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New Licensed Killer-The Insidious Chapter

blackfoxx_x Member Posts: 68

Name: The Red-Faced Demon

Alias(es): The Man With Fire on His Face

Gender: N/A

Realm: The Further

Power: Into the Further

Weapon: Black Claws

Speed: 110% or 4.4 m/s

Terror Radius: 24m

Height: Average


A possessing killer, the Red-Faced Demon can force survivors to astral project into the mysterious dimension known as The Further, while leaving their physical bodies behind and vulnerable to possession. His personal perks, Vengeance, Sadism, and Malevolence endanger survivors as they complete objectives and allow him to draw power from the suffering of his victims.


"They're all trying to get inside his physical body simply because they... they crave life; the chance to live again. But there are other entities who are malevolent and have a more insidious agenda. And then there's this..." - Elise Reiner

The Red-Faced Demon exists for one purpose, to inflict pain on others. Stalking the dark void known as The Further, it constantly searches for a suitable host to possess. It would often lure children unaware of their ability to astral project into its lair, where they were tortured and imprisoned. The demon would wait as the bond to their physical body weakened until it was able to be possessed. The demon came incredibly close to achieving its insidious agenda when it attached itself to Dalton Lambert, but was banished from the physical world, and into a strange, unfamiliar realm. This new place was full of souls to torture and consume; The Entity had finally found a being as dark and twisted as itself.


Vengeance: The brazen actions of survivors fills you with a demonic rage. This perk is activated when a generator is completed within the Killer's terror radius. Any survivor that was repairing the generator when it was completed will become exposed for 30/35/40 seconds.

Sadism: The suffering of others imbues you with a dark power. For every hooked survivor or survivor in the dying state, your terror radius is reduced by 4 meters and your movement speed in increased by 2/3/4%.

Malevolence: Your connection to the Entity has given you a sinister power. When a dull totem is cleansed any survivor engaged in a repair/healing/sabotage action will be faced with a considerably difficult skill check. Failing the skill check will result in a 4/5/6% regression penalty. When a hex totem is cleansed, a phantasm of the killer will appear behind all survivors for 5 seconds. Also, any survivor engaged in a repair/healing/sabotage action will be faced with a tremendously difficult skill check. Failing the skill check will result in a 8/10/12% regression penalty.

Power: Into the Further

After hitting a survivor with your ability (M2), the survivor's soul will be forced out of their body and enter The Further while leaving behind a husk of their physical body. If not already injured, the survivor will become injured. While in The Further, survivors can not see or interact with other survivors that are not also within The Further. A survivor can return to the physical plane by rejoining their body (this action takes 16 seconds), or by exiting a red door. An ethereal tether (a small cord of light) will be visible to survivors, connecting their spirit to their physical husk. As time passes, the tether will become dimmer, and more fragmented as the bond to their physical body weakens. After 60 seconds, the tether will disappear completely and the Red-Faced Demon can then possess the husk. While possessing a survivor's husk, the killer loses his terror radius and red stain, and can perform survivor gestures like pointing as well as crouching. Using the active ability button, the killer will abruptly erupt from the husk and reveal itself. While a survivor's husk is possessed, they can not exit through a red door or rejoin their body. Putting a survivor into the dying state will return them to the physical plane. When a survivor returns to the physical plane, the survivor's husk disappears.

By default, 3 red doors will spawn on walls or other vertical structures throughout the map. Survivors can use these to travel in and out of The Further. Once used, the red door will vanish and respawn in another random location. When a survivor enters the Further through a red door, they will have 2 minutes before they separate from their physical body. This time will decrease each time a survivor enters The Further through a red door.

The Further is not a place for the living, and poses several challenges to survivors. The Further is a realm of thick fog and darkness, drastically reducing visibility to all survivors. Also, Lost Souls passively wonder the map and will begin to slowly approach survivors when getting too close. Touching a Lost Soul will cause the survivor to scream, revealing their location to the killer and triggering the Hindered status effect for 20 seconds.

***This ended up taking awhile, so I'll do items for the killer another time after I get some feedback on his power
