Demogorgon Buff

Why does he need to break pallets with his pounce? I just had a match against one and it literally made pallets useless and it takes such a short time to charge it. If you run to a pallet and don't make a sharp turn in time you'll get downed and if you manage to throw down the pallet it will get destroyed instantly.
Did he REALLY need this?
New killer isnt even played a lot cause too weak. They got to buff him so its not a total disapointment.
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Yes he did
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Demi was a good boy and deserves a treat
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I see nothing wrong with it
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He still gets stunned after breaking a pallet with his Shred. Practically, with this change, he only has Brutal Strength in his kit. I see nothing OP in that.
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Yeah the buff is fun.
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He gets stunned for a long time when preforming it
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Fake him out like Billy I guess.
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Now i want a pet demigorgon instead of a pet skag in bl3.
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As a person who got to rank one with him, I think it is nice to get a good buff for the good boi
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@TheHoodedOne He doesn't get stunned for long, it's like when the billy or leatherface chainsaw a pallet.
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Billy and leatherface are hastier than him
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it's not like he is insta breaking the pallet. he gets a little stun after it. so i guess it's about the same time as breaking the pallet with bruthal strenght.... if anyone can confirm this pls
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It's faster to break the pallet normally anyways with the stun that comes after, and yes he did really need this as he isnt the strongest killer, plus billy and bubba can do the same thing with their ability, what's the difference?
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First Plague and now Demogorgon, leave my babies aloooooone
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Can you guys just run dead heard or god forbid turn left or right to dodge is pounce? OR and I know this is very hard, just fake that your going to drop the ######### pallet.
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It actually doesn't make him OP because of the buff, it just makes him more viable at high level play.
I for one welcome a new Top-Tier Killer to the game, but at the moment hes more Mid-Tier. Hopefully we'll get more development as time goes on with Demogorgon, as he is the first beast Killer after all... And playing him can actually be pretty fun!
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nothing wrong with this. it JUST came out, learn to play against it.
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If you're not in Red Ranks you have no idea the game play difference sorry to say for the rest of you but yes he most certainly did need the buff
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Any killer with Brutal Strength makes short works of pallets as well. This is nothing new to the game. Perks and other killers do this exact same thing already.
His Shred attack breaking pallets is a qol update, that is all. Also makes the name of his attack more fitting.
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It takes him just as long as a regular pallet break to recover from the stun of breaking the pallet. All it does is cut out the inbetween time of a survivor dropping it and a killer having to rev a chainsaw or walk up to a pallet to break it.
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He needed it and he's still weak.
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i dont think he needed it tbh.
its a nice addition to have - and it wont really screw with the balancing too much - but imo he would have been better off with the ability to control his shred similar to billy, so its not as easy as it is right now to dodge him.
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Yeah... unless someone, somewhere figures something out that we've been missing hes going to more TLC
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Uhm that definitely doesn't make pallet useless at all. You can bait him to do his pounce, and even then breaking pallets with his pounce takes more time than with billies Chainwsaw. It's probably as fast as breaking pallets with Brutal Strength. Definitely not op.
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I'm sure it'll end up being more QOL than a huge balance change. It's just convienent at letting him clear pallets out earlier in the match, which anyone that's been playing demogorgan at high ranks knows, he desperately needed.
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So we just played against the new demogorgon. Not to bad of a killer. Only a few question and complaints. Charge time seems to fast. what is the approx charge time.
On to complaint #2
The pallet breaking thing seems to much. My wife was being chased threw the pallet stunned him he broke it and she went down. All at the same time I think that's a problem. Yes he can break the pallet that's fine. But shouldn't be able to hit to. What yall think?
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Shred still requires 2 hits to down and its very underwhelming, too easy to dodge when in space and...... the pallet hit thing maybe latency or it has something to do with the demogorgon having arms that he can use to reach survivors while breaking a pallet.... either or sound like possible answers
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Vaults say "hi".
How good at looping is your wife, anyways? Is she the type to throw down pallets early or not try to fake dropping them for extra loops?
IMO he needs this. As well as a fast charge time for his pounce for mindgames. But you DO have that username, I don't trust you will have a non-biased point of view...
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It's the exact same thing with every other killer with a pallet breaking ability. If they hit the pallet while a survivor is on it, they get a hit and a break. My advice would be if you know you're going to get hit, don't vault and save the pallet for later. (Especially since the shred isn't an instant down attack.)
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O I have never been downed while throwing a pallet against insta break
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No no. I disagree with the break ability. I was asking about the hitting too. And the charge seemed a little too fast that's all
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I still think he's not strong even with this buff. the biggest problem is: portals are hard to use and easy to counter.
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No that sounds like either a bug or the demogorgon was using Enduring plus Spirit Fury
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I dont belive so. But who knows.
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Crybaby survior mains who don't play both sides, whatcha going todo :/