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Member Posts: 282

If killers are so weak and camping is okay?

How come I see killers higher ranked who aren't campers? Last I checked this game is skilled based, any body can sit and wait for someone to die on a hook. but it takes a real killer to kill everyone without sitting. Camping is such a touchy subject for killers and most believe its fine, whatever I can't stop you, but I don't see you advancing in ranks.
And if killers are as weak as you say they are, why play them? why not try survivor or play another game you can win at (if thats all you want)

I don't care at this point but I'm just saying its a bit counter productive if you want to win at something you know you suck at.

I know killers are weak, I've played killer before, but even so why play them if all your going to do is not have fun?

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  • Member Posts: 173

    What point are you making here?

    No disrespect I'm just trying to understand what you are saying.

    Is it "If killers are weak and you arent having fun, why do you play?" or "If you suck at killer, why do you play?"

    I feel like im missing the point

  • Member Posts: 282

    @JusticeZERO said:
    What point are you making here?

    No disrespect I'm just trying to understand what you are saying.

    Is it "If killers are weak and you arent having fun, why do you play?" or "If you suck at killer, why do you play?"

    I feel like im missing the point

    First one, because some killers camp, I think "they aren't having fun they just want to win, so why are you playing?" This doesn't apply to all killers but some.

  • Member Posts: 1,911
    BLUE_APE said:

    @JusticeZERO said:
    What point are you making here?

    No disrespect I'm just trying to understand what you are saying.

    Is it "If killers are weak and you arent having fun, why do you play?" or "If you suck at killer, why do you play?"

    I feel like im missing the point

    First one, because some killers camp, I think "they aren't having fun they just want to win, so why are you playing?" This doesn't apply to all killers but some.

    You know people can have fun crushing altruistic survivors. You think bubba was an accident. Behaviour knew there were players who loved to hang close to hooks and punish well meaning survivors. You might hate it and think its not fun but a lot of fun survivor and killer moments come at the expense of the other side. No one enjoys getting curb stomped by killers or survivors but its not gonna stop them.

    I don't complain survivors can't have flashlights because its frustrating because I know it has counters and exists to give survivors a moment of heroism. However there is one advantage to losing as a survivor that a killer can't avail of. The company of other players to joke and laugh about the way the game went.

    Also its alright to tell someone that if they get better they can win. But don't kid yourself if ruin goes down in the first 10 seconds you will need to keep people on hooks at any cost so camping will be mandatory as mechanically speaking their is no stabilising mechanic for killer, when your behind however survivors will always have hatch all that's required is a mere two generators and a lone survivor. 
  • Member Posts: 365
    edited July 2018

    @Zarathos said:
    You think bubba was an accident. Behaviour knew there were players who loved to hang close to hooks and punish well meaning survivors. You might hate it and think its not fun but a lot of fun survivor and killer moments come at the expense of the other side.

    Butthurt in the postgame chat is a reward in and of itself. Against a 3-4 man swf I will either tryhard with a Nurse or chill with Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 282

    @Zarathos said:

    You know people can have fun crushing altruistic survivors. You think bubba was an accident. Behaviour knew there were players who loved to hang close to hooks and punish well meaning survivors. You might hate it and think its not fun but a lot of fun survivor and killer moments come at the expense of the other side. No one enjoys getting curb stomped by killers or survivors but its not gonna stop them.

    I don't complain survivors can't have flashlights because its frustrating because I know it has counters and exists to give survivors a moment of heroism. However there is one advantage to losing as a survivor that a killer can't avail of. The company of other players to joke and laugh about the way the game went.

    Also its alright to tell someone that if they get better they can win. But don't kid yourself if ruin goes down in the first 10 seconds you will need to keep people on hooks at any cost so camping will be mandatory as mechanically speaking their is no stabilising mechanic for killer, when your behind however survivors will always have hatch all that's required is a mere two generators and a lone survivor. 

    ....Well I guess that explains why I hate playing against Bubba, because he was made for that play style.
    But still...Also I have herd people saying he's one of the low teir killers? that also seems hard to believe with how strong I see other players with him are (when not camping)

  • Member Posts: 405

    @BLUE_APE said:
    If killers are so weak and camping is okay?

    How come I see killers higher ranked who aren't campers? Last I checked this game is skilled based, any body can sit and wait for someone to die on a hook. but it takes a real killer to kill everyone without sitting. Camping is such a touchy subject for killers and most believe its fine, whatever I can't stop you, but I don't see you advancing in ranks.
    And if killers are as weak as you say they are, why play them? why not try survivor or play another game you can win at (if thats all you want)

    I don't care at this point but I'm just saying its a bit counter productive if you want to win at something you know you suck at.

    I know killers are weak, I've played killer before, but even so why play them if all your going to do is not have fun?

    1. If a killer isn't camping and they are playing a low tier killer or a mid tier killer the survivors they are playing against are generally bad. I don't believe Billy/Nurse has a reason to camp if gates are not powered.
    2. If killers left the game due to the poor balance it would die. I love this game even if it gets me frustrated often, I would never want to see it die out, all of us killer and survivor just want the game to succeed and killing the player counts counteracts that.
  • Member Posts: 1,911
    BLUE_APE said:

    @Zarathos said:

    You know people can have fun crushing altruistic survivors. You think bubba was an accident. Behaviour knew there were players who loved to hang close to hooks and punish well meaning survivors. You might hate it and think its not fun but a lot of fun survivor and killer moments come at the expense of the other side. No one enjoys getting curb stomped by killers or survivors but its not gonna stop them.

    I don't complain survivors can't have flashlights because its frustrating because I know it has counters and exists to give survivors a moment of heroism. However there is one advantage to losing as a survivor that a killer can't avail of. The company of other players to joke and laugh about the way the game went.

    Also its alright to tell someone that if they get better they can win. But don't kid yourself if ruin goes down in the first 10 seconds you will need to keep people on hooks at any cost so camping will be mandatory as mechanically speaking their is no stabilising mechanic for killer, when your behind however survivors will always have hatch all that's required is a mere two generators and a lone survivor. 

    ....Well I guess that explains why I hate playing against Bubba, because he was made for that play style.
    But still...Also I have herd people saying he's one of the low teir killers? that also seems hard to believe with how strong I see other players with him are (when not camping)

    OK I'm going to regret this but bubba's weakness is that you can loop'em hard like any other killer you just need to deny him his saw by setting up your route so he can't get a saw hit on you. If he's revving his saw and he's a small distance away don't drop the pallet as often you will be able to loop'em for an additional loop. Also you can pallet stun him as he charging towards you this is hugely risky but it can really hurt him. Watch out for his accelration add-ons he might be slightly faster with the saw.

    Saves with bubba requires a survivor to be baiting bubba away. That survivor needs to be appealing bait tho if there at a massive pallet loop bubba isn't gonna budge. Never make the save close to bubba. Only ever make the save when you know bubba's got some distance. He can snowball the game hard if you mess up the save. As for hard camping bubba's, rush the gens and punish him. The most important part of this strategy is that the hooked survivor does not give up he or she has to hold on while others get the gens.

    After that he's pretty bland there no clever strategy he can use and his power is pretty underwhelming. He's honestly pretty low tier once you understand when to and when not to make saves and understand how his chainsaw works.
  • Member Posts: 381

    @BLUE_APE said:
    If killers are so weak and camping is okay?

    How come I see killers higher ranked who aren't campers? Last I checked this game is skilled based, any body can sit and wait for someone to die on a hook. but it takes a real killer to kill everyone without sitting. Camping is such a touchy subject for killers and most believe its fine, whatever I can't stop you, but I don't see you advancing in ranks.
    And if killers are as weak as you say they are, why play them? why not try survivor or play another game you can win at (if thats all you want)

    I don't care at this point but I'm just saying its a bit counter productive if you want to win at something you know you suck at.

    I know killers are weak, I've played killer before, but even so why play them if all your going to do is not have fun?

    If nobody played killer then there would simply be no games at all. In my case it's just incredibly satisfying to win even if the game is not in my favor, plus with the recent changes it should start being much better for killers anyways. Whether someone decides they want to camp or actively hunt really just comes down to the player and how they want to play and how they feel they get most rewarded for, some might even camp because someone wanted to be toxic or perhaps the gates are powered and they have no other choice and even in some cases you end up with people diving for the hooks as much as they possibly can. Personally the only times I'll ever camp is if
    A : The exit gates are powered and opened as I would be more likely to down another survivor being dumb enough to make the save than I would looking around just to have people get free escapes
    B : The survivor in incredibly toxic (this one is a bit iffy, depends)
    C : I know that everyone is trying to get the save and won't move away from the hook
    D : I'm just bored

    Killers are weak but it's still satisfying to win and by quitting that just ultimately means you're neither fixing the problem or giving feedback from the killer's perspective for when an update comes out.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    @BLUE_APE said:
    I know killers are weak, I've played killer before, but even so why play them if all your going to do is not have fun?

    Who says they're not having fun?
    Some people thrive on seeing Survivors up close, suffering on the rusty meathook.
    I prefer not to, i don't like standing still.

  • Member Posts: 336

    @BLUE_APE said:
    If killers are so weak and camping is okay?

    How come I see killers higher ranked who aren't campers? Last I checked this game is skilled based, any body can sit and wait for someone to die on a hook. but it takes a real killer to kill everyone without sitting. Camping is such a touchy subject for killers and most believe its fine, whatever I can't stop you, but I don't see you advancing in ranks.
    And if killers are as weak as you say they are, why play them? why not try survivor or play another game you can win at (if thats all you want)

    I don't care at this point but I'm just saying its a bit counter productive if you want to win at something you know you suck at.

    I know killers are weak, I've played killer before, but even so why play them if all your going to do is not have fun?

    Before the most recent rank reset I was a rank 4 Leatherface who proxy camped the basement as my main strategy. I am doing fine with ranking, thanks.

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