Ready for the new Freddy DC epidemic?

We've come full circle...
It's beautiful...
If it worked for Legion, I’m sure Survivors will try and make it work for Freddy...Again.
Poor Fred.
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I take it we are talking about the lovely Deep Wounds Oblivious timer.
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It's a nice throwback to when Borrowed Time literally just meant you were living on "Borrowed Time" instead of being inflicted with "the worst killer power/an unthreatening effect."
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I have not seen any DC's yet with him. Not wild about the change though. As a survivor, it seems a bit frustrating. What was wrong with Fred as he was a week or so ago?
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How about survivors actually learning how to do a safe unhook? Yes, sometimes BT is needed against a camping Leatherface, but more often it’s used by a survivor literally following me to the unhook and I hiking in front of me... please note this doesn’t work against competent killers we know to hit you not the unhooked player.
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Not sure why they would, he's still only mid tier when using the pallet addons.
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It didn't "work" for legion.
90% of games against legion resulted in them hitting you and immediately turning around and following your blood to force bleedout, it was boring.
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He's widely considered to be high tier. Still doesn't deserve a nerf though.
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@DudeDelicious Said it better than I ever could.
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Nah, not really.
I’ll just wait for someone else to take the hit, while I am fully awake to unhook.
Freddies can keep camping tho. ;)
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Only by people who don't play at rank 1 regularly.
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And tell us what happens when Freddy hits the person you have unhooked, kind sir
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Ive seen a bunch today :). I don't think he was weak, no idea why they buffed him again after his new rework. But I'm not complaining
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@Raccoon They get borrowed time. In addition have Adrenaline which wakes them up immediately.
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He doesn’t need a drastic nerf, hell Z Block still needs to be changed. That Oblivious change is gonna effect the bleed out timer for Survivors going against any Killer with a Undetectable Power after the upcoming change.
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I guess I don't 4k at rank 1 regularly? He's good.
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And what does Borrowed Time do for the person now that they are Oblivious?
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Seriously people are dc against Freddy? In what a world we live in...
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Top or trash tiers Freddy still the noob stomper N1 8)
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This wasn't ment as a buff. The devs wanted freddy's power to be consistent. You never heard his TR while asleep so this is more of a clarity type of change.
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His snares are amazing at rank 1 and make most loops unsafe if you ignore breaking them and just spam snares around the loop they will get slowed back to back and won't make it around.
The pallets are trash if you're trying to do good.
Freddy is god tier at rank 1 even against good teams due to a great anti loop and map pressure.
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Why are you using Pallet add-ons at rank 1? It's universally agreed that Snares are his strongest option. Especially at rank 1 where survivors aren't going to be fooled more than once by a fake pallet if at all because they know the tiles and more often then not a SWF will make them totally useless
Snares don't suffer that
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I disagree entirely.
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Oblivious just sets a bad precedent and sets the game back
We dont need Leatherface 2.0, or its M1 equivalent. We also shouldn't reward killers for being near the hook.
No ones saying you cant defend your hook, but you shouldn't get a "perk immunity" card when it comes to the premier anti-camp perk.
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It's funny because some of you desperately want this to happen just so you can be right about something. You don't want things to work out, you want the narrative in your heads to continue.
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Fantastic counter point.
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No point was presented to counter argue. If someone thinks that then they lack experience and aren't going to agree regardless of what I have to say.
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No one said Freddy needs to be nerfed. However Borrowed time is a band-aid fix to camping. Removing it for one killer essentially makes that killer more camper bait. Meaning we'll likely get more killers who camp playing Freddy to prevent getting the penalty for it.
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If i was going to intentionally camp i would play Leatherface.
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Is complete what anybody Sadat’s. Ignore it’s a freddy when the hotfix goes put I’m doing since they can tunnel and I’m not about to be a part of that.
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They get Borrowed Time and now they can go in a locker to force you to eat their DS.
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You mean they are forced to bleed out in the locker because Freddy has no terror radius, falling out of the locker when Borrowed Time bleeds them out?
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They still have 60 seconds of immunity from DS. Idk whatbis your problem with this change, old BT used to work like this against any killer and nobody complained back then that it was too weak.
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I don't have a problem with the change, as I literally implied in a previous post.
Whether or not the survivor has DS or jumps into a locker, however, is not going to make their Deep Wounds status do anything.
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And ? Why would people DC against Freddy because of this change more often than they already do ?
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Bt activates. Because the rescuer was awake
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I can't really speak on the mindsets of others, but I have experienced this a few times since the change has gone live - Most likely "something something fun something oblivious something uncounterable."
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I experienced survivors DCing against perkless and add-onless Clown. Nothing new for me.
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And what happens to the Bleedout Timer because the unhooked person is asleep after they get hit with BT applied?
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Seriously unless tunnel vision kicks in, anyone with half a brain cell will know what they are doing, and shake their head as they walk away from their newest slug.
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It happens :(
I generally try to not take the game too seriously and often try to ignore the bad times.
I really appreciate the civility and logical flow (nothing you've said is 'out there' or impractical) to your responses, though :)
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Goes down.
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I play rank 1 regularly and consider him on par with hag. Not quite nurse or billy level, but certainly higher then a lot of the cast. Snares are also his most powerful power not his pallets which is a very common misconception.
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BT no longer serves its intended purpose when you're near the killer with the Bleedout Timer activated, allowing for the exact same scenario that caused people to protest The Legion, potentially exacerbating the issue as you're already down a hook state and guaranteed to lose another if you do not run DS?
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I run pallets for fun/troll build purposes, but the lack of slowdown on placing snares is something a lot of people definitely do not implement properly on certain loops.
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Oh the lack of setup time slowdown is amazing, but i've honestly not been able to make a consistent meme build with them. Care to share any you have?