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Why do killers take it personally when you break their Hex Totems?

Member Posts: 2,886

If the killer sees me break the hex totem or reasonably assumes I'm the one who did as I'm coming from the explosion, you can bet your butt I'm gonna get tunnel-camped for the game. Happens maybe 7/10 times that they see me break the totem.

Is there a reason why you all feel like I murdered your wife and daughter when I break your hex totems?


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  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Uhh no, i don't feel like you murdered my wife and daughter if you cleanse my Hex Totem.

    And i LOVE Devour Hope, as you can see.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Never happened to me. Never did it either. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 599
    edited September 2019

    Does killer really need an explanation, why he wants to kill you personally more than others?

    Obsession status supposed to do that thing, btw :/

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Everyone responds differently to that situation. If the totem breaks very early then it hasn't had much of an effect on the game which can be frustrating as you're burning perk slot space for something that is dead. Just take it a general purpose sign that people are frustrated with the game being the way it rather than it being personal.

    Not that it isn't personal for some players, but it lessens the self imposed stress and the undeserved self hype that can come from being targeted.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Breaking my hex totem is like walking in my house going to the kitchen and stealing the cheese. You just don't do it.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    This exactly. Hexs are high risk high reward you should expect them to be cleansed quickly. If a killer is actively ruining your game because you are the person broke it or they assumed you did. They are just a little immature and bad sports. I promise you in 2-10 mintues you wont even care in a new game.

  • Member Posts: 1,899

    They're just upset you took away their perk. I wouldn't take it personally.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Breaking an important hex totem before it was used is the emotional equivalent for the killer as stealing someone's dog right in front of them.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    How irritated I am from a hex totem being broken depends on two things.

    1.) How early in the match the totem is broken.

    2.) How close in proximity I am when the totem is broken.

    If I run directly to the hex totem at the beginning of the match and you've broken it before I can even get to it to try and defend it then yes, I very well might make it my mission in life to ruin your day. Is it your fault? Not really. It's really more of an issue with game design. IMHO survivors shouldn't even be able to interact with an active hex totem in the first 30 seconds of a match. None the less, I guess I am a less evolved being in that I will take out those frustrations on the player breaking my totem.

    The other thing that will set me off is survivor "cockiness". If I'm chasing a survivor and you are flagrantly breaking a totem when I am nearby then you will get my full attention for the rest of the match. To me, that is just a respect thing. Fair or not, when I'm the killer I get to decide what is fair.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I think its the same reason survivors get mad at Franklins demise, its annoying.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Personally I love when they get mad because they tunnel me while the rest of my team gets 3+ gens done.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Some people get upset when one of their most useful perks which gives them the upper hand in the game gets destroyed.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    Why not wait till the killers not in the area so you can then break it in peace ?.... some killers take offense when players do things when their near by (finishing a gen, breaking the hex) it may make them believe that you're not threatened or whatever... it's a bit childish imo..

    that's how I look at it

  • Member Posts: 1,147


    Break my totem I'm going to go harder than if my totem was left standing.

    You just have to up your game as killer if your Gen Regress perk ain't working out.

    (Cause if they take out the Hex you only have 3 Perks..)

  • Member Posts: 1,510

    I don’t really care unless survivors try to break it or coordinate breaking it in front of me. It just screams disrespect and bullying a killer they know must be below them. I won’t tunnel though. I refuse to let them get and break my goat.

  • Member Posts: 236

    Dont really get upset over it, just hope I was mid chase and not nearby because if i had no other survivor on my screen at the time. I know that i will soon have one.

    The only time it is upsetting is when the hex totem goes bye bye before I can even decide what my game plan for the match is (I.E. 20 seconds into the game) but at that point im probably not even remotely close to try and tunnel or camp anybody. Just feels bad i took a gamble and didnt even get any use out of it. Which is just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.

  • Sometimes the wrong person gets targeted. I had a match where someone cleansed a hex totem near me and I got chased, downed, hooked, and tunneled hard. I had to know so I messaged the killer and he confirmed it was because he thought I cleansed the totem. I'm like you got the wrong person. Of course, I've had other cases of mistaken identity as well particularly when you have a twin in the match. Anyone ever experience that?

  • Member Posts: 229

    I mean you deleted one of their four perks. I don't personally get booty hurt over it but I get why other2a get triggered.

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    Why do survivors take it personally if they get focused down?

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    How would you feel if someone broke your porch light?

  • Member Posts: 919

    Because breaking totems is toxic.

  • Member Posts: 833

    If my hex gets destroyed I generally don’t even bother to go look who did it. They are supposed to get blown up. Thats why you run the better ones.

  • Member Posts: 140
    edited September 2019

    I dunno, why do survivors take it personally when you leave them slugged for a few moments when they have DS.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    @Mochan Well, sorry to hear that. It's a crappy thing for a killer to do, and I say that as someone that plays a lot more killer side.

    The way I see it, if I bring a Hex perk then I'm rolling the dice. Any survivor worth their salt is going to hunt them down, or at the very minimum stop to cleanse it if they happen to come upon it.

    I either spend the effort protecting it, or I risk losing it. It's how the game is played.

    But I'm not going tunnel, camp, or go out of my way to punish the survivor(s) for taking it down. That's punishing someone simply for doing one of their objectives because I didn't do one of mine to counter it.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Because they feel entitled that there hex perk should stay up during the match no matter the circumstance. Basically they're just really entitled about their perks.

  • Member Posts: 118

    If I'm running devour hope and it's my only incentive not to camp, and you break it 30 seconds into the match before I can even hook anybody, I'm probably going to start patrolling generators around the hook unless I'm nurse or Billy.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    Well if a hex breaks 10 seconds into a match (and especially when you were walking towards it) you bet they're gonna be angry at you

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    What, are you kidding? You come into MY place, steal MY stuff, TRASH the joint. I feel transgressed and violated! LET'S ROCK.

  • Member Posts: 828

    I assume they only get mad because it didn’t go their way.

    Certain perk builds can be ruined (no pun intended) if an important hex (other than ruin) has been destroyed.

  • Member Posts: 1,056

    Because my hex thrill of the hunt was for BP only :-: my baby bruttaly murdered by the pressing of one button and all it did was stand there menacingly.

    Jokes aside it's probably because once a killer knows who took away a perk from them well... They're gonna want to kill that person

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    You breath on my totem and I'll tunnel you with the bloodlust of the gods! >:v

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Doesn't really bother me, but if you destroy it directly in front of me, I'll give you special treatment from my Nurse.

    It's the same thing with generators, and to some extent, Exit Gates.

    It's just annoying to watch it happen directly in front of you when you feel powerless as the power role. :(

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Murdered my wife and daughter? Oh no you bastard. You did something MUCH worse!

    You murdered my perk slot! What greater a transgression even is there to a gamer!?

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