Enough is enough. Behavior needs to create bad player lobbies.

In the microcosm of tonight's matches here's what I tallied:

3 killer matches with 4 total DCs and 2 people suiciding on their first hook.

4 survivor matches with 9 total DCs. That's 9 out of a possible 12.

This is a small sample of a much larger problem. Almost every other online PvP game has a bad player lobby for those who purposely sabotage normal gameplay, why doesn't Dead By Daylight have one? Why aren't the devs giving these people a taste of their own medicine?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019

    Or you know, just punish DCers more often... Because its not like people know how to work around the system at the moment...

    Thank The Entity that dedicated servers are coming to fix that.

  • SeekerOfSouls
    SeekerOfSouls Member Posts: 48

    Ya hopefully with the inclusion of Dedicated Servers, this issue won't be AS relevant.

    Though I do wish some more stern measures would've been taken, as whenever I do play as survivor its really crippling to the team. As killer, you just miss out on so many potential Blood Points you could've milked from the DCing survivor(s).

    The worst is when you pop a +X% Blood Point offering, that's the absolute worse.

    I don't know...maybe they can bring in some safeguards? For example, if you have people DCing within the first 3 minutes of the trial, a prompt comes up asking if the remaining survivors and killer want to end the Trial early. Doing so would save all offerings (except for the dcer(s) obviously) and either no BPs are made or maybe 5k BP max for each remaining player from the Trial if everyone agrees to cancel the Trial.

    Something of the sort.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    At least now as survivor you can dodge lobbies if you get survivors in green ranks or higher. Sorry but green ranks and higher means either the player is new, the person might be good but doesn't play often, or they dc and suicide a lot. I'll only play with ranks 8 and under. I'm rank 6 currently so it's not being hypocritical. I've been trying to give the green ranks a chance but it seems 8 times out of ten it's a dc'er or someone that's just not very good.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I've never seen a game with a bad player lobby.

    What I have seen are games with RANKS and the ones in the lower ranks are the "bad players." And games that ban griefers.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    What rank are you? I see some dc's but not nearly that much. And if the devs don't want suiciding to be part of the game, it wouldn't be part of the game.

    And isn't there a trophy for yeeting yourself off the hook? Can't punish people for doing what the game intends to happen and even encourages.