dansX Member Posts: 1
edited September 2019 in Creations

sorry if i have bad english but here you go

so the idie of the killer (pennywiae) is that when he attacks one hand turnes into a spider hand (SPOILER)

like it chapter 2 in the final battle. His abilitys are (THE FIRST ONE) his ability is that you have a scare meter and if your close to his raidus the meter gets hghier and hghier to stops this you have to be around other players to help you get through the fier and his SECONED ABILITY is that when he is close to a generater he can spawn a red ballon that when close to it the ballon burst and blood will come ot of it with this the scare meter will rise up and you'l heal slower.When the ballon pops it burst out blood and it stuns you and notifing teh killer were you are.The perks are these (FIRST PERK) AFRAID ALONE this perk is when you work a genarater alone and you fail a genarator you get shown for 10 seconds. (SECONED PERK) YOU'L FLOAT TOO in this perk when your working on a genarator with your friends or alone he can use this only 2 times if your close to a genarator with alout of players next to it you use it than a player will flout up and you have to pull him down he has 50 seconds staying up there and if you dont make it in time he will fall down pennywise gets alerted and he can hook you his THIRDE PERK is called real enough for you if a surviver does a running acction next to a 15 raidies he will be exposed

and his mori will be deadlights pennywise will pick you up and open his mouth and his deadlights apier

and he will leave you there and the other survivers can see you floting up in the air

EDIT:i forgot to add the survivors will be bill and richie

Post edited by dansX on


  • I had the same idea's as you, though my perks were slightly better, check it out, Killer Idea: Pennywise (The Dead Lights)