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The Legion, worth it?

Hozh Member Posts: 84
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

So I just watched the trailer, reviewed perks which are amazing and checked some gameplays, I basically made my come back to DBD almost 2 months ago due PSN PLUS, I just bought GF which is great however I really like the Legion idea and looks but I've also heard bad reviews.

Is it worth to purchase?

Is it really that bad?

How good is at collecting BP?

I usually feel closer to unseen or unheard killers like GF, The Whrait or the PIG but The Legion is very fast and can multi hit which I believe can be a lot of fun.

Can it be purchased with diamonds?

Let me know, cheers

PSN players who wants to play once in a while PSN Raccoons_cr

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  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    Yes, my game set up is in a diff language, havent found the way to change it back to english, havent diggd enough though

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    If you really really want him, buy him with 9,000 shards. Legion is not in a good place right now.

    If you stay around green ranks and below you’ll be okay otherwise I would advise against it.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    Discordance is good, mad grit and Iron Maiden are niche af so you’ll never use them

  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    green ranks and below''? so the higher the rank (10 to 1) the better gameplay? or the other way around? sorry

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    Other way around. Good survivors make your life miserable because his power can’t down people

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    After his nerf, Fatal Frenzy does little to help against above average survivors. All it does is get you an easy first hit against one person if the survivors stay spread out.

  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    what about JEFF? worth it? I was thinking about getting him with the shards

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Depends, do you enjoy constant pain? If you do, welcome to the Legion.

  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    What if you use Frenzy just to get closer and then switch to normal so you can down him with two hits only?

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    You suffer a stun every time you end Fatal Frenzy. All you've done is given the survivor more time to get to a pallet/window.

  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    Well I believe that at the end of the day what is really important is the BPs collected, inst it?

    I was planning getting the Spirit but its not my style, I watched a vid when the guy used the spirit along with Discordance, impossible to play against

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    As someone who started playing the Legion AFTER their rework, I say that they are worth buying (I paid shards for mine, so no real money was spent on my end).

    Mad Grit and Discordance are great perks, Iron Maiden is just okay. Legion is great at bp farming as you almost always max out your chaser emblem. They're not too difficult to play, you just have to know when to use feral frenzy and when to cut it short. Don't waste time breaking pallets if you're in chase, unless its a really safe pallet.

    I only find totems are difficult to protect with Legion, as their map pressure is not as good as other killers. Use Distressing to have a larger TR if you want to get your killer instinct to work better, and abandon chases that are taking too long. Don't be afraid to M1.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's a 4 second stun. Survivors gain a minimum of 16m on you, not worth it.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190
    edited September 2019

    You are stunned with 5 sec if you stop your Frenzy

    Edit: 4 sec stun

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536
    edited September 2019

    If you know what you are doing legion is very fun to play, I wouldn't recommend it in red ranks though. As far as killer perks go, they are pretty decent, Mad grit is a great basement build perk, while Iron maiden is very good on huntress if you like to play her, the real star of the show is Discordance, this perk gives you a much easier time of prioritizing generators and stalling the game. As far as survivor perks go they are also pretty decent, Aftercare is incredibly under-rated and will compete with bond and empathy if you go for saves and heals. Breakdown, is a bad perk at worst and a decent perk at best, It is very situational whether it will affect the killer, but in most cases it won't. Distortion on the other hand is a pretty good perk, as it allows you to hide from the killer when using BBQ and Chili which is easily the most used killer perk in the game, It's flaw is that it only has 3 tokens. Looking at it all, If you play mainly survivor, I would avoid purchasing this chapter, however if you happen to play mostly killer I would recommend it, Discordance is a very good perk and when played correctly the Legion is very fun to play. You also get the added benefit of a good Huntress perk and a nice perk to complete any basement build. To me is it worth it? Of course, this is probably my favorite game and I've been apart of this community since beta, but that's just my opinion, hoped it helped. ;)

  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    You mean by that that the legion will be very frustrated to play as?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Yes. He a bad place. Arguably one of the worst, if not the worst, Killer right now. Certainly, at the very least, he is the only Killer that is better of NOT using his power.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    Btw does anyone here have good legion build?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I run PGTW, Ruin, BBQ or Brutal and then a perk of your choice.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549
  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Please don't buy Legion. He is a terriblely frustrating killer to play as.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2019

    Imo the Legion is ok, if you:

    -Prefer m1 killers and as a consequence of that a killer that mainly should use his m1 power since his frenzy and dw abilitie has a ton of drawbacks (sooner or later you will stop using those powers - at least the most Legions do it because every killer like to kill sooner or later someone in a match).

    Don't let yourself fool by the advertisment video of the Legion from bhvr. It shows not the reality.

    -If high ranks are not where you like to stay for longer, as you need to say "f... how I have land here?".

    With this conditions in mind the Legion can maybe ok for some people.

    Edit: I like to say, the maybe in the last sentence should be seen as a very big maybe^^. Don't be mad at me if you later end up with a killer that makes no fun :|.

    Edit²: Just buy something else, if you like to buy something. I guess that is the more honest advice :(.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,950

    I like playing legion but the killer is absolute crap

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited September 2019

    The Legion can be bought with shards, since it's an original character

    Is it worth the purchase? No, not right now

    Legion is in a "momentary" state, when released they were broken if you used certain strategies and add-ons. They will get a rework one day but it may take a while before that happens

    Their power is boring, hardly worth using, survivors if 10 meters away from you can avoid your power all together by running in a straight line

    Back in the days Legion had problems, those needed to be fixed, but Jesus Christ, they took too much from them

    If you have shards to spare then sure, buy them, but it isn't all that worth it

    (Now, of course you can succeed as Legion, but you will probably not have fun doing so)

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Legion is really damn good at making bp, just get bbq, don't forget about it, I like using legion but he is weak at red ranks

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    I'm a green rank killer right now, and outside of survivors stunning you with pallets or breaking you out of your power one way or another, I find Legion to be fun. When they break you out of your power it's rather frustrating though. That said, injuring 4 survivors is a good feeling, and if you walk right up on them with FF, you can still hit a survivor with your basic attack after the stun as long as they're not near a pallet. It's good for BP as well. Definitely better on smaller maps though.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    The Legion are in a weird state right now. They are not as bad as some players say, but they certainly do have issues.

    Feral Frenzy is now purely a stalling/detection tool. Its usefull... But its not really what you'd expect of the Legion concept as a group of murderous teenagers. And the ability to vault is allmost pointless. You vault slower than the survivors and you lose a lot of your vision in frenzy, so vaulting a pallet or window actualy gives survivors a great opportunity to evade you. There is also no point in vaulting after a wounded survivor, since you can't down anybody in frenzy.

    The other issue is their add-ons. If you look into the actual numbers instead of the slightly/moderatly/significantly/tremendously useless and LYING descriptors, you realize they are barely worth using except thoses that increase the Killer Instinct detection range.

  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    Well after all of these bad reviews I guess Ill buy it just for fun then, it might be useful when the rank resets i guess, Ima keep Lvl up GF

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Legion is pretty decent in blood points BUT it is a weak killer with no power.

    But they look great

    Source : hundreds of hours on legion

  • Hozh
    Hozh Member Posts: 84

    are we going to get any sort of re-work just like freddy? I believe Legion's idea is too original to just forget about it

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    For me legion is big fun. I'm a masochist though.

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    Yes, Legion is a delaying Killer. Pig is similar: her head traps are not designed to kill people. They are designed to waste their time while trying to avoid getting killed by them. Legion's update is similar: we gave them more tools to be able to get Deep Wound on multiple Survivors so they waste time mending. For example Legion can now cover 50m during one FF rather than the previous 31m; so it's easier to spot a new target after hitting the first.

    As mentioned elsewhere, we are aware of and are fixing the three broken addons (the pins). We are also monitoring performance to see if further stat adjustments are needed.

  • RedactedVirus
    RedactedVirus Member Posts: 1

    Is it worth to purchase?

    I think so, jeff is also a fun survivor

    Is it really that bad?

    not as bad as people like to make it out, but he definitely takes more skill to use effectively then other killer since he relies on mindgames a bit more

    How good is at collecting BP?

    Stellar I have had 100k games before

    I usually feel closer to unseen or unheard killers like GF, The Whrait or the PIG but The Legion is very fast and can multi hit which I believe can be a lot of fun.

    It can be lots of fun brother they are really cool and tbh they feel faster than other killers to me.

    Can it be purchased with diamonds?

    9000 big ones

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I run STBFL, BBQ, Fire Up, and Brutal Strength. I've been having a very good time with it, but you have to play very well for it to work. >30% pallet breaking speed is really useful, and the extra vault speed from fire up can come in handy

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I like legion, it's fun. They have some amazing cosmetics. King/queen of farming (alongside doctor).

    I never played old legion, so I can't compare. But currently legion is not strong

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    You should buy the Legion for the perks. They are fun, but they are really underpowered. If you want to have fun or Bloodpoints and you don't give a f00ck who will escape, you should buy them.

    The Legion - 9000 Iridenscent Shards/500 Auric Cells

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2019

    Be happy, you would miss the adrenaline rush while you are chasing someone too much. It was almost addictive :).

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    As a Legion main I'd have to say, not yet, wait for the addon buffs at least. I enjoy him but others say he's boring (which I understand). You're entire purpose is to slow the game down as much as physically possible and grab easy downs along the way so I run this build (Ruin, Pop, Thana, Sloppy), early game you'll want to abandon bad chases and stick only if you know you'll get them quick and focus on getting everyone injured and then work from there. If everyone heals and starts stacking on gens, you frenzy. I don't bother running addons because all but a few are abysmal and I'd rather wait to use them when they're good. Be warned some giant maps like Gas Heaven will be near impossible to win on against a decent team, but on the Macmillan estate maps in particular you should be golden.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Legion can spot new targets, but it's much harder to get chain hits than it was before. Good survivors will run away when they realize you're frenzying to them, and it's really hard to catch up to someone that does that within the 20 seconds you have. They could really use a buff to their speed so that they can actually catch up to people before the timer runs out

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    Jeff is a fun survivor to play as. His perks aren't meta, but they're all nice perks.

    Aftercare is easy to activate and will let you see auras of your teammates at any distance so long as you don't get hooked. Then the effect will be reset.

    Breakdown is great for getting rid of hooks in an area of making tunneling more difficult because of lack of hooks. It also makes body-blocking more successful and seeing a hook go down as a killer makes the area a very unsafe place to down a survivor in. It's an underrated perk.

    Distortion is great against aura reading perks like BBQ & Chili, A Nurse's Calling, etc. Its only downside is that there are only 3 tokens the entire match.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    I suggest that you use shadowborn on Legion. Helps me when playing him/her.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2019

    If you think the play style looks fun, then yes.

    If you like winning, then no.

    He's just really bad and Discordance is his only decent perk, the others are trash.

    Post edited by Blueberry on