What killer would be the *worst* to add to the game?

Title. What horror movie killer or monster would be the absolute worst to add to Dead by Daylight, in your own opinion?
Chucky. I really don’t see the appeal of him, plus he just wouldn’t fit in with the game. How would a tiny doll be able to carry people to hooks and break pallets? It just seems really dumb and I hope it never happens.
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Chunky: I do like the child's Play franchise but Chucky just wouldn't work gameplay wise. Unless there's an option to switch between human Chucky and the doll however let's be honest people who want Chucky want the doll not to run around as a random dude. Just gameplay and thematically I can't see him being added.
The Creeper: The creator is a pedo I don't need to add anything else on that I don't want to support that scum by give him any money.
Jeff the Killer: For the love of god please stop suggesting this edgy mary-sue self-insert cringe fest of a character. If you want to play as a a male teen who stabbed things with a knife just play the legion ( you have Frank and Joey take your pick) also don't bring up Jane the Killer because same thing goes as with Jeff just play Legion ( you have Susie or Julie because the Legion don't discriminate)
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Jason Vorhees. Take away the variety of kills he performs (the game wouldn't support that) and what do you have? A big strong guy who kills teenagers. Basically trapless trapper. There's nothing to work with when it comes to Jason aside from nostalgia. I'd even go so far as to say Bubba was a mistake.
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Jeepers Creepers: For legal reasons, the monster is interesting but ######### the license holder
Another killer I don't really want into the game is Pinhead from Hellraiser. Now, it's not because I dislike the character, it's just because I can't see how his power could work and, as far as I know, he doesn't really attack directly his victims
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Not from a movie but I just hope they never add a killer who can transform into a survivor. On paper it sounds cool but when you play against something like that in game (especially with your friends) you'll realize how useless that ability really is
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I took a huge break from this game and came back when Legion was just released and I was playing SWF with a friend. I met the legion and legit thought Jeff the Killer was chasing me.
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Jeepers Creepers, for the same reason others have pointed out.
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It won't happen obviously, but the worst would be any killer based on an ACTUAL killer. And I don't mean influenced like LeatherFace and Ed Gein, I mean things like Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (which whilst had an altered story, was based on Henry Lee Lucas and featured characters based on real-life individuals). But yeah, that's the worst inclusion that thankfully will not happen.
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Anything to do with SCPs.
Those things are just cringey as hell, and 9 times out of 10, just ripped out of a TV show and changed ever so slightly.
Thankfully the devs aren't allowed to profit off them, so it won't happen.
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They aren't allowed to profit off 173 specifically, however they can do most other ones with the writer's permission.
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Pinhead, because the survivors first need to summon him via solving the puzzle cube.
If no survivor touches the cube, you cannot play the game.
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Jason Vorguees
Hannibal Lecter
Samara Morgan
This killers I think they are very important.
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a slug
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Here's an alternative killer concept I came up with that solves the Doll sized killer problems Chucky would face:
As for the worst licensed killer for this game... The Molester Tree from The Evil Dead. Reasons should be obvious.
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honestly, anything human. I still don’t understand how the legion, ghostface, and amanda made the cut 😂 like first of all if the survivors have a stumble when they jump from a far height, why don’t the human killers? also it’s kinda cringey to see someone like Susie to just lift up David King with one hand and throw him over her shoulder with ease and walk around like it’s nothing 😂😂
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Pennywise because we don't need another joke
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I'm going with the Alien. Its SciFi horror and belongs on a space ship. Sorry.
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Jason - boring, straight forward and we have boot-leg Jason already in Trapper.
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They already added a killer like this in Gold Express, a DBD-like game that's still in beta. The mechanic pretty much works as you describe--survivors (extractors) are rarely fooled by Geisha, which makes her power kind of useless.
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Well, most SCP arent made to be "not broken" as playable characters in a game.
For SCP-173, the problem isnt that "weeping angel ripoff" (although some claim 173 was posted on 4chan during "blink"'s production) controversy, but that there are 4 survivors. A killer you arent supposed to look at would work better, lul.
Theres only a few of those who'd make sense in dbd and fit our killer criterias.
Ageee on the chucky part. "Mainstream"-chucky could be punted around by feng min. Not to mention ego-perspective. (That kid killer in IDV works because of 3rd person view)
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I don't want to see robo-chucky but I would be OK with the original.
We have enough clowns in the game already so I don't want Pennywise in the game (I also hate the incorrect capitalisation of IT, unless his Mori includes installing Windows on my PC, it should be capitalized, "It").
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Robo Chucky would be superior only if we get Mark Hamil.
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The only thing close to that which I could definitely see working is a killer inspired by Jack the Ripper. And that's it. Identity V and other games showed that it could work and be liked by the fans.
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Truthfully, any move horror icon. I want only original killers at this point. Why would we want killers that we know can literally walk through houses and #########, get ran around over and over and over. Then we would complain that they're too weak and inefficient for two years and the devs would hold them captive for two+ years (Hi old Freddy).
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Marshmallow Man
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But the Jack the Ripper case wasn't recent history and more to point we still don't know for definite who did those murders.
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Jeepers Creepers would be the worst I could imagine them doing if they hadn’t already promised not to.
A flying killer would be the worst mechanically.
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Yep, that's right. I personally think a Victorian era chapter would be cool.
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Oh wait.
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Beetle juice
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Jack Frost - (not michael keaton or the animated one, but the psychotic serial killer one from) As much fun as i think a killer snowman would be, it just doesnt fit. Except maybe a winter themed event limited time free killer. That might actually be cool.
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The Blob if it hasn't been mentioned.
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Yall are wrong, just imagine how stupid Monster House would be. It would be just a big ######### house standing around in a map, and whoever gets close dies.
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Jack Frost's mori could be pretty eyebrow raising...
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For any older people reading, this one isn't even fake. This 70s kids show really did get turned into a horror movie. Shame they were robots (not a spoiler btw)
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It would have to involve kate and a carrot
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It's all about deception. If you played Spy in TeamFortress 2 you already know how to deceive other players and move/behave in a way that's not giving away your true intention.
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You knew they would say Chucky Ez
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Ben from the movie series Bad Ben
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I'd love Chucky, The entity could break the pallets and carry the survivors.
But umm...probably Jeepers Creepers monster thing. Never seen the movie, and now I don't want to. Alternatively, I wouldn't want to see the Predator, or the Alien. I find neither to be scary, or all that interesting.
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Slight deviation: I want a map added that's not just another forest. I adore the Hawkins Lab because it's so fresh. Gimme an office building, gimme the home improvement box store from the Ghost Face trailer, gimme a spaceship for all I care, just give me things that make the game a new experience once in a while.
Chucky would suck, Voorhees is better off as a trapper skin, Lecter/Pinhead/most creepypasta don't really work because they're too tied up in their own lore. Alien or The Rake could work, but it would probably be more work than they're willing to invest.
We're probably getting Pennywise, which I'm fine with: but just Pennywise, not IT/Deadlights. The Deadlights as a full creature is on par with or stronger than The Entity, so for the same reason the Mind Flayer isn't in DbD we should avoid the full IT thing.
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Romero Zombie.
Bites survivor, turns him into a killer, now it's a 4v1... vs a single survivor.
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This is the only Ben I know of.
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Pennywise. Just never add him.
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Pennywise. He would pretty much be the only character they could add that I would refuse to buy except for Chucky.