Bring Back Switch to Killer/Survivor Button

It's annoying having to go back to the main menu instead of just clicking the button. Obviously if there is more than one person then the button should disappear, if there is just a solo survivor than the button should be available,.


  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731


  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    agreed, it was pointless to remove it.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    It was so convenient

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    I often play with killer to level up Survivor, so it's rather frustrating. Was there any reason given for the change?

  • Zaibatsu
    Zaibatsu Member Posts: 20

    First of all what I really don't understand is why merge solo queue with SWF queue?

    To be forced to go back every time to the main menu to switch it's just ridicolus.

  • Sillyzombie666
    Sillyzombie666 Member Posts: 22

    yes please fix this its extreamly annoying to have to click 1 to several times just to swap to killer or survivor its just as bad as swapping on death garden. if theres only one person in the lobby then why disable it , i almost always play solo i will gladly disable group play just to get the swap button back

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    Plenty of other buttons Gray out when we can't use them like the character info while waiting for a Room.

  • WhattheHeck
    WhattheHeck Member Posts: 93

    Yes Please bring this Feature Back

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited September 2019

    To all the people who don't understand why it's like this:

    Survive With Friends had an issue where after you were in a game with your friend(s), you would go back to individual queues, have to back out, then go back to survive with friends, invite your friend, and start all over. It was extremely frustrating. They combined SWF with Play as Survivor because they were essentially the same thing. As Peanits said, if you could use that button in a lobby you could become a killer while your friends were survivors. It might take some time but I'm sure they'll add a way for it to work so just be patient.

    That was actually changed this patch as well. You can use those while waiting now. Well, not Character Info specifically, or daily rituals(and character info was actually removed from the screen when waiting), but you can use your BPs, set up your build, etc now.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    I mean, it's not neccesary or anything, why would you... ahh who am I kidding +1 rework for switch button

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    I completely agree,

    Although I RATHER have the ability to stay Grouped with Friends after a match ends during SWF, which is now incorporated quite nicely into the Play as Survivor lobby..

    I 100% DO already miss the "Switch to Killer" feature which allowed me to switch back and forth quickly and easily and I've gotten rather used to it, in fact it was the only way I ever switched from Survivor or Killer before, never have I went back to main menu to do it. This is now requiring us to do an extra step, ALTHOUGH we are absolutely headed in the right direction with the new lobby format, it would be best if BOTH features were available successfully.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    Down the line better be soon.

    “Let people know the miss it already” yeah no #########, it was a basic ######### accommodation that people used every day

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155

    What do you "had" it's still there. Literally whenever I try to hop on with my friends, stuff occurs. Either they show up but one of us don't see each other, an error would occur for no reason, cannot connect to host, etc.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294
    edited November 2019

    they did not "combine swf with play as survivor". they moved both kyf and swf to "custom game". as far as this whole thing about the switch to survivor, switch to killer button, tbh most of the time it just glitched out. The only convenience it really seemed to have was to navigate quickly to either team to upgrade your character. However, considering how you have to manually navigate through 17 characters on each side either by scrolling through them in the menu or going through them one by one.. in all honesty, it was pointless. You still have to manually select whatever character you want to play as and having 1 extra button press to do so ontop of the multitude of other button presses is not really time saving. Not to mention, it's a video game. You play video games by..pushing buttons. Whining about having 1 extra button to push ocassionally whenever you get bored of one team or the other..

    well, it's just silly. there are so many other things that need to be worked on in this game. who cares about this. they patched it because they had reasons. If you don't wish to push 1 extra button to play a video game that involves pushing buttons..that is just silly. the only "inconvenience" this causes is the fact that it used to be there, and now is not. honestly, imo , it's not to be missed. Like i said, most of the time it just glitched out (grayed out randomly for no reason becoming unusable, became unpushable, crashed the game clicking on it) it was more of a hassle than anything.