Which killer provides most and least fun (as survivor)?

Which killer/killers gives you the most joy in a match and who gives you the least? Please motivate!
Most joy: Nurse without addons. Mind gaming and juking against nurse is very satisfying.
Least joy: Trapper. I get PTSD (almost) after having played a trapper. Traps everywhere!
Edit 3: The tally so far (not very scientific, but kind of nice to see)
Most: Nurse and Billy, really strong and with exciting chases, not your average m1 killer
Least: either Trapper, because stepping on random traps and taking risks isn't that funny, and Spirit because she has an annoying power, awful """"""""""""""mind games""""""""""", lack of feedback and yada yada.
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I like playing vs Nurse (without the broken addons) because you need a really different playstyle compared to all the other killers,atleast here in low ranks you don't see her as often so it's a nice change
For least fun Trapper because like you said trap PTSD
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Spirit tends to be hard to mind game and run around for extended periods of time, so it's always exciting when I end up doing it.
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Favorite killer to go against is probably Trapper for me. Least favorite is the Spirit [Insert "If it isn't the invisible (Bad Word)." here.]
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I really like the stealth killers, especially Michael, because you’d be doing a gen and you turn around and it’s a nearly 7 foot man staring at you. I also really like Trapper and Demogorgon
i hate going against people like wraith and legion because they’re just not exciting to go against
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Most joy:
pre nerf pig: Get the traps off during the endgame was so exciting. Totally hated the egc nerf of her. I think the egc would make this whole game just more exciting. The time could be slow down during this time, but knowing that there are 2 timers who would kill you, would be so awesome. Its frustrating that this nerf happen, but its still a very unique gameplay and i love it 😊
Spirit: i really like her mindgames, keep calm with iron will and see how she totally fail tracking, its so funny, but also most often difficult.
Myers: he has this special atmosphere and its soo damn funny to realize he is stalking behind you or randomly appears in front of you. Even if that happens rarely. I love, when i realize he surprisingly stalking me.
Least joy:
Hillbilly: he isnt fun to play against and dont need much skill with this instasaw, most toxic player i know play him and feel like gods cause his broken hitboxes * slow clap * (i usually play on xbox). If they would fix it, he would be alright.
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Most: Billy, Nurse, Shape, Clown
Fun and exciting games.
Least: Pig, Huntress, Prestiged Cannibal
Annoying, "Cuntress", Too campy
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Most : Billy, easily.
Least : Spirit, by about a mile and followed closely behind by the Nurse.
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Most: Myers and Ghost Face. Gotta keep an eye out!
Least: Wraith. For whatever reason Wraith looooooves to camp, thinking he’s being all clever by going invisi-bo.
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Most fun: Myers (I just love the Chase Music and facing Scratched Mirror Myers), good Billys
Least Fun: Spirit because of those "skillful mindgames", Plague, because in every game there is this one person who cleanses and kills the whole team...
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Inb4 this thread becomes a "nerf spirit" thread
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Hey, I respect Spirit mains and all that and I concede that she's balanced. That being said, I just despise playing against her.
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Hag and Billy are most fun for me close calls while getting chased makes the game really scary and fun
Least is probably Trapper or Freddy stepping in a random trap while being chased is incredibly annoying and getting put in the dream world for doing absolutely nothing in 60 seconds makes no sense to me.
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Most fun: Spirit and Billy.
Least fun: Spirit and Nurse.
Billy is the most balanced killer in my opinion love the mind games when im against a good Billy, I feel like he could destroy me every second but there are ways to counter him it's very rewarding.
Spirit is in both categories bacause I hate her but when I win a chase it feels like I actually did something great unlike winning a chase against a Wraith or Leatherface. Nurse because when you are playing against a good Nurse you just get straight up destroyed with zero chance of doing anything.
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Most: Demogorgon
Least: Spirit.
Easy question
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Most: Nurses who haven't reached her potential.
Billy, as long as my teammates are semi-competent (there always seems to be at least one potato)
Huntress (she is my main so I know what to do against her)
Least: A good nurse - no counterplay isn't fun.
Ghostface - his power still seems pretty buggy.
Hag - Her power is not fun to play against in any way. She snowballs off of camping (with her traps), and it's just super boring. I've never had a fun hag game.
Prayer bead spirit, iri huntress - these games make me wish I was a player who d/c'd
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Most fun: Demogorgon or Ghostface. That "Oh no" feeling you have when you get exposed by Ghostface out of nowhere and are already downed. And going against Demo is a completely different game, you aren't going against a human, rather a primitive and brutal beast, and I think the devs did amazing with the feeling Demo gives off.
Least fun: Leatherface, mainly because I'm bad and can't juke his chainsaw for the life of me.
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Most fun: spirit by far
Least fun: cannible.... I dont wanna be apart of the other players meme.
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Most: Demogorgon. Because I love to destroy his Portals and the sound's he make's is great.
Least: Spirit and a good Nurse. Spirit because she isn't really mindgame able if she is in a chase with you and is phasing.If you have a good headset than you can EASILY hear if someone is running over the own scratchmarks.Nurse because she ignores pallet's and window's and of she is using short teleport's you can't really juke her.
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Most: Nurse (Without extra blinks) is fun to play against. Michael, billy and surprisingly legion.
Least: Leatherface (Least dynamic gameplay against them, quite boring chases, likes to camp 7/10 times from my experience) and the PLAG but only if someone thinks it's a good idea to cleanse, even though the rest of the team is purposely not cleansing. It just ruins the game so much to be a 1 hit down from omegapuke.
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Most fun: Michael Myers. He is the only legit creepy killer in the game. Always a fun match with him. Constantly looking over my shoulder. His Halloween chase music is awesome.
Least fun: Legion and Doc. Their powers are just annoying to face.
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Most: Trapper. Follow, disable BTs, hide, repeat until Gens done or dead.
Least: Legion.
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I added a little tally in the original post so that you can easily see each-others’ answers.
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I love going up against a good ghostface. It adds more fun to the game and keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
I hate going up against leigon, not because he's hard or overpowered, they're just a bit annoying.
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Most: all killers are pretty good
Least: spirit only cause when shes running at you and dips in and out of reality (not her power just her normal walk/run) throw me off how close she is lol
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Looking at the chart, Doctor needs some love.
Doctors are annoying. Tally it up!
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Most fun: Cannibal when he's not a brainless camping twat.
Least fun: Cannibal when he is a brainless camping twat.
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For me, the most joy comes from Spirit, Demogorgon and Hag, and the only killer I HATE playing against is Myers... I just can't dodge a hit if he's past T2...
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Most: Nurse (Not overly insane at the Nurse), Billy and Demogorgon
Least: Doctor, Legion. They just plain out suck
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How do people find HILLBILLY fun? I mean unless it's a baby billy, you're up against turn add-on reliant sweaties 24/7
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@THEghostface The reasons given in this thread is that the chases are thrilling and exciting. They also said he’s balanced and “counterable”. I agree with the majority - he’s pretty fun!
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Most : Myers because the chases against him feels so intense for some reason.
Least : Spirit is the most annoying killer go against. I don't ever enjoy coin flip chases.
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Myers is probably the funniest. It can be a bit frustrating when someone feeds him, but in general you never know what to expect of him.
The least fun imo is the Hag, since she gives two choices: crouch or get camped/tunneled. She is great on paper and in the hands of some, but how most play her is... eww.
(Dis)honorable mention: the Hillbilly and the Spirit. The killers are great but it seems most of who play them don't know what fun is (for example if you are clearly memeing, most killers play along even for just one sec. Those two instead don't give a f)
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I enjoy playing against myers and legion and I don't enjoy hillbilly or ghostface
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Updated the tally again
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Most: Myers, Billy, Ghostface, Pig
Least: Spirit
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playing Vs Demogorgon is super fun
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- Myers (just love seeing Michael lol but really enjoy playing against him even if I get stabby stabbed)
- Huntress (You have to play differently against huntress and I like her mechanics/look, not iridescent hatches though!!! )
- Demogorgon (Fun and love ST)
- Spirit (usually don't mind her if I've got mindgame perks but had way too many games recently, 5 Spirits in a row - had to stop playing for the night)
- Bubba (These matches seem to go 1 of 2 ways, barely touches us and we escape or get put in the basement and have to watch my team basically throw themselves at Bubba)
- Wraith (similar to Bubba reasoning but I have a hatred of Sonic the Wraith as I can't seem to get away from him when he has all his speedy stuff going on)
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Glad to see I am not the only one who loves facing Myers. Definitely my favorite killer to go against. He is actually creepy and his tiers make the match constantly evolve.
Least favorite is the Hag. If you did not bring Urban Evasion, you are in for a bad time.
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Most: Legion. It's a stab fest every time and everyone is running around lke headless chickens. It's crazy mindless fun and usually everyone escapes everyone scores 20k BP even Legion.
Least: Wraith. When he gets up in the morning he sets up Camp... a week before you are on the hook. And he tunnels like crazy. Against most Wraith players once you are caught you are dead eventually. He's not leaving the hook and he's not gonna chase anyone else, and it's impossible to lose him. So it's just a question of how long you can loop him until the gates open.
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Most: Myers
Least: 2+ blink nurse and Bubba
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Most fun bubba/ nurse, least fun nightmare
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Least spirit.
Most m1 killers and Huntress
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Most: Myers/Demodaddy
Least: Spirit easily
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I actually find Nurse easy to be chased by if they don't have Omegablink.
I find skilled huntresses are not fun to go against, just because of how inconsistent the hatchets are. That and the fact you can't really run away from them.
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Least Fun---Doctor
The matches get so drawn out and boring
Most Fun---Pig <3
Amanda's traps are so exhilarating, I always try to make sure my team has the most fun when Pig is the Killer and activate their mask as soon as possible before they get a chance to take it off. I always smile when someone does the same for me <3
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Most fun: Myers - he has created some of the most fun memories of the game for me, and I find that games with him tend to be the most fun.
Least fun: Spirit - she is my bane. I find my games never go well against this Killer. It doesn’t help that she’s a very popular character, so I play against her frequently.
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Do you have some kind of obsession with Spirit or are you just a weeaboo? Literally every thing I’ve seen you post if you defending her to death.
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Micheal on both
Honestly I can not deal with Micheal I am terrible against them they always seem to have this magic ability to smell my fear of them 🐷 they will always appear from around the corner causing me to squeal and panic I run I don't stop running never.
The terror of Micheal is just the worst and most fun thing to play against for myself.
Thank you Michael mains for the trauma and I would not have it any other way ❤️🐖