Thanks devs

Thanks devs, finnally matchmaking around swf is fixed, No more bully low rank killers by their "pro" friends in game. No more dirty tricks with matchmaking like rank 1-3-5-15 vs my 14 rank killer. Finally i can play game without frustration 😍


  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    I noticed- the wait time is painful though now- on Xbox anyways :c

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    I mean, now egc timer is bugged, the soft lock bug is still there and macthmaking around solos is still problematic. But yeah, thanks devs.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    What do people define as "bully" anyway?

    LIke, from my perspective, it seems like Killers call it getting bullied when they simply lose. And it is logical that a Rank 15 Killer will lose vs a Rank 1 Survivor, and this should not happen, dont get me wrong.

    But the current MM-Change is not really helpful. New players in DBD because of ST are not only Killer players, but also Survivors. And Survivors will have a hard time playing with their friends anyway. Not every SWF is a Bully-Squad. While it is not fair that Low Rank Killers play vs SWF with high Rank Survivors, it is also not fair that new Survivors should play vs experienced Killers.

    And well, people who play to bully Killers, will still be able to bully them.

    So yeah, making it hard for actual friends to play together AND screwing over Queue Times for Survivors... Not that much of an improvement.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Not every swf group with low ranks just want to bully. You know, some people actually try to get friends into dbd. And now everyone will get demolished by tryhard nurses and spirits who play normally, cuz well 1 single noob in the team is enough for an easy win as killer.

  • MartinCZ
    MartinCZ Member Posts: 10

    In SWF most teams use coms, this is alredy unbalanced tool in their favor. This hotfix give little bit of fair into matches. High rank players wanna low rank players for easy game - easy points. No more sorry. People have to try solo, this mode only make sence for survial horror game, not chating, fear, thinking oyur next move. This is DBD

  • Gayce
    Gayce Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2019

    I swear, for most people SWF rhyme with Bully-Squad.

    Sometimes, I play with one friend, but because she plays less than me, we're not the same rank (I'm usually in red ranks, while she is in green ranks). We used to get matched against rank 12-8 killers. Every match I saw a killer getting looped too hard, or a killer that don't really know how to play, I made mistake in purpose in order to get killer. I receive no satisfaction looping, or genrushing a newbie killer, but I had fun playing those match, it just evacuate all the stress I had playing solo in red ranks.

    I played with the same friend (+One newbie friend) last night : not only we had to wait 10+min in order to get in a lobby (in 2h, we only did 3 match), but I couldn't say we enjoyed it : in three matchs we had 2 nurses with mori, and one of them shittalk in endgame chat. I asked them why did they used mori, and one of them said "SWF, what did you expecte" (the other litteraly says EZ).

    Of course my experience doesn't talk for everybody, but not every SWF are Tryharder saying EZ baby killer in endchat. And it's not because the SWF escape, that they necessarily bullied you.

    EDIT : I forgot one word

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    SWF toxoids are the worst thing about this game. My opinion.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Swf were intentionally using the old system to match up against grey and yellow killers. Killers cannot use the new system to intentionally game anything prior to the match. Since the Swf were the ones intentionally opting in to an unbalanced game; they are more deserving of dealing with the negative consequences.

    And no one intentionally taught their friends by trying to play a fair match. They often did it by running around the killer while the new player does gens.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Unfortunately this isnt the case for most squads.... yes there are some players that help noobies learn how to play but KYF can be used for that.. that's what I do, it's a stress free zone where no tunneling camping killer can hinder their learning...