Hey Devs: Everyone DCs vs Prayer Beads Spirit

This build is the most OP in the game. There is no counterplay. At least with other stealthy killers you have some chance at avoiding them. You can see Michael, see the wraith’s ripple, see ghost face... and also hear them at times. But with this spirit build you’re just defenseless. I just played a game, started a hex totem, got grabbed by spirit out of nowhere. I quit. What’s the point? Letting them have a good old time decimating 4 players while we suffer through a losing battle with maybe a 2% chance of someone surviving? Very next game someone DCs almost immediately. Another survivor hooked 10 secs later. I go to save and they suicide on hook. Prayer beads spirit again.

If it’s not fair, it’s not fun. Survivors are giving the ultimate feedback by just refusing to participate. Maybe you should listen before it gets worse...


  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2019

    So run prayer beads once dedicated servers are out and dc mm penalty timer is out to bait out the toxic people who ruin matches for their teammates and killers.

    Gotcha, will do.

  • ShadowReaper11
    ShadowReaper11 Member Posts: 56

    you would be seen as the toxic one if you did this with every OP add on you vs

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    Spine chill. Boom. A perk beats out an add on. Add on needs BP and is gone after the match. Spine chill is forever.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    Spine Chill.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    Everyone DC's against it? Guess im doing something wrong then since I've never DC'd against prayer bead spirit.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited September 2019

    Might aswell do it...

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    Thanks, hope it triggers you and makes you become more butthurt.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    (Spine Chill)

    Yeah that's probably the only answer i got for that.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    The devs are already aware of the issue. Harsher DC punishments will come with dedicated servers.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    I can't wait for the mass DC bans that's coming.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2019

    Everyone's saying spine chill. Why should you always have to run a perk just in case your opponent uses a specific killer and addon?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Spine chill is good against the best 2 killers in the game, and at least ok against all others.

    No reason not to. Specially since spirit is that much of an issue to you

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    I love to use prayer beads, and I enjoy the suspense of playing against them. DCs should never be used as a gauge to determine nerfs.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited September 2019

    Man literally admits to DC'ing whenever there is an add-on. Can we ban him yet?

    Edit: Wrong version of there.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I don't like running spine chill because I like to run niche builds. The game's more fun that way, unless the killer's running this specific addon. If I could swap out a perk when I get a PB Spirit I would, but I'm not gonna sacrifice a slot on my build for something that happens every 1 in maybe 25 games.

  • Sleephartha
    Sleephartha Member Posts: 242

    I love these killer main paragons of sportsmanship. Not a hypocrite among you I’ll bet.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm trying my best :c (that's part of the reason I'm not running meta, so that as I get better at the game, I'm not having to rely on any perks to play well)

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    That's good, but it's ok to use the meta as training wheels until you get the hang of it

  • bunnibeetea
    bunnibeetea Member Posts: 72

    You can always guess that the spirit is trying to grab you off a gen by not working on it for a few seconds? Or maybe trying to guess if she's either standing still or phase walking? I'm a spirit/nurse main and I use those tactics against other spirits and they are used on me, and they work sometimes if used correctly

  • NaroxdamXias
    NaroxdamXias Member Posts: 59

    Okay since this is a problem I can give a few solutions.

    1. Do not go for the totem straight away. I cannot stress this enough, as this is the obvious trap. That's the first things killers check on to know if a survivor will target it and know will try to keep they're eyes on you if you've seen where it is. Always give yourself time to know where the killer is and use that to your advantage if they are in chase with someone and what killer they are, know their add ons, and possibly assume their other perks. I suggest empathy or Bond or any item that shows you survivor/killer locations if you have trouble with knowing who is where.

    2. Chances are that the Spirit brought Haunted Ground, so I rather you work or gens best you can with a toolbox and/or Prove Thyself with Spine Chill for the repair speed bonus and alertness when Spirit is near. Besides that, if there isn't a ruin, there is no actual use in destroying the totem, and that will throw them off seeing as they will constantly check the totems like you're saying they are. Id focus on dull totems in case for NOED though.

    3. Since Spine Chill has a lower detection, Premonition can be used as well so you can get an earlier warning to hide if you are unsure of how far the killer is from you.

    4. Iron Will/Technician is another perk that can throw the Spirit off if they are solely relying on hearing a generators progression to pull survivors off or by their sounds if they are injured or breathing.

    5. Since scratchmarks are another sole indicator of where you are to the spirit when they're phasewalking, you should use perks like Urban Evasion or Fixated to give you a movement speed bonus that doesn't involve running, and you also could juke with Fixated to make a Spirit, or any killer for that matter assume your location just by abusing your scratchmarks with Fixated.

    6. One thing that I always do if a Spirit is in a chase with me and begins to phase, I run into their direction. This sounds odd, but it works most of the time. They always assume you keep moving forward, unless they hear you that is, so they go ahead as usual. However, if you know that they're phasing, running into their direction will throw them off as the scratchmarks will make no difference going towards them as they are still fresh. So with that in mind, the Spirit will assume you've started walking or crouching away or ahead where your marks would "lead" them to you. Another good pairing can be Diversion since that's one of the main perks made to throw Spirit off while phasing.

    These are all the tips I can offer by far, but I'm sure you've got a lot to experiment with before you should assume a Spirit with Prayer Beads should be nerfed.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    Saying to just use spine chill, is exactly like people telling others to just use iron will to counter spirit while injured.

    Having to use a perk on the chance you versus this one killer out of the what 15 killers now, isn't true counter play.

    That's like saying you need "small game" to counter trapper or Hag which you don't need, they have built in counter play

    Can't believe people defend that add-on and spirit counter play in general

    I know any spirit defender won't agree with any of this. Though I don't agree with you dcing, I still get it and understand

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    So I'm not the only one who thought to do this. Good to know. We have a mission now.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2019

    As much as I enjoy on occasion being a right swine with the prayer beads and Nurse's Call...I could see a reasonable argument for having the beads altered somewhat. Perhaps the add-on causes a decrease in shift time or speed etc.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Spirit even without the addons is too strong imo. Spine chill will help stop gen grabs sure, but not much else since you can't see her. You could be running right into her for all you know

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Not everyone although I don't blame teammates when they do

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited September 2019

    Spine chill, premonition, iron will and one more:

    And stop being a crybaby survivor main

    Don't listen to these noobs devs plz

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Kinda funny a lot of people just say "looool just run spine chill, theres clear counters there!!" but then complain because they are apparently "forced" to run things like ruin, pop, etc.

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