol. Depends on skill.
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You're entitled to your opinion. I just think some vague similarity doesn't equate to "literally a better version of meyers". They both get intermittent instadowns but all the other differences are a bit much IMO. Plague keeps survivors in instadown state by their own choosing to deny corrupt purge - an insanely powerful ranged attack. Meyers uses an addon. The ranged attack alone is a huge difference but then there's the play style of slowing down progress by infecting things and she's one of the most highly visible killers in the game. But whatever... we all look at things differently...
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Everyone's entitled to an opinion man. No ones wrong.....usually....sometimes people are just plain wrong.
Amazing Huntress xD plus her Iridescent Head collection is hilarious
Shes a good killer with a few select Killers namely chief among them Billy and Huntress.
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Michael S? hahaha No.
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Not a lot of ghostface love or fear around these parts... not gonna bother linking but someone above put him below trapper, clown, wraith, pig, and LF. WHAT the actual f? You know he one shots, crouches, and stealths, right?
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My tier list :
I am not 100% sure about Demo's place get, so take this with a grain of salt.
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Always nice to read a so well written survivor opinion that not sounds entitled to either the one, or other site.
Had talk with survivors a lot to my times in dbd, but that whas then mostly in the endgame chat and as the nature of chats compared to forums -> the lines written there, were most times shorter as in a forum posting.
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No. I play on PS4 and absolutely not, the tier list for PC to PS4 and likely Xbox is exactly the same. This just isn't a red rank player or they haven't experienced enough yet.
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Myers is probably the most overrated killer. S tier? Oh lord. Myers is probably like B tier. High B tier on a good day.
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More justice to the Wraith! 🤭
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Probably the worst tier list I've ever seen.
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Myers is better than plague for a couple reasons. Plague often has to go out of her way to get corrupt purge. Not only that but survivors get a noise notification. All survivors have to do is hide until her power goes out. If survivors are smart and patient they can easily counter her. While you can also wait out myers he at least doesn't have to go out of his way to power up. He can get you exposed in chase.
Second reason myers is better is his addons. Infinite tier 3 is near op and his ability to kill survivors without ever downing them is also insane. Plagues addons are just okay.
If plagues corrupt purge wasn't based on an automatic timer but based on use instead (as in she had a certain amount of corrupt that she would have to use before it went out) than she would be a much stronger killer.
But to say myers is better than spirit is pure nonsense that reaches trolling levels. For all of myers strengths he's still a killer that can be easily looped.
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I like your tier list.
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Everyone underestimates plague for soem reason
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Guys I really tried and took my time with this, please don’t be so mean. I understand you all have different opinions but for some people it’s a little rude.
PS4 meta is completely different from PC.