Killers can be toxic too

Some killers can be just as toxic as survivors.

I really don’t like how some people call survivors “crybabies” when some killers on here literally complain about how survivors have so many chances, or basically anything. (Not all killer mains of course 💗)

Survivors are called survivors for a reason. Their main objective is to escape but in order to do so is to survive. I mean we don’t even get that many BPs to begin with! Especially when we die.

I don’t play SWF, I’m a solo survivor and I don’t do any of the “toxic” things that a lot of killer mains complain about. I play the game normally like it should be.

I’ve had killers camp me because they couldn’t catch me for so long. They wasted their time on me.

I’ve had killers who DC because they couldn’t catch me.

I’ve had killers who downed me for almost the entire match without even bothering to hook me.

I’ve had killers down me and follow me around while I was downed, so about 4 minutes I couldn’t even get up again because they would follow me like that and nobody was able to heal me

I’ve had killers who would would wait the very last second to hook/mori me, even when I wasn’t being “toxic” to them in game

I’ve had killers who would body block me in a certain area not letting me leave

I’ve had killers who would “taunt” me while downed (hitting the exit gate, nodding, shaking their head until I died by the entity during endgame)

I still love DBD nonetheless but there are very much toxic killers as there are survivors. Not all of us play like that, and not all of us are SWF sweat-heads. Some of us genuinely just want to enjoy the game as much as you do.



  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Good boy Gamz :3

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    i think more egotistical players just tend to pick survivor

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    So... you're point is...? All you're doing is stating the obvious. I try not to be toxic, because I just don't get enjoyment from the game in that way. However, others do. You get good with the bad, as in all things.

    But you can't deny a lot of survivor perks are second chances. From Exhaustion perks like Lithe, SB, and BL for being out of position, to perks like BT, DS, and Kindred, to punish the killer for making certain desicions, to perks like Inner Strength and Second Wind, which punish the killer for not chasing you.

    Then there are items that fix mistakes for survivors, like instaheals and keys (I consider keys the get out of jail free card except if they're going for the achievement).

    Killers have moris, but I wouldn't consider that toxic, only in how it's used.

    Some people have grudges, and some people don't know better than to camp.

    Something you may consider not toxic could to the killer, then again, you're being vague in that statement. Vice versa too, something the killer may not consider toxic, like slugging, could be perceived as such.

    I think I know what you're trying to do, to unite people together against toxicity, but at the same time you're just pitting people against each other at the same time. People might see that you are just saying "It's not survivors fault they're toxic, because killers are too!" which is just unproductive in the long run.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Since players can play both roles, toxic killers/toxic survivors is kind of a moot argument. Very likely the same people who get their kicks ruining other peoples’ games.

    That said, there are toxic people—> often found as gamers—> where DBD is a perfect environment for them from either role.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Like killers don't already get second chances? You're already faster (most of them), and then you get built in bloodlust for free to get a little faster when you're failing to catch someone.

    And let's not forget you've got perks to extend the game because you failed to catch us fast enough (Ruin, Thanataphobia, generator breaking perks), plus instadowns (ability, plus Haunted grounds, iron maiden) plus bad killer reward perks (NoEd, Freddy perks, Rancor, and, yes your precious moris).

    There's a reason I try to always run small game. Every killer I'm facing has Hex Ruin and/or NoEd...and, yes, we can tell by how terrible you play that you will have NoEd.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Of course Killer's can be toxic.

    It's called the Plague

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    Bruh moment. I don’t play this game enough to be in red rank only around purple or green rank at most. (Or even have really OP/good addons)

    I don’t experience half of that. Plus I play on console, so you can already imagine how different it is compared to PC other than meta.

    I don’t really have a comment to say when it comes to survivors second chances other than it’s their best chance of SURVIVAL. Dead by daylight is an asymmetric game. Survivors or killers could have an advantage at a game simple as that.

    I do wish that other perks were used more often but the majority of them are very situational. The same for killers.

    Killers literally get more bloodpoints even if they just killed two people. But if I end up getting camped, or tunneled I can’t do anything and get less than 7k BPs. That is nothing.

    I don’t consider moris to be toxic which is why I didn’t include it in the list other than waiting last second during end game to mori me, like why waste my time? I literally just go on my phone until they finally mori me but it’s just so petty and boring.

    Overall, toxic players suck. They make the game unfun for everyone. There will always be toxic players on both sides.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Wasting more time on a survivor whilst 3 gens get pretty much done to near completion isn't a second chance. Bringing an insta med kit, using Decisive, Dead Harding when you can't get to the last pallet due to bad timing, these are second chances.

    Hell, NOED isn't a second chance if survivors are of modest intelligence (do totems?)Wasn't a factor. Downed one person while the others are at the door on the other side of the map? Just leave.

    Every action a killer takes bares a toll on their ability and they can FEEL this as they scramble themselves to count every second they may have wasted scouting an area of the map that may not even have a survivor- *gen pops*

    Ruin - can be found instantly. Hugely RNG whenever it gets found or not, plus I've been able to do gens quick without it.

    Thanataphobia - barely a factor, honestly. If teams end up in a situation where everyone is injured at once, that's on the survivors.

    Haunted Grounds - Countered by extreme stealth, hiding in the corners of maps or lockers for just a minute, Barely any time - or Sprint Bursting away and looping.

    Iron Maiden - No killer is going to run this unless it's a fast locker huntress. And if they do, once you know they will basically be stuck with 3.2 perks

    Rancor - Basically a more reliable NOED only on one person. However while the mori is happening a door will open

    Mori's - I hate them as a concept as they lower the chances of anyone pipping or having fun.

    I am glad someone has realised the power of Small Game, on top of countering Trapper (--F tier now lol) and Hag, it also makes Hex perks basically useless as they're gonna be found so much quicker.

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    Short version- both sides are guilty of being See You Next Tuesdays Xx

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Killers don’t have second chance perks in the way survivors do though. The only perk that comes close to being second chance is noed and guess what? It’s entirely in survivor hands. Do bones, no noed. It’s not the killer’s fault someone neglected their bones. I blame survivors even as a survivor who does bones.

    Survivors literally have second chance perks but the perks killers have are not in the same category because a) their perks are either in survivor hands or the bonuses are negligible enough due to the game prioritizing the 4 survivors - ie. Remember Me getting gutted to nothing and b) the margin for error is a lot more unforgiving for killers than survivors. Survivors make a mistake? Exhaust perk/ds to safety. Killers make a mistake? It can cost them the entire game because survivors can pound out gens in under 3 minutes.

    Also I really must say I love the hypocrisy about noed. A killer has noed so they must be terrible. However when a killer DOESN’T have noed or even ruin, survivors still act like little gremlin brats and even go so far as to mock them for not having them, therefore once again being terrible.

    This is the kind of attitude that makes killers use Multiblink Nurse and Prayer Beads Spirit - when killers dare try to do something different, survivors still rake them over the coals.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    Killers can be toxic too

    *hasn't played at rank 1 yet.*

    Sorry dude. I have a friend that was brand new to the game who started maining killer. Fun to play with, great sport. It only took him 50 in game hours before he started going gg ez every game he's won, because he got BM'ed so much as killer. Playing against toxic survivors does something different to people.

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    My first game back as killer in about a month was around that rank and the post game chat was "easiest game ever" and other trash talk. I forgot to check but the multiple BL's made me think they probably burned a Haddonfield offering too. You've either been too good, lucky, or your barometer for what is considered toxic varies quite a bit depending on role.

    I find it more frustrating as killer because one hundred percent of the pressure is on you while you're trying to pull a win by the skin of your teeth and multiple people taunting you along the way just makes you feel like a scrub. As survivor I can shift blame to the other three rather it's the case or not, or you can do like most people and blame your opponent for your loss.

    With that said you should take a breather and not let someone goofing in a game make you too mad. The people that make it their entire mission to try to upset people and continue it in chat is different but you still shouldn't give them what they want. Assume they're miserable people looking for company and get on with it.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Killers do not get second chances. For the most part, almost every killer has to take advantage of survivor mistakes (Exceptions being Nurse, Billy, and Spirit, but those are high skill killers, or at least Nurse and Spirit are). If they make one misread, they can lose the chase and essentially have wasted all that time. If they do not play well, they are punished for it. The perks I listed are second chances when abused. It's not like there is a perk that downs a survivor if the survivor gets away. But there is BT, DS, Deliverance, and Second Wind.

    I'd like to point out that survivors have no win condition except what they put for themselves. They don't have to escape to pip, whereas killer must kill at least 2 survivors to get a passing pip.

    Those perks are necessary because a killer can only focus on one person at a time. The more time Killers waste is the more time that other survivors can rush the generators. Ruin is necessary because it slows down the progress, but it has diminishing returns the higher in rank you get. Time is a valuable asset for both sides, and the killer suffers from wasting it when survivors do not.

    Honestly, Small game is a really good perk against very situational killers: Trapper, Freddy, Hag, and all totem perks. However, you should try to get yourself in a position where you don't need it. (New maps I understand, everyone needs to learn the totems then).

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, I don't try for ranks anymore, just not fun to go through all I've listed abused to their fullest extent.

    I'm on console too (Xbox is my platform).

    Yeah, but they only need them if they are in a position where they messed up and need a second chance. Using perks like DH or DS just means you have no confidence in your ability to get away from the killer.

    Camping is boring and unintuitive. It requires no brain cells, and hinders you greatly, especially if they have kindred.

    Survivors have no win condition. If they die or not, they can still "win" by game logic, since they can still pip.

    That... I've never seen that before... but usually I'm on the giving end of those. Idk. I stand by my point, it's not the mori itself, but how they're used.

    They do. But having a post that says "But killers do it too" is not going to help solve this. Call out the behaviors that are toxic. You call out toxic survivor behaviors, I'll call out toxic killer ones. Idk, but don't make it killer vs. survivor, because we know which side the devs usually take.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Yeah, it breaks them. Makes them have no more sympathy for others. Just like a real killer would... : D

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I have an idea - instead of shining a light on these toxic losers, we just focus on not being asshats ourselves?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Sure Killers can be toxic too. It is not the role that makes people toxic, it is their own dumb behavior.

    It just looks like Survivors are more toxic, because there are more Survivors than Killers, so it is logical that the number of toxic people is higher on Survivor Side, there can be 4 people in a game that might be toxic as Survivor, but only 1 Killer.

    Also, it is more noticeable when someone is toxic - if 1 out of 4 Survivors is toxic, teabagging and whatever, the Killer will remember him, but not the 3 normal Survivors.

  • Vao
    Vao Member Posts: 25

    I think there's a difference as to what levels of toxicity a killer could be vs a survivor. It's easier to be incredibly toxic as a survivor than it is a killer, but I do agree that there are some very toxic killers out there as well. Someone else commented that the definition of toxic means different things so for a bit more clarification, to me, being toxic is purposely trying to ruin the experience for others for no reason. I think there's definitely a vocal minority of toxic swf groups that we like to focus on instead of the nicer survivors, but just because it's a vocal minority doesn't mean that there's not a lot of them out there.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I like using Iron Maiden... it's good for tracking. Then again I like all Legion perks. : )

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I'm just sharing my experience is that a killer typically doesn't have a kill when NoEd pops. And lately I've just been on the run to find it before it does because I know it's coming. Rarely do I see a 4k and then pop over to the killer screen and see they also had NoEd, it happens, but it's rare. It's a good perk for a new killer, but it is absolutely a second chance perk.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I find Small Game mandatory for at least one player on a team. And if you don't SWF, that has to be you. And this is especially because hexes are getting hidden better and better. With updated maps and new maps, devs are trying to hide them better, so I find it imperative to access this perk. At least with the new Nancy perk, someone might actually do some bones just to have the locker heal play. Which many killers are trying to counter with Iron Maiden...

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Toxic people are by definition antisocial. They are less likely to have friends to swf in the first place. I definitely see toxicity on both sides, but I rarely get hateful messages from survivors when I play killer even though they've got four bites at the apple. Contrast that to when I play survivor and the killer goes the whole match without seeing me, I often get a message about how I hid and did objectives (which is a confusing complaint to get). I really think teabagging should be considered toxic tho, idk why the devs explicitly condone it.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    You missed the point of what he was saying, and I warned them that it'd be misinterpreted as such... that he'd look like he is shifting blame.

    He was saying that both sides can be toxic, it's not just about toxic survivors or toxic killers.

    I do not just ignore the bad apples just because I see more with survivors than killers. I have barely seen this victim complex. However, I have seen it with survivors, especially those who only play survivor.

    A lot of changes in the past were survivor friendly changes. However, killers have been getting some nice ones too as of late.

    NOED isn't a second chance perk. If anything, I'd call it a clincher perk if they rush the gens too much perk.

    But have you seen the perks survivors have? So many of them reward bad play with either wasting killer's time or stuns (Exhaustion perks - Head on, DS, BT... just to name a few).

    I don't think T-bagging is toxic. It's just a behavior that infers you're better than the other side. I love taking overconfident survivors down a peg. XD

    If survivors call out their own side, I will always call out my side for their actions.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Really? I haven't seen Iron maiden used a lot by other killers. I use it myself because it's a fun perk that no one expects and allows me to get basic survivor information... but that's about it. Oh, and it's mandatory on Huntress.

    You can work through ruin, the only time bones are mandatory is if Devour Hope is on the field or you suspect NOED based on a killer's actions.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    The thing I hate is when killer mains jump onto the survivor side then proceed to be just as toxic - sandbagging, hook farming, DCing, being toxic to the present killer so the killer thinks all survivors are toxic.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    "A lot of changes in the past were survivor friendly changes. However, killers have been getting some nice ones too as of late."

    Lmao. Lemme see how many Survivior nerfs can I remember hearing about/experiencing.

    Exhaustion, medium vaults, pallet spawns, entity blocker, Bloodlust, healing, gen speeds, prove thyself, Decisive strike, Mettle of man, lockers, flashlights, Oblivious, and even more.

    Ur hard pressed to find a single patch where Surviviors were NOT nerfed in any way.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    That doesn’t just invalidate what I said though, toxicity happens on both sides in any rank

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    That’s totally fine, we both have different opinions and I respect yours man. In the end it’s just frustrating on both sides but that’s DBD for you lmao.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    The sky is blue.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    The game has a "toxic playerbase" problem, not a toxic "killer or survivor" problem

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The initial Freddy Nerf, the initial Legion nerf, do I need to go on? Whenever survivors complain about certain killers they always end up getting gutted. Now Nurse's addons are being looked at (That in itself isn't a bad thing, since nurse's base kit is fine, and Omegablink was NOT fine, but the principle stands here). A lot of these changes are very survivor sided.

  • SoloSurvivorMain
    SoloSurvivorMain Member Posts: 67

    Ight ima head out

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Hot take: people in multilayer games will always be toxic/whinny, but that doesn't mean everyone is :)

    We are all people playing a game and doesn't matter what side you are on! Toxic people will be toxic, salty people will be salty, and us chill people will just have fun playing a fricken game.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    The Freddy nerf I concede. But a rework was necessary even without the nerf, since his kit was too one dimensional and promoted Tunnelling.

    But Legion as a whole was an abomination and needed to be reworked. He was legitimately broken. His power had zero counterplay. And besides, Legion wasn't gutted. He was given a Rework to get rid of all the exploits and now all the Legion mains who liked their old Cold Dirt Frank Mixtape combo are out whining about how gutted he is when he's now actually fair to play against.

    Nurse is getting a much needed nerf to her add-ons (and no I'm not a salty Survivior main saying this. I'm a Nurse main saying this). If Surviviors had their way about aspects of killers that were OP. Iridescent head, Mint rag, Tar Bottle, The Ghost, Prayer beads, mother daughter ring, Waterlogged shoe, Redheads pinky finger, rusty shackles, Caburetor tuning guide, Iridescent king, and most of Freddy's add ons would be getting nerfed. But guess what? To my knowledge none of them are. Meanwhile...

    Killers want MoM nerfed? Got nerfed.

    Killers want DS nerfed? Got nerfed.

    Killers wanted flashlights nerfed even tho they could look at a wall/run franklins/lightborn but chose to not adapt? Got nerfed.

    Killers didn't like Surviviors healing? Gets nerfed.

    Killers want pallet spawns nerfed? Got nerfed.

    Killers want unsafe windows to get the entity blocker on top of safe ones? Boom.

    Killers want a free speed boost for failing to end a chase quickly? Boom, Bloodlust.

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    Yes, I there are some toxic killers, but I am pretty sure if survivors were not the group that goes out if it's way to be toxic (not all, obvi) they would not have had to put in end game collapse to counter it, no?

  • ChezAndQuakers
    ChezAndQuakers Member Posts: 189

    I mean killers also have second chance perks like noed. They can completely counter the counter, which is DS, by using enduring. People can use insidious to counter borrowed time. You want to stop getting looper? Just slap bamboozle, enduring, spirit fury, and brutal strength and you can just counter a survivors only way of getting distance

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The endgame collapse was implemented primarily to stop the hatch standoff and also to put more pressure on survivors to escape, thereby speeding up the endgame. Engaging in hatch standoff isn't toxic, and neither is trying to be stealthy in order to escape. It makes for a less interesting gameplay experience for the killer, sure, but as any killer main will all-too-readily tell you, ensuring a fun experience for your opponent(s) is no one's job and failing to do so is not toxic behaviour.