What Motivates You to Play Toxic, in a Match.

If a survivor is teabagging me, I will tunnel the hell out of them if it doesn't set me back too much. I will also teabag at the gate if a killer is toxic (hardcore camping/camping tunneling).
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This tbh.
But i teabag every spirit at the exit gates if have the opportunity.
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When somebody decides to face camp. I point and point at them
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You are on PS4?
Could have told me sooner >:3
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I always try to not be toxic
It's hard to resist at times, but I push through
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We’re already friends 😂 I’m TreemanXD
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Oh you changed your name 😂
I didn't notice
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Ye 😂
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Exessive Teabagging and obnoxious vaulting? Think its the rushed action ones over and over and over. I dont play survivor so dont know. The latter I often ignore since I often assume its someone trying to get me to chase them on purpose. But sometimes its really unbearable having to listen to that notification sound as the killer being spammed.
At least the teabagging is silent.
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I feel so dumb right now
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If you bag the tea. If you point the locker. If you click the flashlight. You die.
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You shouldn’t, I never really said that I changed my name.
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Now I know :3
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I treat every player with respect until they loose my respect.
As a killer, occasionally I'll get run around by survivors that don't make a lot of mistakes on maps that spawned a lot of strong tiles, I'm fine with this. I understand it's the luck of the map and I wasn't able to put enough pressure on survivors.
If they open the exit gate and run out, cool, but If they sit at the exit gate, being cocky, t-bagging... I'll put their name in my short term memory bank and bring a mori if I see them in the queue.
As a survivor, if a killer is tunneling and or camping and I'm able to make it to the exit gate, I will sit there t-bagging until they walk over and hit me out. To be very clear, I'm not being cocky, I'm shitting on their play style. They can play that way if they choose, but it's taking away someone else's ability to enjoy the game.
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Ye :3
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This is true -wipes aside a tear- and Mushwin did nothing wrong!
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You were a fellow Claudette main, things got personal.
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Let me tell you one thing, if you are one of those annoying survivors that start T-bagging for no reason, constantly running around the killer while others are being picked, camping panels and being annoying with the flashlight, don't expect not to be tunneled or face camped, that's what u get for trying o be a troll
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Today i had an obvious cheater in one of my games. No one unhooked them when they finally got to cocky and went down. Everyone including Ghostface did teabag them on the hook though. Not sure if toxic or wholesome tbh.
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I don't play toxic.
The closest I've gotten is when I rescued someone and the Spirit came immediately back to tunnel the person off the hook. I clicked my flashlight at the killer repeatedly, trying to get them to chase me, instead. It didn't work, but I tried.
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I respond to toxicness with toxicness, usually. If people are nice I am also nice.
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Nothing really as some random person in a game messing around or playing how they wish doesn't bother me at all. I just do what I do and accept it happens sometimes and laugh it off.
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as surv when i see camping killer or hard tunneling killer (because in my mind well im next surv to get tunneles/camped so at least i can make him angry and 99% that tunnel/camp are vulnerable to Tbags and pointing)
as killer when i see survs running "definitely not infinite window"(like ironworks) more than 1 time (just passing by) or using pink needle on my face and then im sure they are going to die
thats pretty much it, nothing else tilts me
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I play as normal. You are all getting Dennis Rodman'ed.
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I don't play toxic as long as no one gonna sandbag me. As the killer I don't care xd. It's not like they're gonna do something other useful :)
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Nothing really makes me change the way I play in that way. It would be really hypocritical of me as I believe anything that's in the game and working as intended is fair to use, unless people are straight up cheating or something I find it incredibly petty to punish people for playing in a way you dislike. And when it comes to "taunts" like tbagging and emoting, I've played enough Halo and TF2 in my life to be pretty damn desentized to all of that 😄
I'll use what's available to me - be it "controversial" things like slugging or making good use of strong map tiles, and I expect the same from my opponent(s).