Does anyone actually like the new map?

I'm being serious here. It shows up nearly every other match for some reason (even without offerings).
It LOOKS cool but it sucks to play on.
I have no line of sight to see people running in the distance as killer, every room is a death trap by pointless windows or unsafe pallets as survivor, and on both sides I never know where I am because there's only like 3 unique looking areas in the map with the rest of them all looking exactly the same.
Only kind of person who'd like this is jump scare Myers. This is just the Dr's map again... but thrice as bad.
I love the map as survivor. But I run balanced landing and just loop the killer for days, since almost every room has a stairs, and vault area for you to use. Use one of those pallets that are unsafe as a one time stun, and get out of dodge and go to the next flight of stairs into vaults, rinse and repeat until I mess up or the killer blood lusts me.
I haven't actually played it as killer yet...been having too much fun as Scoops Ahoy Steve.
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I can see red scratch marks much better. I only played it once, so I don't know its layout and get confused on how to get to where. Ill better know once ive played it more.
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Any map I can use scratched mirror on is a good map in my book.
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I like it, balanced landing heaven :)
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It does look cool, but it's extremely confusing and annoying. I probably played it like 15 times yesterday and I still don't know my way around it because nothing really stands out from the other rooms.
I also hate how many unsafe pallets and dead ends there are in some rooms. Definitely not a map i'll be bringing offerings for.
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Yes, I think it needs more doodad markers dotted around the map to maintain the sense of where you are.
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Well Myers just destroyed us on it so I don't like it.
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It looks very good. A bit sprawling.
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I hear your concerns.
To me it's honestly just like Lery's, and i'm very good at Lery's.
There's 1 loop i personally encountered that's absolutely broken when you run Balanced Landing, no fun to be had there.
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*Fragile Wheeze *
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*survivor with balanced landing joins the chat*
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Hello there
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I honestly love it! I feel more lost in this one than the others. It makes me a little more stressed as to whether or not I'm going the right way.
It definitely has brought back some of the spook factor for me with this game :D
The lightning and noises, and floating ash, etc. are all grand.
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Me:Balanced Landing on
Game:Mother's Dwelling
Me:Balanced Landing off
Game:tHe UnDErGrOuNd cOmplEx
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It's garbage, bl is too strong another Haddonfield pile of trash
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Mother’s Dwelling is pretty good for BL.
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Well...20% of the map. Anywhere else, you better run fast. XD
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But that 20% is super strong, plus you can usually make it to the main building.
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But that 20% is super strong, plus you can usually make it to the main building.
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I love the new map.... it may take time getting used too for sure but I dont mind that at all
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The new map looks astonishing. The best map that they have ever created in terms of visuals, details, atmosphere ... etc. Kudos to them.
Gameplay wise, it is the worst ever. Playing in this map feels 2 dimensional without any depth. There are a lot of pallets but 90-95% are too unsafe; there is no space for skills or mindgames. It is just holding W for both killers and survivors. The bottom line is, it is BORING.
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I played a ton of games yesterday and most of the killers in purple ranks didn't seem to struggle very much, but I played mostly solo survivor on PS4. Those little rooms on the second floor don't benefit the survivor very much especially that tiny room with the pallet.
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Fun to play on as survivor. As killer, unless you're Michael, Ghostface, or Piggy then you probably won't have much fun.
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As a Myers, Gorg, and Ghost Face main, yes.
I do also love it as survivor, but give it time, and people will fully figure out the map tiles
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Can we talk about that one room on the third floor with the single pallet in it? That's the best room in this entire game for killers. I love it.
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90% of the pallets are unsafe? I've played the map a few times and I don't see how that's true. There are definitely some unsafe ones, but also some safe ones and a good amount of mindgameable ones. I feel it's quite well balanced, though a few less unsafe ones and a few more mindgameable ones would be nice.
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I'm starting to like the map. It has a lot of new and quite unique pallet loops as far as I can tell, which I think needs some getting used to.
Visually it's particularly impressive.