Q&A: Stranger Things and 3.2.0
Why is the new dlc so much more expensive than the rest? It's just 1 more survivor
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Buff the Demogorgon please its to low. Gen Rush with Ruin is real
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Any chances of improving/reverting the new hair textures? It looks fuzzy and see-through on pretty much all settings (especially on low), I can see some characters bald heads through their hair & a lot of them don't look like the same hairs I purchased before the update :(
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You guys added new materials which I am really happy with, but there are still some problems with them, best example to see it is nea's default head, the hair now is really pixely and transparent.
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Will the dbd ost dlc on steam be updated with all the chapter and event themes?
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Feng Min's hair got toned down from rich black to dark grey, can we have it back to rich black please?
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Are we going to see changes to Leatherface in the future? His power compared to other killers is extremely weak considering he has a normal terror radius and his chainsaw is most of the time used to down 1 survivor at a time. The way his chainsaw is designed kinda encourages camping to get multiple survivors downed at once. And besides, no one likes going against an insidious basement leatherface.
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The achievement So Alone does not appear to be working for me, I've repaired every generator on the map at least once (including the portal room and the room upstairs) but I never get the achievement when I escape. I'm on pc, am I doing something wrong or is it bugged?
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Which killers are you guys considering for the undetectable status?
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I have a question just to cure my own curiosity. Yesterday on September 17th the Stranger Things update went live. The DLC however was nowhere to be found on Steam. Then just shortly after I'd updated I checked the DBD in game shop and saw the DLC, I clicked it and it went to the steam store with the Stranger Things DLC for $11.99 USD. My question then is why wasn't I able to find it on Steam but it appeared on the in game store?
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Is there any reason why did you guys removed the survivor/killer switch button? Do you also plan to bring that back? I don't want to go back to main menu to switch between the two.
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Why is feng's hair on low settings extremely pixelated? And can you guys look into it?
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What other ideas you had for the demogoron? Or was the idea we have now the original one?
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Will you guys look into the hair issue on low graphics? I've seen a few people say that some hair looks pixelated and transparent. I have the same issue, see Nea's hair before and after the 3.2.0 hair change.
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This would be extra work, like a lot and couldn't work on some maps, but can't the Demo. use the portals on walls, sides of hills and such? So it wouldn't just be on the ground?
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When do you guys plan to actually make pallets on Hawkins that killers actually kick instead of bloodlusting it's literally like reworked game when it first came out the map is terrible and extremely unfun for survivor.
Skill really does not matter on that map as almost 90% of the pallets a killer just holds W.
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Is there a Splinter offering for the Demogorgon? Or has the splinter idea been completely abandoned/forgotten?
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Will you ever add lobby or post-game chat to consoles?
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What happened to hair? It's more transparent and sometimes disappears when looking at it from certain angles.
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Can we have anything yet about the archives and the rift (upcoming middle-chapter) like the price or any info?
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Why does Fixated require being uninjured while Urban Evasion, a perk that previously had this requirement, does not?
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Why is Demogorgons center top "flesh flap" significantly smaller than the rest of his "flesh flaps?" Was this a design choice? Or was there some limitation that prevented all of the flaps from being the same size?
Post edited by FireHazard on2 -
Does the overcharge perk combine with surge?
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What exactly is the advantage/buff of adding oblivious to sleeping survivors with the Nightmare? I actually am confused on how it makes him any stronger.
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Why does the object of obsession fully see Freddy in a dream? Will this be fixed?
Post edited by reds0r on1 -
I heard somewhere that Steve and Nancy are not voiced by their original TV series actor / actress (Joe Keery and Natalia Dyer). Can you confirm this? If it is true who are the voices behind the characters in Dead By Daylight?
I've been really confused and honestly perplexed by this decision when considering you were able to get Bruce Campbell himself to voice Ash Williams. Could you please shed some light on the situation and explain why they were not able to voice their own characters? It unfortunately takes away from my immersion and experience with the new DLC, seeing these characters look really similar to their real life counterparts, but not sounding anything alike (especially Steve).
I really hope this question gets answered, I really truly am extremely curious.
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Will there be future cosmetics for the stranger things characters
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Are you guys planning on revoicing Steve? Steve’s SFX sound so lazy and bad that it doesn’t even sound like he’s in pain or anything. He sounds like a kid going through puberty who has never once tried voice acting in his life. Especially when he’s placed on a hook. It’s just sad.
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Will the be an info line saying If a player is playing killer or in lobby with 2/4 survivors??
That would be reaaaallly useful
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Are cosmetics comming soon for lizenz killers ???
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My only Question is why Ghost Face and Wraith don't have Undetectable, when OoO hurts them the most?
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Which killers are you planning to give a big buff or nerf on the power?
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Will you ever release Nancy Wheeler with the bat outfit?
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Why does dying light still give the obsession so many benefits despite the fact they no longer have a massive target on them?
Immunity to the slowdown.
Reduce chance of becoming the priority target due to losing the effects of dying light if they die
Increase speed of altruistic actions
I can understand having one or two of these factors but all of them at once makes you obsession for too safe with no downsides.
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Are there going to come out other availabile cosmetics for licenced characters who dont have any right now like Laurie and Michael and are there other cosmetics going to be added to Tapp Pig Ghostface and Ash?
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i thought the bloodweb was going to be changed with the new chaptor? where you get more choice of which perks you want to buy?
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Will all killers receive their own unique terror radius sound?
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Why does the new dying light still have the negative effect of obsession having faster action speeds?
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Any plans to rework the killers who have become outclassed by other killers? Clown in particular is just a weaker Freddy right now, and could use some love.
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Are you planning on having a unique event for the Stranger Things DLC? If not, will there be one in the near future?
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Is there going to be more balance changes in future patches?
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@Peanits @Patricia @not_Queen An important question, since when you are asleep as a survivor you have the state (oblivius), if the survivor has the perk "object of obsession" do you see Freddy since there is no radius of terror? Since now lullaby is not considered as radius of terror, can you see the killer with the perk or ... is it a bug?
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With these new hair materials, some hairs look nice while others still look off and weird. Is this being looked into? Will we also be getting hair physics back eventually? Or at least have an option to enable them?
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Are there any plans to nerf Prove Thyself or any nerf to generators? Just asking because it is operation health after all and that is a hugely unbalanced part in the game
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Will we get to see any new cosmetics for Nancy, Steve or the Demogorgon? Or will they be treated the same as other liscenced dlcs?
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Do you plan on merging We're Gonna Live Forever with something like Dark Sense? Just to give a reason for the extra blood point perk much like BBQ and Chilli. Every unhook you see the killers aura for 5 seconds etc. Gain a stack up to 100% extra bp.
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Will there ever be other characters from the same chapter/licensing being released? For example Chief Hopper played a significant role in the show which I believe has become one of the fan favorites and would be an awesome addition to DbD
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Are Natalia Dyer and Joe Keery the voice actors for Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington in Dbd?