Blindness Status Effect Rework

Blindness is probably the most unhealthiest status effect in the game because all it does is hide auras. While this status effect may not look like an unhealthy effect, it actually furthers the gap between SWF and solo survivors.
Solo survivors typically rely on auras to get their information while SWF could care less about auras when they have voice communication. Therefore, solo survivors are severely impacted while Blindness is just a slight inconvenience to SWF squads.
Let's fix this problem, and make this status effect more threatening! :)
Blindness no longer hides auras.
All left and right notifications are hidden to the player as well as their perks.
The EGC timer and item durability is also hidden to the player.
Activatable abilities and actions are also hidden to the player.
Progress bars are also hidden to player.
Blindness is contagious to other survivors.
All left and right notifications are hidden to the player as well as their perks.
Basically, you won't know what status effects you're affected by until you put two and two together.
Although your perks are hidden, that doesn't mean you're perkless until you get rid of the status effect. Basically, your perks are still active, but token perks and cool-down perks won't be able to tell you their progress anymore (I.E. Is Stakeout at maximum tokens? When will my DS timer run out? Did I cleanse a totem for Inner Strength?)
The EGC timer and item durability is also hidden to the player.
You won't be able to see the remaining amount of time before the EGC kills you, but you are still warned by the intensity of the decaying environment around you and the auditable warning.
Item durability makes it impossible to know how much durability you have on your item. This can make players prematurely stop using their items because they don't want to use them up.
Activatable abilities and actions are also hidden to the player.
Same as the perks, just because they are hidden doesn't mean you can't use your Dead Hard, Diversion, or pallet. This makes you take an educated guess on if your activatable ability is ready to be used, and/or if you're in range to drop a pallet.
Progress bars are also hidden to player.
You won't be able to see when you're about to finish completing an action with a progress bar. Maybe you should commit to the generator, but when you don't know how close you are... you might end up ditching the generator prematurely or getting yourself downed.
Blindness is contagious to other survivors.
When you make direct contact with a survivor who doesn't have Blindness, they will be inflicted by your Blindness status effect. How long they are inflicted by the Blindness effect is determined by how long your affected by the Blindness effect.
Blindness will now be a status effect that makes you do things you normally wouldn't do, and if you aren't good at educated guesses, then this status effect will be your worse nightmare. Furthermore, this effect approximately impacts SWF and solo survivors equally.
Please give me your constructive feedback! :)
Hidden EGC timer is propably the best effect on this.
Progress bars? Not a big deal.
Blinded survivor inflicts the others? Great change!
Activable abilities and actions? Not gonna work against expierienced players.
Notifications somehow is gonna hurt them, but perk nah, but still love it.
Overly I love all changes for this effect <3
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How about 1/2 times the survivors can't see skillchecks ? Or something like that ? Now THAT would be good.
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That would be too intense and fairly unbalanced, I think maybe it's slightly fainter or smaller.
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You can expand on the list, just make sure it impacts both SWF and solo survivors evenly! :)
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Sorry, I thought these are just TL:TR ;p
I will read them once again and give a feedback
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Okay I read them once again, and every change that you have mentioned is reasonable.
You've mentioned about progress bar invisible for survivor while repairing a gen. Is this also affects all other progress bars like healing, rescuing etc?
Item durability would also be nice since as you said, survivors will be afraid to use them.
EGC timer, does the sound of ticking from the timer will also be hearable for survivors? (Appears when timer on EGC is almost ending)
And I have one more question: How blinded survivor can infect the other one?
Also how about to give the blidness status effect an ability to make hexes visible as the dull totems for survivors? :)
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You've mentioned about progress bar invisible for survivor while repairing a gen. Is this also affects all other progress bars like healing, rescuing etc?
Everything! :)
EGC timer, does the sound of ticking from the timer will also be hearable for survivors? (Appears when timer on EGC is almost ending)
Yes, because Blindness doesn't hide sounds, just UI and HUD elements.
And I have one more question: How blinded survivor can infect the other one?
Think about how infected survivors infect other survivors with the plague, but blinded survivors cannot infect objects like generators.
Also how about to give the blidness status effect an ability to make hexes visible as the dull totems for survivors? :)
Interesting idea, I'll think about it! :D
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So the blidness will be infected by the resucing and healing?
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That's exactly correct! :)
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Not really gens are already easy enough to rush. Also, this was just a thought clearly not a fleshed out idea.
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I'm on board with most of these effects, but contagious blindness doesn't make much sense. Also, imagine Third Seal with this change. You wouldn't even need to hit everyone for them to be permanently affected.
Instead, I think it should also make the red stain invisible.
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Then I fully support this :)
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This just seems like a way to try and nerf survivors even further. You want to tell me that the best way to bridge the gap between solo survivors and swfs is just to nerf survivors in general?
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Aside from the contagious part I had the same idea the other day. 👍️
I don't think the transmittable part makes sense and sounds like a bit of an overkill.
Survivors don't start a match blind. This is more about making blindness have equal impact on swf and solo. And also just have an effect in general.
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Just a couple of notes.
First off, I disagree Blindness affects solos more than SWF. I believe its the other way round. Literally the only time Blindness is remotely impactful is while being on the hook, and even then its a minor annoyance. A solo doesnt need to see the aura of someone, they can just chill on the hook and expect to get rescued or die. SWF, however, will try to relay this info. "Dont come, this other person is on their way". With Blindness, SWF have to guess whether someone is coming for their hooked friend or not.
However, as I said, its not powerful at all, and agree it needs something, and I agree with most of your idea.
The only point I disagree with is hiding interaction prompts. Not because its broken, rather because its useless. You are injured? You can definitely use Dead Hard. Can you repair this generator/unhook/vault? Yes, I am right in front of them. The only time I see this being useful is for Trappers hiding their traps in tall grass.
Hiding the rest, Im fine with those.
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Basically it would hide the HUD and everything related...
I really like the idea and always thought that would be a better blindness effect, which, aside from the problems mentioned, relies a lot on survivors using aura reading perks.
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That's a nice idea
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Technically, SWF can tell eachother the state of the EGC timer, no?
I'm all for this btw, maybe "Blind Warrior" - Mud can be useful, finally.
Also: Make Hex Totems look like Dull Totems pls. 😜
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I love the idea. It makes the effect more impactful and threatening.
- When a survivor gets the Blindness, how will the UI be hidden? Will it be gone in a snap? Or will it fade away in a few milliseconds then reappear the same way?
- Will the survivors get briefly the “Blindness” notification while everything else is hidden? If it’s not shown, some may believe it’s a bug.