The only toxic people are the ones that main one side of the game


I've come to realize that people who only play one side are the ones who are the most entitled to things, I just had a game where the 5th gen popped, this is rank 3 btw legion for a daily. and I was already in chase and decided instead of going to a gate and not getting anyone, I would down this person and camp them since they were only hooked once. there were only 3 people left at this point so I downed this person and proceeded to camp them, And of course as expected the other two came running back and one was injured and out of position so I downed them and ran back to the hook to make sure it was a confirmed kill at least ending with a 3k which I did. the survivor I camped then proceed to cry about how I face camped to much and that I was a bad killer even though it got me 2 kills when end game was about. I asked how often they play killer for having 2k hours in game and they said they main survivor. I've seen this from both sides both the killer crying and the survivor crying and each time I ask it what they main and each time its the one side or the other. So my message is to please educate yourself on both sides of the game if you are going to cry about what either side did. if you want more info on the match you can ask me.

P.S my first kill was awarded by camping a tbagger at which everyone came to save and got them all hooked at least once by the end of it and the tbagger dying first


  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 685

    I got yelled at by a 3 Man SWF for camping today as I played my first ever game of Demogorgon. Game starts and I move towards a far gen where I see Survivors. Down one, injure another, hook my downed Survivor, injured one runs up to save so I smack them down like they deserve, go hook them, first one gets unhooked, move over, smack a survivor, wash, rinse, repeat.

    Highlights include following scratch marks to a locker, pouncing at a vaulting Survivor, and downing someone who wanted to be a hero and crouch in front of the hook five feet away from where I picked up a Survivor.

    Felt bad for the fourth Survivor who soloed four gens while I dealt with the Three Stooges. By the time I killed all three, hatch spawned in my little playground. Closed it, trapped both exit doors with portals. All I had to do was wait, he triggered a portal, and it was bye bye Meg.

    Anyways, the three yelled at me for hunting Survivors. Guess I broke a bunch of the Survivor rules haha

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Also, not trying to give excuses, sometimes people are having a bad day for whatever reason and a high stress game like this tips them over the edge. Happens to the best of us.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    Wanna see toxic? Play scratched mirror Myers on Lery's. Every survivor ever says something toxic or negative afterwards :)

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,003

    Whenever someone pulls this on me I go "So? It worked didn't it? Nothing says I have to play by your rules."

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    With all due respect I have to disagree. As @DudeDelicious has already stated, people either choose to be disrespectful/entitled or just plain mean or they don't. Who you do or don't play doesn't really have much bearing on it from my own experience.

    Some people just don't like to lose no matter what side they happen to be playing at the time. It IS more likely that someone only playing one side will have a bias, but I've seen plenty who play both sides, throw their toys out the stroller because things don't go their way.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    Exactly, But they are right to some extent that some people just have a bad day and let it out on this game. Ngl I've done it a couple of times

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019

    Not true at all, for example I've met countless people that play both Killer and Survivor that could possible be the most entitled, toxic, and obnoxious people I've ever encounter in a game period.

    This community really does foster some of the most entitled players I could've ever come across in my life time... And I've played A LOT of games. Most toxic people here are worse, due to them just being overall childish and without reason, at least some people in other games had some sort of care or reasoning for what they do/did.

    Of course, this game can also have the nicest people you could come to know, its just unfortunate that it also can have some of the worst...

  • ignoredprayers
    ignoredprayers Member Posts: 42

    I think its generally true. I have a lot of empathy for the other side these days whenever I play. If you've had to deal with a facecamping killer or someone that slugs all 4 people and makes them bleed out, you won't do it to survivors. If you've had a match as killer where you get absolutely smashed and nothing goes your way, you won't teabag when you see it happening to a killer in your match.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I play both sides, and I've seen this to be true. I don't act toxic naturally, and after seeing survivors act that way to me, I refuse to do it to the killer.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    I'd say a better wording would be "people who don't understand both sides" i say this because i main killer but i have a firm understanding of survivor because of all the videos and reading on the forums, yet I'm not toxic in the slightest

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I've noticed this from a personal perspective. I prefer to main killer but recently I have been playing survivor just to make the queues shorter for my brothers and sisters in arms.

    I've noticed that as I keep playing survivor over and over again I become more sympathetic to survivors and less so to killers. I don't generally do jack in the post game chat, but all game I noticed I tend to grumble about tunneling, or camping a bit more.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Ahh, the good ol' "All bad guys came from Slytherin, but not all Slytherins are bad guys."

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,289
    edited September 2019

    It's not really associated with either side at all. Some people just love a nice helping of schadenfraude, and they're in every game that exists.

    I'd say that someone who does the whole "playing for salt" stuff as killer is likely to be a bit of a twat as survivor as well, and same for the other way around. It's a personal thing and not a killer or survivor thing.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,097

    I play both side and honestly it doesn't matter what side you play. You get survivors who want to be entitled to survive and you get killers that want 4k.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Far as I can tell, it doesn't matter if you play Killer, Survivor, both, PUBG, Fortnite, CoD, Battlefield, Magic, Yugioh, or Poker. If someone has a toxic mentality, they will probably be toxic no matter what.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I play both sides and I'm toxic as #########.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    It’s more fun to hook the toxic people and just tell them gg. They usually spit back with something stupid like ‘you wouldn’t have won without pgtw, ruin, and your add ons’

    ummmmm duh? That’s over half the build. Gl in the next one

    my most enjoyable moments in this game are putting people on tilt and getting all of their salt

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    The only one biased here is the TE.