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Camping is a legitimate strategy that works well.

Member Posts: 833

And the onus is on either the survivors to punish it and/or the devs to balance the game so that it no longer works. Frankly, that honestly means that the devs will have to do further balance changes if they really want to stop camping; because we all know survivors aren't really going to ever punish it.

The entire goal of the killer is to sacrifice the survivors. The primary way to achieve this is to slow the game down as much as possible so that you have as much time as possible to do your job. When successful, camping occupies the time of at least two survivors left in the game. Camping is considered successful whenever one survivor is on the hook, at least one survivor is sitting nearby doing nothing of much value for their team, and either the camped survivor progresses at least one hook state or you manage to down someone else (trading hooks counts). Camping is no longer successful when the remaining unhooked survivors all go do generators and/or when you completely lose your bait.

When you play killer long enough; you can sometimes get a feel for how certain survivors will act in a match. And sometimes you can tell that at least one or more survivors is overly altruistic for one reason or another. You are sometimes able to make an educated judgment call that one or more survivors will reward camping and that it might be a viable strategy in some games. Furthermore, you sometimes are heavily encouraged to try camping as a strategy because you get this feeling in a game where you would otherwise obviously lose due to how the game has been progressing. In this situation, you are making an educated gamble that camping will pay off and that you will be able to sacrifice more survivors by camping than you will by abandoning the hook. These educated gambles, especially against SWF and high rank survivors, will often turn 1K-2K games into 3Ks and even 4Ks, because survivors often will refuse to leave a hook alone even when it is clearly in their best interest to just do generators. This is often due to a mix of empathy for the hooked "teammate", boredom, greed for blood points, etc. In fact camping is particularly viable if the survivors have a "farmer" on their team; and you might even want to let a particularly bad farmer "escape" so that they'll keep farming their teammates. Finally, on rare occassions camping can be an educated gamble that you are definitely going to lose if the person to be camped ever gets off the hook; so you really do need to secure that kill and nothing is "lost" if the survivors "punish" you.

Please also note, I am not just talking about camping straight away. All of this can and does apply to situations where only 2 or 3 survivors are left in the game and/or situations where you've already progressed hook states "fairly" but no one is dead yet.

Now is camping a fun strategy? Well that is up for debate. It's definitely not fun for the survivors, and I personally do not find it that fun as killer, but some other killers seem to enjoy it a whole lot, and the devs seem to consider it a legitimate strategy whose counter is "just doing gens" (lol like survivors are going to do that). But the point of this post was/is to say that, from at least a strict number of sacrifices perspective, camping can be and often is a good strategy for getting kills. If it was a bad strategy, people wouldn't rank up at mid-high ranks by doing it. So please stop spreading the myths that this doesn't work and/or that people should stop complaining about it just because survivors can "punish" it. I can't force my random teammates to do anything lol.


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  • Member Posts: 1,929

    Camping is an effective strategy only if played well. Facecamping gets insta punished by genrush. Proxy camping to wait for a survivor to reach next hook state it's very good. Also proxy camping with Trapper with a survivor in the basement is very good if done well.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Normal camping like circling around the hook, isn't effective because then generators will get done. Proxy camping gets you a few kills though and at least gives the hooked survivor a chance to enjoy the rest of the match.

    Don't know if your new to the game or what though.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    It really depends on who you are facing. Against Rank 20-10 this could actually work, but vs anything better, you should not take Bloodpoints and Ranking to serious, since you wont get a lot, if you camp.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Camping works and is a legit strat.

    More the issues is pip requirements. Survivors punishing camping doesnt wield results hence why it can work more often than not.

    Balancing it out means being able to always pip when punishing it. I don't mean camping now and again of course when it's not actually "camping" as others are cleary around just those who hard camp always.

    That way a killer is also rerwarding the survivors so you would bet they may think twice about doing it.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited September 2019

    It's a strategy.

    And in most cases, it's a good strategy that works. As others have mentioned, punishing camping doesn't really work and isn't satisfying for that matter.

    Just because it's a sign of a bad killer, doesn't mean it's not a strategy.

  • Member Posts: 1,042

    You are correct, in most cases it does work.

    That said, it's not particularly nice to do so, so if possible avoid it.

    It's a boring match for everyone

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    To everyone who says camping is not a strategy, the definition of strategy is;

    a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim:

    Whether it's a good strategy or not is the debate. Yes being camped sucks so the devs made the bloodpoint loss as an incentive to not do it. However like the op stated there is a time and place where camping is the best 'strategic' decision.

    In a game like call of duty if a sniper lays on the ground headshotting anyone he sees, do people call for him to be banned, if its not in a spot that was never intended for people to get to? No the other team changes strategies and the sniper usually ends up dead.

    Different game completely i get it but same result. If other team decides to throw themselves at the sniper head on, they die. If they change up they live. Killer leaves hook, get the unhook. Killer camping, try to draw him away or do gens. Dont farm and you live.

  • Member Posts: 157
    edited September 2019

    It's not a strategy and it doesn't take any skill. I'm starting to see why 80% of the killers on the forums cry about gens. Because instead of gen protecting and applying pressure, they're too busy proxy camping (which the game will deduct points unless someone else is nearby.) And too worried about kills. Focus on protecting gens, applying pressure and HOOKS and the kills will come. Too many put the cart before the horse - I'm really tempted to make an advanced killer guide. And camping is mainly why playing in brown and green ranks is so horrible and is an elo hell. It's unhealthy for the game and unfun for survivors.

    Camping is not a sign that someone is strategic or thoughtful, the only thing it communicates is that you aren't confident in your ability to track or you simply are bad. Camping is a stable in most games and I highly doubt most good players will call it strategic. Let's sit in one general area and look around, so skilled and strategic.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I only camp after all gens are done just to secure one last kill, just last night i played a match with a swf group of 3 that were level 4, 7, 8 plus a solo level 10. They were looping and tbagging after dropping each pallet so when i caught him at the end after the last gen popped i camped him with Noed. I'm a level 13 killer btw so i don't really feel like i had much of a chance anyway but after camping the one his teammates came to save him. Had i not camped him at the very end they all would have survived but because of the camp/Noed i got a 4k on them. The salt messages came quickly with my favorite being "enjoy being banned for camping bi*ch" . You would think a level 4 would know you don't get banned for camping.....😂

  • Member Posts: 833

    Tried to quote whole thing but im bad with my phone lol.

    Thank you for bringing up something I hadn’t thought of recently. I agree that punishing a camper means you should pip when three people escape.

    I disagree with the last part. Otherwise good players don’t punish it enough imo. But I play solo survivor so maybe I am just unlucky.

    Lol okay that made me laugh.

    It is a strategy by definition of the word strategy. Whether or not it’s good sometimes, should be done, should be allowed, etc. are sll things you can have an opinion on; but by definition it is a tactic with a specific goal in mind.

  • Member Posts: 14

    I think that there’s a common trend where people believe that the killer’s objective is to kill survivors. Although I’ve only been playing this game for a year, it seems that killers are more effective when their objective is to stop survivors from working on generators. If killers can effectively stop survivors from progressing gens, then they can almost guarantee 3 kills and if they slug for the 4k get all 4 survivors.

    Some people consider just securing kills as a viable strategy and it makes sense if someone has a key or knows how to loop and evade really well. The best way to catch someone who loops well is through altruism. There’s the troupe in this game that “altruism kills” and I strongly believe this. When playing survivor, it should be risky to try to save another survivor.

    I’m getting a little off topic here. I think that when camping isn’t viable strategy is when people have this misconception that killing survivors gets you bloodpoints. Sure, camping a survivor from 1st hook to sacrificed could get you some bloodpoints, but there’s so many more bloodpoints that could be easily gotten from chase, damaging generators/breaking pallets, etc. In addition to this, camping doesn’t provide much towards emblem progression. If killers who choose to camp wish to rank up, it’s going to be very difficult if you aren’t stopping the survivors unless they go for the save.

    On top of all of this, camping isn’t fun to play against and I can’t imagine it’s fun to do. Survivors and killers alike have to remember Dead by Daylight is a game and we should be having fun with it. We are a community that has the power to absolutely kill this game if we keep making it an “us vs. them” battle.

    I’m not trying to “take shots” or “be salty” at all towards anyone. I just want to have a civil discussion.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    good luck ranking up thinking like that

  • Member Posts: 415

    I feel like a lot of people misunderstand what camping is, and that there are multiple different kinds of campings. Facecamping is when the killer is literally standing right in front of the survivor or within a short distance of them. This is usually done either because you hate that survivor, you're new to the game, or you were losing the whole game and want to secure at least one kill. Facecamping is a no no. Next is the most common type of camping and what I call Patrolling Camping. This is where the killer stays within visual distance of the hook in an attempt to search the immediate area for other survivors. Some killers will do this out of paranoia, others will do it because they know other survivors are within the area. This is where the strategy comes into camping. If the killer knows survivors are just waiting for the killer to leave for a split second in order to get the save, it would be stupid for the killer to let them, especially if the survivors don't try to do the smart move and just leave to do gens. I have done this method multiple times and survivors always seem to fall for it. This is in no way Toxic, as it can be the best strategy for the killer to use if he knows survivors are in the area, and if he knows the survivor team is altruistic.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    It is by definition a strategy.

    Whether it's a good strategy or not is debatable, but it is most definitely a strategy. You don't have to have a "strategic mind" to use a strategy.

  • Member Posts: 833

    After a certain point, some people stop caring about rank and blood points. To those people, getting kills IS the objective. This is especially true when it comes to caring about rank, because quite a few people view ranking up as an actively bad thing right now.

    As far as blood points go, the main time you get severely punished in terms of BP gains is when survivors..... well actually punish the camping by doing generators. If overly altruistic survivors turn the game into "whack-a-mole" than the killer gets plenty of BP. I personally believe the killer should get much less BP for camping; but that doesn't always happen.

    Some people do find camping fun when it turns into the aforementioned game of "whack-a-mole", since to those people any constant interaction with survivors is fun. Again, it only becomes "not fun" if the survivors punish the killer.

    I think the problem comes back to the fact that survivors don't really ever punish the killer; because they are kind of screwed if they do that. The killer has a little bit too much control over the emblem and BP systems in the game if they refuse to interact with survivors; and I personally wish the devs would alter that balance a little bit.

  • Member Posts: 40


    and the devs let people like you play free...gross

  • Member Posts: 157

    The simple fact that people have to constantly reaffirm camping being a strategy goes to show that it really isn't. Camping is instinctive for people because either they are afraid or aren't confident in their ability in games.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    "And the (b)onus is on either the survivors to punish it and/or the devs to balance the game"

    and the killer just runs NOED so even if you try and "punish" someone who's already made the choice to lose pips over kills they end up on top because you don't have time to mess around with totems when the killer camps.

    I have no issue with camping, you do you, killers. But to somehow try and explain it away because you can "punish" someone who really doesn't give a toss about the match ending is ridiculous, especially with NOED in play.

  • Member Posts: 1,134

    Sometimes it works well, sometimes it doesnt.

    It is very sad how often it works well (usually lower ranks).

    When I see a killer standing by the hook, I usually know I have free reign of the map and go fast around on gens.

    Some players can't see beyond the hooked survivor.

  • Member Posts: 461

    I'm with this guy. I don't have time to camp, the second a survivor goes on hook I'm already looking for my next target. I know the guy on hook will be freed and IDGAF.

    Barbecue and Chili, awaaaay!

  • Member Posts: 300

    You make better progress by not camping, that being said I do believe in baiting the 2nd to last survivor especially when they don’t show up with bbq. That’s a wise choice because you lose more time going the wrong direction than you would staying put

  • Member Posts: 3,145


    Great show y'all are putting on.

  • Member Posts: 415

    Exactly, camping has a time and a place, much like most strategies.

  • Member Posts: 461

    I personally don't consider that camping, because in that scenario you're acting upon hard data. 2 left, no aura on hook, 9 times out of 10 the last guy is already in position for a rescue. There's literally nothing else for you to do but look for that last guy and you've been given an idea of where he is.

    If I hook someone and there's someone nearby, I am absolutely going after that person even if it means staying relatively close to the hook at the time. But my goal is the other survivor which I'm actively pursuing, not the one on the hook.

    To me, camping is a very specific mindset where you make a deliberate decision to park in a spot because you expect to get more kills that way. If you happen to do a lot of work in the same area while pursuing different objectives and dynamically updating your play, that's not camping to me. That's just one zone of the map being hot.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Camping works because unhooking survivors is the only way to make decent bloodpoints, and since survivors are starved for bloodpoints, they all swarm the hook instead of doing generators.

  • Member Posts: 300

    I don’t consider it camping either, that’s why I called it baiting

  • Member Posts: 461

    Fair enough, nothing wrong with being a master baiter. I do it all the time.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Until the survivors have decisive strike due to camping/tunneling then some killer mains get mad when they use it.

    Camping is a form of strategy, but it’s just a very boring one.

    Takes me forever to find a game only to get camped in the end. Not epic. 🤡

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    In general I feel like there is a time and a place to camp.

    If you hook a survivor by an open exit gate let's be honest leaving them to go do something else is completely stupid.

    If you can see a group of survivors hanging around a hook and they're wasting a time and nobody is doing gens.

    Some more specific reasons or instances but that's the first two off the top of my head.

    Now if you're talking about general down your first survivor and camp them the only time that ends up working is if the survivors are dumb enough to let it work and instead of working on generators they throw themselves at you like suicidal lemmings

  • Member Posts: 300

    The appropriate way to bait is to slug the unhooked survivor and chase the unhooker. And before you even mention BT I play ghostface 9 out of 10 times and laugh at borrowed time

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    In all fairness, camping is the natural response for killers who can't play well. Or, just getting survivors who are very optimal.

    Most of the time killers who are getting rolled will attempt to snowball with a hooked survivor at least once.

    This is why I don't understand how DS and BT aren't more common. They are deigned to counter camping and tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 833

    Yeah. I’m a rank 4 killer rank 6 survivor atm who has paid full price for all dlc, bought some auric cells, and almost never camps who also created a thread where the main point is sort of that people should stop pretending camping doesn’t work bc survivors can technically punish it. How dare they let people like me play!

  • Member Posts: 327
  • Member Posts: 833

    Am I a bad person for now wanting to see a cyberdemon play the tuba?

  • Member Posts: 833
    edited September 2019

    Ah. So the TNT Evilution on Nightmare without quick saves? Groovy.

  • Member Posts: 458

    I camped my way all the way to rank one for the first time using only Michael on the old system where you needed 9 points to pip up.

    Camp the first person to death, anyone comes close? Have tier 3 locked and loaded at 99%.

    Hook the next person for 5 points. Don’t cAmp them. The third person I camp to death for 9 points.

  • Member Posts: 458

    I started slaughtering rank one SWF teams because they are so altruistic

  • Member Posts: 327

    It's not that we are altruistic, it's freaking boring as ######### hanging the hook until stage 3 from stage 1. No body wants their friend to die either. Camping is a strategy but holy ######### its boring. On both parts.

    Unless it's End game. Camping shouldn't be someone's go to strategy.

  • Member Posts: 461

    I'm a killer main and this is my philosophy.

    In the generator phase, civility reigns. I'm a gentleman killer, I don't tunnel, camp, or rush death hooks. Unless there's an OoO, in which case they know what they signed up for.

    This is because it's the longest part of the match (usually)and where most of the BPs get made. We all wanna get paid. I get paid by the hook, so I'm not too worried about securing kills right away unless generators are really flying.

    Once those gates are powered, no more Mr Nice Guy. I've probably got a 99% EW3 waiting and I'm ready to take hostages.

  • Member Posts: 327


    When I play killer this is what I do. If only everyone did this as killer. Then there is the ahole toxic survivor that ruins it. Then begin the face camp lol.

  • Member Posts: 914

    But when a survivor is close to the hook, you do NOT(!!!) lose emblem score! I can confirm this.

  • Member Posts: 157

    Yes. If you 4K but only got 4 hooks and you camped those hooks, you'll depip in red rank. But if you get 10 hooks and only manage 2 kills? You pip. The game will reward hooks more so than just kills, if you aren't camping. Camping isn't a strategy and the game doesn't promote it, it's why you lose points for camping hooks unless someone is there. Also, if you mori people you are less likely to pip. Hooks are more important than kills!

  • Member Posts: 117

    Well look at it this way. Strategy is putting effort and thought into a plan that should grant you success, is sitting in front of a hook staring at a survivor smacking him over and over putting in any effort? Yes, and no. In some situations camping would be a good strategy especially if you want to get rid of a certain survivor for example if they are good at running you round, body block, have DS etc then camping or tunnelling would be the best thing to do to remove the biggest threat straight away. However there are also times where camping is not a fair and legit strategy that ruins everyone's game just for the fun of it. For example if from the start of the match a Wraith hooks someone and just sits a good enough distance away to stop anyone from seeing him or saving him while invisible, this is not strategy this is borderline toxicity. I consider it toxicity due to the fact that the person you hooked will not have a fun or fair game, automatically loosing the second he get's hooked. The developers tell people to counter camping by sitting on hook and waiting while people gen-rush but why should a player do that when they aren't having fun? I understand you can't win every game and you should help your team but you play to have fun and sitting on hook watching your team loiter around gens like a herd of cattle is not fun. This is why if I get camped I just die on hook because I am playing to have a fun game where I can actually do something, is it selfish? Yes it is but camping is not fair and I will not play games with killers that use unfair tactics to win the game. If the devs think camping is a fair strategy that's their opinion but in my opinion I think it's an unfair strategy that should be banned. I mean in reality why should I help my team when most players just play selfish anyway, I have been left on hook to die multiple times by team mates that have full ability to come save me.

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