Why inner strength will never be meta

Inner strength requires you to cleanse one of the five totems on the map, if four survivors run this then they’ll probably only use it once each if that. This perk can only be good if it isn’t a meta perk, if it became meta then it’d fall out of the meta just as quickly.
I see a flaw with that.
What is Inner Strength at its core? An extra health state. Which other Perks were also pretty much just another health state and became meta albeit single use only? DS, BT and Adrenaline, all meta Perks.
I don't think the single use is enough of a reason for a Perk not to become meta if it effectively grants you an additional health state.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not saying it will become meta, that's unlikely. I'm just saying that the single-use aspect does not deter a Perk from becoming meta.
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No, inner strength will never go meta because it needs at least QaQ and Head on to be useful. It will never be a dead hard or a decisive, that work perfectly alone and are very strong.
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If you’re hit then bt also gives you a speed boost, Adrenaline gives a five second speed boost, DS and bt can also extend a chase, inner strength mainly works outside the chase.
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Don't get me wrong I love this perk but it won't become meta.
It's requirements are to specific and limited. It only has 5 uses after that 5 uses it's a dead perk. However there's no way of controlling how you get those uses you would have to find a totem which isn't too hard and get into a locker.
Most of the time you would have to secure a totem pretty early on usually so you don't spend an annoying amount of time looking for one.
Now I've heard suggestion to try to make the perk better which all of them will fall flat.
Make it a token based system instead of a single-use system: sounds like a great idea on paper but then you're just going to run into people who use small games and just go and totems hunts. Basically it's going to turn into a very cut-throat hallowed blight situation
Make it work on more objectives not just totems for example like a generator you complete. Well this will also make it more useful it would make it a colossal pain in the ass for Killers
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I agree, why use inner strength when you can just ask where your teammates are for a quick heal via coms. It also requires cleansing and thats limited so not worth the perk slot.
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“Make it a token based system instead of a single-use system: sounds like a great idea on paper but then you're just going to run into people who use small games and just go and totems hunts. Basically it's going to turn into a very cut-throat hallowed blight situation”
I already play like this.😂 The totems belong to me and small game! >:V
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It’s not going to become meta mainly bc it is too hard to use while being tunnelled. And if you aren’t being tunnelled you don’t need an extra way to heal. Decisive Strike and Bond are more useful in situations where I would want this kind of effect.
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yea not meta but I like that since now I can run it while getting rid of noed for the team, win win in my book
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So you are the other survivor in my team that uses small game, as well....It's a race against the clock.
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It got no counter when used correctly. And no, you only need "Head on" and "DS". As fourth perk you can use Adrenaline/BT for more overpowered second chance. Even DH if it's comfortable for u to have two exhaustion perks.
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*dramatic music plays*
They are mine! >:V
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Works for me, then I don't have to compete with too many people for the totems 😄
Might not be some sort of S-tier perk, but I really like it in my go-to build. I can usually just find someone else to heal me if needed, but being able to hop in a locker and get a quick heal on my own if I need to be healthy for whatever reason has already helped me out plenty of times since the chapter dropped.
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*Grabs cape, covering nose and mouth* *Dashes around corner*
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You are forgetting about people like me who do totems but don’t need small game.
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I don’t need small game but it does help. I know every totem spawn except the ones on Hawkins.
*Throws pebble at*
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The biggest reason why itll never become Meta... Survivors have to cleanse totems for it to work. Everyone knows survivors hate cleansing totems. If the activation was teabag the killer 10 times, it would be meta for sure.
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Agreed that it's not amazing if all 4 survivors use it and they steal the totems from you.
I've been enjoying it quite a bit though! It rewards me for doing something that I do naturally (cleansing). It means more people are doing totems, so NOED is less likely.
That being said... if I wanted to reliably heal, I'd just bring a medkit or self-care, so.. yeah.
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Good. If it doesn't become meta, that means I can continue using it. I think the most heals I've gotten in one match so far is 4.
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Its iffy since people do hunt totems for hexs and BP or just me, but I will say second wind will definitely see more long term play then inner strength.
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Maybe, though that Borrowed Time argument was clawing at straws a bit, but your main argument against Inner Strength becoming meta is the single-use aspect of it, and I still think that that isn't what inhibits a Perk's meta potential.
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Damn, Schrodinger's Perk here haha. :D
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Inner Strength + DS + Head On + Quick and Quiet/Adrenaline might not be a truly meta build, but it's up there for sure.
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Probably not "meta" but definitely strong in combo, Inner and DS. Hell add Head on and you guarantee a safe locker entry after a hook.
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You can just body-block the other dull totem from other survivor. I don't understand your concerns..