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Sakura Esports

kiNgOwL Member Posts: 7

Hello Dead By Daylight community and behavior!

My names kiNgOwL I am one of the 3 owner to an Clan/Organization called Sakura Esports we are an Overwatch PC based and we decided to expand into Dead By Daylight. We don't know exactly if Behavior itself hosts tournaments or if they're mostly player based/ran but we'd like to join in on the fun. Every single admin/owner at Sakura Esports have experience running and organizing tournaments from OW so we'd like to slowly start creating our own active tournaments. We've gotta study peoples tournaments and determine the best kind of rule set/tournament structure to hopefully create something the community will buzz and want to join in on.

That being said, some things about myself I am 27 years old, I am T500 OW player, and as for Dead by Daylight I've been playing since day 1, I have Legacy P3 Dwight and legacy P3 Claudette cause she was the best. Stating that I am a survivor main and I think the highest I've ever gotten with killer is RANK 4 I believe... according to my screenshots anyways...

Gaming Experience:

Soldier Front ESL player

L4D2 ESL player

Evolve Community tournament winner and player with RF who was ran by Ghodwraith if anyone here knows who he is.

OW T500 player

So please to meet everyone and hope we can all get along.


  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    Oh boy, here we go

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,141
    edited September 2019

    @kiNgOwL Behavior does not host tournaments. As you are likely aware, they tried a tournament in the past with a third party organization and it was an absolute mess. Not only in how it was operated, but also because it clearly showed that DbD is not design to be any sort of eSport game.

    Wish you the best of luck, but your time and energy are likely better served back in Overwatch. I honestly can't imagine that you would have much of an esport audience here in Dead by Daylight, either.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,478

    I honestly have no idea how you make a tournament of an asymetric game...

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,141
    edited September 2019

    @Weck Well, they tried back in June 2018. And it was a disaster.

    I don't usually go to TydeTyme, but he talks about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZX0ZtJtyUM

    Searching for videos of the tournament on YouTube isn't yielding much, and likely for good reason. But here is at least Round 1 from the Xbox side of things. They did brackets for each platform: PC, PS4, and Xbox One. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Amz7vMW8o

    I know some folks out there hold small tournaments for fun. I believe TydeTyme was doing that at one point. But an esport organization wanting to do it in DbD as something serious? I would highly recommend against it.

    To be honest, a DbD esport offers nothing that isn't already available by just watching the top Fog Whisperers stream. It's the exact, same thing.

  • kiNgOwL
    kiNgOwL Member Posts: 7

    My friend I appreciate it. If there is a will there is a way. I played Evolve competitively and it was asymmetrical. Just a matter of studying the failures of others and simply doing better.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,614

    i think it's possible, you'd have 8 survivor teams and 8 killers. you gain points based off some scoring system. for example if winning for survivor is escaping, then 1 escape would be 1 point for each team and every additional survivor adds like 0.5. Killer would probably gain points based off piping, so if you get ruthless killer, you'd get 1 point. The survivor team and killer who scored highest would probably win. I'd imagine that few things would get banned though, mainly purple/pink instant heal add-on for medkits, petrified oak offering & keys for survivor and probably all forms of mori offering for the killer. I don't think it'd be interesting to watch though because you'd just see Nurse and Spirit every game as everyone else would have 0 chance to win.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,478
  • kiNgOwL
    kiNgOwL Member Posts: 7

    Ive already got a strong idea of how it works. I played Evolve which is asymmetrical so I’ll be taking some ideas from them

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,141
    edited September 2019

    @kiNgOwL You'd probably be better served posting this in the Tournaments section of the forums, where others are also trying such things and people interested in DbD Tournaments tend to congregate.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited September 2019

    I love this game

    But I'm gonna level with you

    This game is great for streaming, but it's absolutely terrible for competitive play

    In fact, I encourage you to check up on some of our biggest influencers - they'll likely tell you the exact same thing.

    Good luck.

  • Financial_Stability

    Hi. I'm actually a retired competitive player and could hook you up with a few good resources I know. I use to be a staff in a league that's fairly populated and active, so I can post a discord server link and set you up with a 1 on 1 with the owner for your questions. We have our own ruleset that you'll be able to view in the server. I personally think that it's a pretty good baseline for how scoring in a tournament should work.

    DBD League Discord inv: https://discord.gg/3K5pDbQ

    Here's an excerpt from my bio with tournaments I've played in. My team has done a lot more than me, so yeah.

    "I've participated in many DBD tournaments, and was apart apart of Instant Dodge.

    All Tournaments are listed in order.

    Here's a list of Tournies that I've played without ID:

    Peeps by Daylight (Lost First Round)

    Festive by Daylight (Lost First Round)

    Here's the list I've played with ID

    Destiny By Daylight (5th Place)

    Toxic Shmocks Tourney (3rd Place)

    Stuffed By Daylight NA (1st Place) - 750$ Team Prize

    DBD League Playoffs (1st Place) - 50$ Team Prize

    Dead By Daylight Weekly Ritual Week 1! (2nd Place) - 50$ Team Prize

    Dead By Daylight Weekly Ritual Week 2! (Lost First Round)

    Dead By Daylight Weekly Ritual Week 3! (1st Place) - 150$ Team Prize

    Utter Chaos #1 Tournament (1st Place) - $50 Team Prize"

    You can dm me on discord with any questions: Financial Stability#9906

  • kiNgOwL
    kiNgOwL Member Posts: 7

    Joined, your overall point system seems like its a bit more then needed. I was coming up with something similar and simpler but I did join.

  • b3nz1e
    b3nz1e Member Posts: 1

    Would love too see/join a tounaments, so og you guys do it, i would love to join the tounament