So I just started playing The Shape.....

And oooooooo man I'm having so MUCH fun. The very first game I played lvl 1 Meyers took 10 min for the survs to get all the gens and i only had one hook. They get to the gate and i pop tier3. Chaos ensues and I manage to get three on hooks and have a stare down with a Dwight(I really don't like Dwights) who wisely decides to nope on out the gate.
Ive played a few killers but I haven't felt that good as a killer in a looooooooooooooooong time. The second game i had two clowns that ended up in the basement with in 45 seconds so i let the other two get their gens so they didn't loss a pip due to idiots. Few other games but always a 3k or 4k. I was playing at the green and purple ranks. So is this a thing? People seem to lose their minds when tier 3 pops off.
Got Discordance off the start for the blood web soooo that might be helping me out......its all I'm running right now.
If you really want to have some fun
Tinkerer, Monitor, Discordance, Ruin
One of the mirrors
I die of laughter every time I grab someone off a gen and they just don't wiggle
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I was actually thinking about this!!!! Its like a fair Spirit but worse cause you should have been looking. 😂