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Why adding Pennywise the Clown is a bad idea.

*This is an opinion piece, you are welcome to disagree with me in the discussion below.

I believe that Pennywise the Clown is a terrible idea for Dead by Daylight, and here are some of the reasons why. First of all, Pennywise is not a slasher type character. Licensed characters such as Scream, Leatherface, and Michael Myers work as killer as they are fundamentally in the slasher movie genre. This means that there goal is to just kill as many people as possible. Meanwhile, Pennywise feeds off of others fear, and that would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible to make a good power for. If they did add him, his power would most likely be completely different from his source material abilities. Remember, last time they added a licensed killer who had a unique gimmick like Pennywise was Freddy, and we all know how that went. If somebody comments on a unique and interesting ability that they could make Pennywise have, I might change my mind, but as it is, I don't think it is possible without making the killer nothing like Pennywise. Finally, buying the license to Pennywise would cost the developers an incredible amount of money, and all for something that would not bring much to the game. Keep in mind, the new It movie came out very recently, making it even more expensive to buy the characters. This in turn would mean yet another DLC that costs money and could never be earned with bloodpoints. I feel as if instead of relying on cheap gimmicks such as licensed killers that are not even slasher types in the game, the developers could try creating a unique killer idea. Some of the best and coolest killers in DBD are the ones that are completely unique ideas, such as the spirit or the nurse.Most of the people who I have seen requesting that Pennywise is a good idea to the game do not really seem to think about what abilities he could have, and are instead fixated on just having him in the game. Again, if you disagree with this and have any ideas on how they could successfully implement him as an interesting and game-changing killer, I would like to hear it below.

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  • Member Posts: 7,314

    This was discussed previously with other people.

    I don't think they're adding him as the next DLC, I believe it was just something unrelated to their upcoming movie.

    If it is the case, than I don't think he'd be a bad choice as a Killer, I'd just think he'd be an odd one tbh. I'd prefer a original Killer for the next DLC, just like everyone else would I believe. But who knows, maybe that's our next DLC, we'll just have to wait and see.

  • Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2019

    @FireHazard If it is the case, than I don't think he'd be a bad choice as a Killer, I'd just think he'd be an odd one tbh. I'd prefer a original Killer for the next DLC, just like everyone else would I believe. But who knows, maybe that's our next DLC, we'll just have to wait and see

    I agree with you on getting an unlicensed killer, as I would prefer a new and game-changing killer rather than a cheap gimmick.

  • Member Posts: 115

    I sort of see what you mean, I just wanted to hear others thoughts and opinions on the issue.

  • Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2019

    I hope we get him. Mcote said nothing is too big now.

    Limiting to just slashers wouldn't fit that statement much. (Demo kinda broke the "slasher type" rule also)

    3 of the 4 original killers this past year or so have been poorly received spirit being the exception there is no licensed/original quality gap or gimmicks.

    Everyone complained about clown, legion and plague...

  • Member Posts: 115

    I see what you mean, but the Demogorgon's goal is to simply kill, such as a murderer in a slasher movie, whereas Pennywise is more of a strategic eldritch god who tries to instill fear in his victims. Can you think about any abilities he could have that would make him a good killer to add to the game

  • Member Posts: 22

    You know that Freddy was quite good when he was released and they just nerfed him because a lot of survivor mains started crying about Freddy and how "unfair" he was.

    His power is not only feeding on fear, you know. He used transformations a lot and having a killer that would for example transform into a survivor would actually be quite cool. Actually many people hoped that Legion would be the killer that hides as a survivor and that his whole power would be based around this.

  • Member Posts: 296

    *cough* Ghost Face *cough*

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    Pennywise revolves around fear he takes the shape of whatever the person he's targeting fears.

    So i imagine Pennywise would be a shape shifter with different forms he could take depending on the situation or could appear to be a different killer to trick survivors.

  • Member Posts: 636

    I disagree, I personally think he would make a great addition to dbd. His style could be similar to The Doctor (More of the Fear stuff) the map could be Derry's Sewage, Penny's mori could munch people up or make them float. I don't believe he should be the next killer but hopefully he'll join dbd soon

  • Member Posts: 115

    Although I love the idea of a killer that is able to turn into survivors, and would think it would make an excellent addition to the game, there are two problems with it

    1. The developers said they were not going to ever add a killer who does that.
    2. They would get destroyed by SWF lobbies with mikes.
  • Member Posts: 115

    The problem with that is that as soon as the survivors realized that the killer was changing during the match, they would immediately realize it was pennywise and the shapeshift effect would not work anymore. I would be fine if they did have a unlicensed killer who could change forms, I just don't understand why it has to be Pennywise

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    The way you wrote that out confused me, cause I can see its a quote of what I said, but it doesn't indicate that it was lol...

    Anyways, yeah, an original Killer would be cool for the next DLC.

  • Member Posts: 988

    I agree with the OP. I'm not sure why pennywise would ever be a good idea. People just want him in the game because he's iconic, which I think is stupid. He doesn't fit in the game, and the idea of him being in the game feels very forced.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Exactly! I was fine with the Demogorgon as it is actually a good killer to add to the game. Meanwhile, Pennywise seems like a fundamentally bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 587

    There are a plethora of Stephen King killers that come to mind being in DBD before Pennywise ever would. I really don't want IT in the game for the simple fact that they would ruin IT. They would make his power so incredibly dull and lackluster. He's a freaking space god alien thing that is literally 3 orbs of light. Don't do this to IT. IT deserves much better than to be mocked by 4 teenage-young adults running around in circles.

  • Member Posts: 9,417
    edited September 2019

    Please add Pennywise, Pinhead, Chucky, and <insert horror franchise> chapter suggestions are getting annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    There are much better books/horror stuff Stephen King has made. I want original content FIRST- then we can have another licensed chapter.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I don't think it will be Pennywise. I think it will likely be from either the Shining (sequel coming out) or from the Salem Witch book by Steven King (which also has a movie coming out).

  • Member Posts: 2,047
    edited September 2019

    I wouldn't like Pennywise, devs need to fix the Clown we already have first.

    Post edited by Marcus on
  • Member Posts: 1,192

    This right here. I feel personally that if they added him to the game he'd end up a very watered down version of what he should be. I get that people are excited by the prospect, i really do, but I'd honestly be sad to see such an iconic character reduced to a joke just to appease demand.

    If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well, and if you can't do it well, maybe its best to give it a miss.

  • Member Posts: 696

    I'm always up for things that will bring new ppl to the game

  • Member Posts: 3,615
    edited September 2019

    Year 3 was nothing but original content. 4 straight chapters of it.

    If every chapter this year is licensed we are still even on original to license ratio.

  • Member Posts: 819

    We dont need a second Clown. Thats the one and only reason.

  • Member Posts: 899

    I dont undersrand the anti pennywise crowd at all. They say things like he isn't scary. I'm sorry if anything in this game scares you, I'm happy for you but that's just sad, there is nothing scary about dbd.

  • Member Posts: 833

    Pennywise would generate a lot of positive interest; and I support adding any such killer to the game.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2019

    Adding pennywise isn’t a bad idea I love pennywise and he deserves to be in a game do I really hope they do add him and if we can have two killers with chainsaws and three killers that based on stealth then it wouldn’t hurt to have two clowns

  • Member Posts: 839
    edited September 2019

    The devs have already expressed their desire to add him to the game. The last time they tried to get him (winter 2018) they were politely told "it wasn't the right time."

    The new IT movie is currently in theaters. The home release date for the film is in December, the same month of the next chapter. The next chapter will come with no map. All original chapters have come with a full package (Killer, survivor, map). The Game Awards is in early December. At last years awards MCote announced dedicated servers were coming to the game. You can sure bet they'll have something big to announce this year.

    To get Pennywise they'd have to go through Warner Brothers. They've already dealt with Warner Brothers to add Leatherface and Freddy. MCote and the DBD twitter account unfollowed and then followed Stephen King's twitter account after the release of the ST chapter. Which ensured many people would get a twitter notification about that. A DBD art director also posted a drawing of Pennywise on their twitter account.

    As MCote said in the behind the scenes video for the ST chapter: "Nothing is too big for us now. Anything is possible. Who knows what's next?" Accept it. Pennywise is next. So prepare yourselves.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    So having a mimic killer IS POSSIBLE, I recently made a discussion highlighting someone's fan chapter who created the best mimic ability that wouldn't get destroyed by SWF. I titled the discussion The Ghostface That Never Was and it had a link to the fan chapter. But basically the Killer could Mark Survivors and then later on when the Killer activates the ability while that Survivor is with another Survivor they would switch places with them. The Survivor would teleport into a locker and the Killer would enter an animation where they look like that Survivor and start putting on their costume. So to the dude who is with the guy who got switched is basically working on a Gen with Dwight then Dwight stops doing the Gen and puts on a cloak and mask then tries to stab him; BAM MIMIC!

    Anyway, about Pennywise, the best way I can see is that his lunge is him transforming his arm into an insect appendage but his actual ability would be like you said watered down. Pennywise is a shapeshifter who doesn't actually feed off of fear but instead uses fear as a spice, he doesn't need it but craves it, unlike Freddy who is the opposite.

    So maybe in that case it would be like Doctor where everyone has a Fear meter and when it goes up Pennywise gets his version of a Tier 3 and has an ultimate ability he can use, whatever that is. H'll probably shapeshift into a monster who is faster and can break pallets so Survivors would want to stick together to keep their Fear from growing as getting it to max will buff Pennywise.

  • Member Posts: 84

    I find pennywise a great chapter

  • Member Posts: 526

    I'd love a Pennywise chapter. It would also bring in fans of the It movies in and would be an excellent addition. The more people who join the game, the more players we will have which is never a bad thing.

    The entity feeds on the survivors fear, and dread, as well as that moment when they lose all hope. Pennywise also feeds on fear, so he can fit within the verse.

    As for his powers there is tons they could do with it, from shape shifting, hallucinations, and tricks with Balloons!

  • Member Posts: 83

    @Pugpablo123 i would love pennywise but i agree they would fail to make his power unique.

    your reason being his power being fear... so wasnt freddys in the movies. freddy is more powerful the more u feared him hence why when they started to not dream he lost his power over them as they didnt not fear him anymore. i also agree freddy couldve been alot better his best attribute was in the dream world he could do ANYTHING he wanted.. morph into the tv and smash u into it enlongate his arms to like 30 feet long each become ur bed and pull u inside it... yet freddy had roughly as much power in the dream world as he did in the live world.. and as for that.. he doesnt even have a real body he exists only in the dream world. pennywise could work as his power of feeding off fear is exactly what freddy does. however idk if they would implement it properly and id fear it would ruin pennywise... allthough that could be the fear of pennywise being used against us to make pennywise stronger :O oh crap RUN!! lol

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    Pennywise would be fine. Deadlights/IT, not so much, but Pennywise has more limitations.

  • Member Posts: 97

    ummmm leatherface isn’t a slasher killer??? The original TCM movie was not a slasher. It was a reimagining of the famous Ed Gein scheme, and the original leatherface killed to protect his family and consume the victims because he was part of a cannibalistic family. We can just pretend platinum dunes take on the series doesn’t exist.

  • Member Posts: 797
    edited September 2019

    it always makes me laugh when people ask for original released killers, then when we do get original killers you guys do nothing but complain about them.

    Spirit, Legion,Plague, Doctor, Clown, Nurse, Huntress, Billy

    These are the ones majority of the community complain about

  • Member Posts: 115

    I never said he was not scary, and I realize nothing in DBD is scary. Did you even read what I was saying. I said there was no way of adding him without butchering what makes him operate the way he does, and it just seems like a cheap gimmick instead of an original killer.

  • Member Posts: 115

    I wouldn't absolutely hate Pennywise, I just feel as if they could do so much better with the game rather than a gimmick to pull in new players.

  • Member Posts: 474

    We need Christine as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 912

    anything but not another clown pls.

  • Member Posts: 115

    I am pretty sure that Leatherface is classified as a slasher movie series. The definition of a slasher movie is

    "A slasher film is a film in the subgenre of horror films involving a violent psychopath stalking and murdering a group of people, usually by use of bladed tools."

    I was thinking more along the lines of the sequel movies, which has a much more aggressive leatherface who fits the trope much more than the original one does.

  • Member Posts: 115

    Like I said before this, I would be fine with Pennywise as long as he actually had unique abilities. I feel like they would not be able to come up with a unique killer ability for him.

  • Member Posts: 867

    While I don't think Pennywise would fit due to him being just as powerful, if not more powerful than the Entity, I do think a killer based on your fears would be rad

    Have the game keep track of what killer you die to the most and Pennywise's power could be to transform into the killer that kills the survivor he's looking at the most (with a return to clown form after a while}

  • Member Posts: 115

    I actually kind of like that idea, but it would ruin the point of buying future dlc, as the clown would just let you turn into any of the killers.

  • Member Posts: 115

    I actually did not mind these killers, except for Legion which was annoying. People begged for Freddy though, and that did not go amazingly.

  • Member Posts: 155

    Yea his power can be hiding in the street sewers on badham with a red balloon trying to coax some kids to join him

  • Member Posts: 839

    That would be neat but I'd imagine animating the transformations for every existing and future killer would be a huge work load. Not to mention I'm sure the other licensed holders would need to aprove the use of their killers by Pennywise.

    For instance would Universal want Pennywise to be able to transform into Myers? I don't know.

  • Member Posts: 115

    How would that work against players? The second a player sees a red balloon they would walk away. Also, no other map except his would have sewer grates, so he could not hide in them. Like I said, giving him a working and good power would butcher who he was in the books and movies

  • Member Posts: 324
    edited September 2019

    You know what's also funny is these people who claim they love the orginal content so much why are the rest of the original killers we do have are not your main,and if so why care about any other killer that gets in the game if I had a main, my concern would lie in new buff's, nerfs and cosmetics imo which I've posted ,not on this account because yes I've had a couple 😮 when Legion was my main but I still wanted a license main to, but after the updates he feels boring now so I guess it's back to maining huntress who gets a good supply of cosmetics so no complaints there

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