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General Discussions

If you are going to allow easy grouping..

Then you need to put a skull or something over everyones name in a group.

I am stick of going against 4 stack after 4 stack.

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  • Member Posts: 833

    If you want to play against less of them than ask the devs to make other killers better. Otherwise be thankful billy at least isn’t the only killer people play lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2019

    @SaltySwag BHVR is not going to do anything to encourage more lobby dodging against people playing with friends. I'm saying this as a Killer main. Either accept playing against SWF, or Dead by Daylight just isn't the game for you.

    @brokedownpalace @Redd Precisely. SWF has been around long enough by now, and with the recent patch that made grouping and staying as a group even easier, you'd think people would just accept reality at this point. SWF isn't going anywhere, us Killer aren't getting indicators for them, or extra BP for them, or any thing else. Either accept SWF, or see what other games are out there.

    It's is what it is.

    Me? I just accept them. SWF on comms here, or a 4-6 stack on the opposing team in Overwatch all coordinating on comms while I'm SoloQ'ing and on a team of all randoms none of which are on comms, it's the nature of the beast in PvP gaming. You roll the dice and hope for good match-RNG.

  • Member Posts: 882

    I play with one other person sometimes, but we never use voice chat. Don't assume that people who are partied up in SWF use voice chat.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    Well, we don't want to play against no woosh ebony mori spirit, yet it happens.

    ^ also what person above me said!

  • Member Posts: 1,519

    I mean, i do, but the suggestion I made wasn't serious.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    This friends list changes only made it so SWF was easier to get together instead of inviting one another. These changes are pointless, and would lead to more dodging. Not to mention... voice communication programs aren’t cheating. It’s like a 4-6 stack on OW, like someone said. Just play against it.

  • Member Posts: 587

    Think of it this way. You get better a lot faster. You slowly learn which gens to patrol and which to give up and when to leave a person slugged and when to immediately hook. It took me a while to get over swf and to this day I have a stigma against 2 or more blendettes. It just takes time but you will get better against them. Hell, I feel so satisfied knowing I wrecked a 3-4 man swf using comms. Or, when they beat my ass I know what I should have done differently. Unfortunately, nothing devs can or will do against them. They bring the most money.

  • Member Posts: 696

    Nope, we just need a reward for dealing with a swfs like 25% per person in swfs rewarded to only the killer

  • Member Posts: 943
    edited September 2019

    SWF isn't cheating its apart of the game. Not all folks that load in at once are SWF and not all great teams that work well together SWF.

    I get that you're frustrated, believe me I do. I've found that the best way to work with whatcha got but use it to your advantage. If you suspect SWF shark the area because they tend to be around. They tend to be really altruistic many times to their own detriment.

    Use the Legion's perk so you can tell when 2 people are working on gens.

    Use spies in the shadows so when unhooking and they run you can choose who to go after.

    Run BBQ + Whispers and if you see only 2 auras then you know they are by you.

    Put MYC so that you can get an insta down.

    Any combination of those but try to have 1 tracking perk, 1 gen perk, 1 end game perk and 1 notification perk. I find using one of each really helps.

    I get it and I hope that you get better matches in the future 👍

    Edit: words

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    How the ######### can people come to those conclusions? Have read it before in the Forum.

    And well... You face the same people when facing SWF. They just have it easier to get back into the Lobby. Thats all. There is no ingame Advantage for them which they did not have before. It is just quality of life.

  • Member Posts: 587

    Hard disagree and most people will disagree as well. They have the ability to communicate situations. Not saying all SWF use comm systems but a majority do and they're the ones with the much easier time in the game. Say you're getting chased and you have your 2-3 friends on gens. You can tell them where your at and which pallets you've used. Then you get hooked and you tell them where killer is heading. You spotted a totem while being chased? Tell your friends. Solo's simply do not have this kind of access to information. It's not just quality of life. It's an advantage. Is it unfair? Eh, yeah. Everyone knows it. We're all just waiting patiently for devs to finally up the solo game.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Thats not what I mean.

    If you have Person A, B, C and D in a SWF nowadays, you would have had them in a SWF one week before as well. The difference is that A, B, C and D do not need to invite each other after every game.

    And that they dont have to invite each other has exactly no impact on the game for the Killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    7 4 stacks tonight. 4 of them were 4ks, 1 3k, 1 2k, and one I got owned in, but was oddly fun. SWF is what it is. Most are not very good.

  • Member Posts: 587

    Ah, my b my guy. Thought you were saying no advantage to SWF. I get what you mean and yeah new lobby system doesn't mean anything tbh. Just want to be able to switch from killer to survivor more easily again

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    When I do swf we tend to die or mess around. If they are altruistic use it to your advantage. If not better hope they can't loop you for 5 gens. Take a break from this game if it you need it.

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