Freddy/Borrowed time change


So let me start by saying I don't agree with a lot of the changes recently but there are plenty I do agree with. Hearing freddy's lullaby wouldn't make you Oblivious. You'd know he was close and BT should most def. proc. I am a freddy main, 100% and I always thought the dropping snares and keeping bloodlust was pretty unfair and i MAIN HIM. Killers are becoming less skill based and more hold m1 and win. Freddy hits you, makes you "oblivious" <----makes no sense btw and then you cant get BT off on teammate. If you think freddy's won't stand at a hook to hit people, putting them asleep resulting in them not BT'ing you're not used to idiot killers in the game.

The rework was really good, almost too good IMO but he most certainly didn't need a buff. I have absolutely NO trouble 4k'ing with freddy. Hell, I usually let one or two live because I feel bad when I destroy teams. I'm not a great killer (200ish hrs. as killer)so if I can face stomp a team, surely everyone else can as well.

Im already getting DC's in games as soon as they see it's freddy. Devs, dont fix ######### that isnt broken. I dont understand why you insist on doing things to the game no one asks for. Fix the stuff that is actually broken like people being bugged and unable to get healed, vaults and windows, hitboxes, not being able to leave through exit, DS bugging out and not proccing, etc... Like come on.


  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696
    edited September 2019

    Wrong freddy has counterplay he is just strong

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Freddy isn’t the most fun experience, but he still isn’t a Spirit or Nurse.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    Why wouldn't they be oblivious? They're asleep and in his realm. There's a legitimate lore reason as to why there would be lack of awareness.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 893

    No offense but I actually enjoy the challange as a survivor. I have survived Freddy quite a few times with my squad...just do gens aint that hard lol loops still exist. Borrowed time is meta but DS is still better in the end.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    If I'm using BT, and I'm against a Freddy, I just get my clock, fail a skillcheck, or have someone wake me up before going in for the unhook. It's no big deal really, Don't know why everyone's up in arms about it so much.

  • NotTakingSides
    NotTakingSides Member Posts: 4

    When you safely unhook and the freddy hits the person who gets borrowed, guess what? They can be chased and the mend timer runs because "Oblivious" Other killers have downsides to stealth but freddy can chase you full speed, dropping snares and your timer RUNS until you fall. Legion 2.0. There's a reason people are upset. It screws borrowed in every way

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    The irony of your username though.

    Sorry, but I agree with what has been said above: there is no reason to scream bloody murder because ONE Killer has a benefit against a specific Perk, especially not if there is a valid reason for why he has that advantage.

  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    The not getting BT to proc is one thing, but having the Deep Wound timer tick down while being chased is another. It’s Moonwalking Legion all over again, and I sincerely hope this was not an intended feature.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Except freddy isnt using stealth.

    He is in a dream realm.

    So. Ya know. Completely different logic.

    Also it's not Legion 2.0.

    It's old school borrowed time. Gives you TIME, but not a free, indefinite health state. On one killer.