Devs, with the new BloodWeb, will you bring back ultra rare perks?

More rarities will no longer be a problem with 4 perks per level, I think.
It would be cool to have some red perks, but it's unlikely
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What? No! Why artificially increase the BP price of perks even further?? You want to grind even longer to level characters?
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I mean if they would bring back Common tier perks as well at the same time then it would pretty much even itself out
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oh, that is just what I want!
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I just want my pink perks back
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You are that one kid in class that asks for homework after the bell rung.
Why would you want to increase the grind if the devs literally just announced a rework to the bloodweb to reduce the grind?
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No. Rarity searching was broken af with pink perks, to the point that even with 4 perks, it's going to be hard to find one.
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Well, pink perk rarity won't be nearly as much of a problem as it used to be.
But I don't see the point of returning pink perks anyway. Simply for the aesthetics of having a pink-coloured perk?
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Why would they go one step forward and two steps back?
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Grind in son gonna be increased bcs with Ultra Rare there will be Common perks which cheaper.
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Do the new bloodwebs come with this update?
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Yes. More Perks will be shown in the bloodweb, so you can get 1, 2 or 3 Perks.
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Consider that it's more likely that those common perks will already be obtained by a decent number of people, whereas a decent number of ultra rare perks would still need to be obtained. So the perks that are likely to get cheaper won't make much a difference while the perks that will become more expensive will actually have a noticeable impact on the grind.
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As someone else stated already, adding in common as well would even it out. But nobody wants to think about that.
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No it won’t. Making tier 1 perks common and tier 3 perks pink would not balance out.
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Really? Tier 1 perks being 1000 cheaper and tier 3 being 1000 more doesnt LITERALLY balance (or in mathematical terms, zero) itself out?
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Yes pink perks are more aesthetically pleasing
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Not unless the devs have fixed the problems that they were causing.
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Pink perks would be a lot harder to find lol.
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And browns would be easier.
You would get through the tier 1s fast, and be left with only pinks.
The cost and occurrence offset each other.
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Getting pink perk at bloodwebs 70+ does not make up for them being ultra rare for the firdt 70 or so levels.
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Conveniently not tag me this time.
But that's not the point. Because if commons are abundant, and you buy them all, guess what? ANY perks that show up will he higher rarity.
If it comes down to you ONLY needing the pink versions, its not a chance you'll find one, it would be all 4 or 6 are pink.
Commons get bought quick, leaving only higher rarities.
So unless you just, idk, DONT buy ANY perks while going up the BW, saying they're "ultra rare" doesnt mean jack.
Addons and offerings being rare only seem rare because theres ALWAYS the same pool of common options. You cant eliminate them to have just rare things like the perks would.
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Im saying that you wont get extra perks per level until 40 so the first bunch of level 50 bloodwebs will be a lot worse and you wont be able to stop investyin a character as soon ad you can now.
on phone so tagging and autocorrect painful lol
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As am I, it's easy to hit "quote" but okay.
Also, why would you stop investing in a character? If you have then at p3 you're just finishing webs/builds. If you're leveling them, you either will prestige and lose all those perks anyway, or will be getting all the commons out of the way so that when you do decide to stick with that character, you have only high tier perks to unlock.
You shouldnt be able to get a character to 25 and have all 4 t3 meta perks.