Underrated perks

So I asked everyone what their go to perk was. How about a perk you think is completely underrated? For killer I really think Franklins goes unnoticed too much. It's such a nice perk to watch them drop their item and run around trying to get it back. It's an easy to way to down someone too cause you just smack them and leave them but remember where you smacked them at. They will always come back to the spot for their item. Hell, get a pallet hit and the item is stuck under the pallet forever :D. For survivor probably has to be small game. It's super useful for learning totem spawn points and gets you easy bp all match. People really look over this perk because its not meta enough but taking out totems is useful for early players and noed players. Has great synergy with the new inner strength perk as well.



  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669



    the map knowledge you gain with this is amazing!

    especially if you run it on mobile killers like Hillbilly - you will be able to tell exactly where to strike to A: prevent a gen from poping and B: scare multiple players off the objective and therefore slow the game down.

    granted it only works when there are multiple players working on a gen, but i rarely ever see games where it doesnt go off.


    Plunderers Instinct

    the amount of red keys i found with that is just ridiculous xD

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Spine Chill and Urban Evasion

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    Spine Chill - When used properly it has saved me from being spotted on countless occasions.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    Spine Chill is amazing for solo surviving.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    ive had such varying degrees of success with Plunderer's. one game i got two commons and an uncommon with it (i was getting items and leaving them at the exit gates for all the newbies) and in another game i got a rainbow map and skeleton key.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    If you pair Plunder's with a luck offering that's when you'll get all the keys and maps.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    i thought luck didnt affect chests, only the hook and Trapper's traps

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    They changed it last year for them to effect chests too.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Plunderer's + Ace in the Hole is where the good stuff starts.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530


    Nope i doesn't , the only change was that ultra rare items can spawn on chests . Luck never affect chest's seachs

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Small game and corrupt intervention

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    Aftercare and I'm All Ears

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    We'll Make It and Agitation.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Brutal Strength

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    New dying light! Its so great earning that slow down!

    For survivor head on, its so amazing to use mid chase with QaQ!

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    distortion a perk that's underrated and absolutely deserves a buff

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Distortion, Small Game

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Head On (with Q&Q) and We'll make it.

    We'll make it is amazing! Who cares about the non heal meta when my heals are 100% faster! Now survivors who do well without a health state will do even better now that they've got two.

    Head On with Q&Q is great! Yes it can be used mid chase you're just not using it right. If used in a chase with Q&Q at the right time you can prolong the chase even longer than usual.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    For survivor, Poised - especially with the dark sense buff - is really underrated and makes for fun perk combos. Stake out and Lightweight are also really underrated because on paper they don’t sound like much, but you literally never have to worry about ruin and it’s almost like a budget spine chill, and lightweight really is more effective than you think at tier 3, especially with drop points and line of sight breaks.

    For killer, I’m going to give Bloodhound, Lightborn, and Brutal Strength a shout out. Flashlights bother me the most and it’s great seeing a cocky survivor realize their pallet blind is bs, Bloodhound is great for tracking and is far less likely to screw up than scratch marks, and Brutal Strength is just neat and saves some time as well as being acoustically pleasant.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Iron Will easily. If the killer can’t hear you then they have nothing to go on except for their eyes. Breaking line of sight and knowing when to walk and NOT run can save your ass.

    Any combination of Quick and Quiet, Calm Spirit, Iron Will, Lightweight, Dance With Me, Poised, Fixated, and Lithe can be VERY disorienting for killers.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    For killers, Surveillance.

    For survivors, Poised + Dark Sense is pretty good now for stealth plays.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Head on (with quick and quiet) and better together.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    Lightweight. Survivors don't know how many times they get caught only because the scratchmarks persisted long enough for the killer to have a faint trail.

    Lightweight also gives a false positive as to your location, as since if they see the trail has gone cold early, they'll believe you didn't run anywhere, when you very well could have run halfway across the map.

  • Dicklaycia
    Dicklaycia Member Posts: 147

    Kindred. I’m a solo Survivor, so the information it gives to my allies is invaluable.

  • ChezAndQuakers
    ChezAndQuakers Member Posts: 189

    Survivors: Iron will with lightweight

    Killers: Infectious Fright with Monitor and Abuse

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    Stridor. Bye-bye Iron Will gamerzz

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Poised <3

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224
    edited September 2019

    Bond. Avoid survivors being chased and lead the killer away from the team. Work Gens together.

    Botany. Counters Sloppy and killer slow heal add ons. Heal others faster.

    Leader. Help destroy hex totems faster when guarded by killers. Others heal you faster. Help open gates faster.

    We are going to live forever. Earn that juicy BP for safely helping your team.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    i know its rather new but ive only seen it once, Better Together. I feel like having other survivors know the gen you're working on can be so beneficial. not only to come help you work on the gen, but also so you know to not run the killer that way.

  • Pantemic
    Pantemic Member Posts: 25

    Shadowborn. I just need it. There is no going back. Dont do Shadowborn kids.