General Discussions

General Discussions

New players... Playing on PC with Steam....

Member Posts: 2,320
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

If you got under 100 hours don't mark your profile private / friends only in Steam.

I don't care if you are playing SWF.. cause allot of times people put it private and leave their friends list up so I can still see if you are in a SWF. Or your friend hasn't marked their friends list private and I can still see you are grouped up.

I'll most likely go after your 1K hour friends and not hose you down in the match.

I might use you as bait, but I will rather let you go than the higher hour / skilled players.

And yes... After 3K hours, I do check profiles... For this exact reason.


Some of us killers playing in the low ranks are not looking to completely crush you and will let you get some points... but if you go private... Well... GL.


For example... Contrary to popular belief... If I see 3 people with hours ranging from 8 to 30 hours in my lobby I'm not gonna play hard against you.

Maybe others feel the same way?

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  • Member Posts: 155

    I know alot of people are upset about matchmaking but I honestly think it's kinda a good thing if they would fix it to where anyone at or past 15 only played with 15-1 , the mix up is nice and I've made new friends because of it and have been helping them learn the ropes as survivor and killer so they have some sort of idea what's going on, if I get low ranks as a killer right now I just slug them then let them up and farm for the game , they don't deserve to get smacked with no perks or experience in a game that's slowly balancing for the higher ranks and leaving new players behind

  • Member Posts: 194

    I have maybe 50 hours in killer, I'm a survivor main. But when I do play killer even I can tell which are the absolutely new people or if they're struggling. I tend to go easy on those finding it harder, like if I find the same Jake trying to hide over and over again I might smack him and pretend to lose him or pretend to not see him. It depends what mood I'm in and how the match is going. But I only play killer when I get bored or during events so it's not that often.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    @TheBean Yeah, that's too bad. Because my Steam profile stays 100% absolutely private, and it has zero to do with DbD. But it sure as hell isn't changing for DbD.

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    @Kilmern Yeah all good, people have their reasons for being private. Some are doing it though to hide their friends or just because they don't want ragged on for their hours.

    Like Naiad said above.. usually you can tell when playing against them.

    But seeing the hours when their new might make others treat them easier. I have been, and usually do in general. If I see people with 8 or 10 hours in my lobby, I'm not gonna use my OP addons and moris, unless I'm doing a daily. Also not gonna go out of my way to make sure they die.

    However.. If I got that Jake and he had 1000 hours on his profile... and they play like a 10 hour player.... mmm.. The entity might be taking them away.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2019

    I wouldn't blame players for going private. It can have different reasons.

    I as example had a mostly friendly-happy endgame chat. Still I had set my profile privat.

    Why did I did that?

    Because in the moment I posted something in the steam dbd forums what some people have dislike, they had rush my profile.

    I was not offended by it, but I have no time to play 24/7 moderator on my steam page, so the page had go private.

    There is a ton of toxicity in dbd (if I can believe the (steam)forums) and also some people like to jump on your steampage, leave crap there, -as would someone care what they have to say^^.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I agree with OP in that I try not to destroy new players. I don't give them a full pass, but I might let them "lose" me if they make a good move. Then again, you could be the new player that just threw a pallet and started tea bagging that then got dropped and morid because you did not know about Devour Hope.

    Unfortunately, I know a lot of people ha e their accounts locked up tight for a reason, and it has nothing to do with DbD. I keep all my online accounts locked down for a much better reason than DbD.

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