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What playstyle is better to play: Stealthy or Aggressive?

Two very different playstyles... Which one works out better for all of you?


  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,367

    A mixture of both is the best imo, you don't want to be in chase but you certainly don't want to be crouching around not doing anything.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    An Agressive Stealthy style is best.

    Aggressive players actively taunt the killer, even use OoO, and want to be chased the entire match. Ideally if the survivor is good enough to loop the killer the entire match this is ok. But this kind of skilled player is quite rare. There aren't many players who can loop a killer for an entire five minutes while his teammates finish all the gens.

    Chances are you'll go down after a minute or so and your heroics end there.

    Stealthy players on the other hand just tend not to be productive. They are too careful and "immersed" so they avoid danger and risk, and don't do much Gen work.

    This is far from ideal, though it can be fun to play. But it usually results in poor performance.

    The ideal style in my opinion is the stealthy Agressive. Player. Stealth when needed to avoid the killer, but smart enough to know when to play aggressive to get things done. This style uses game sense and perks to know when it's dangerous and stealth is needed, and when it's safe to run around and aggressively work on gens and other objectives like totems and saves. And when ######### hits the fan, knows how to aggressively loop and juke.

  • CaphnYT
    CaphnYT Member Posts: 41

    Yeah... I think I might end up playing both depending on the situation. If no one is getting gens done... and everyone is getting hooked very early, I'll have to loop the killer around for a bit to give them some time. And btw what I mean by stealthy... I mean I'm still doing gens, but when I hear the killer coming, I just back off and wait til they leave then get back on it. I don't just crouch around whole game like everybody else does when they play "stealthy"

  • Gayce
    Gayce Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2019

    Both. Try to be sneaky (and by being sneaky, I don't mean being useless) but as soon as you spotted, be as efficient as possible in your chase. If all your teammates are sneaky, and you know you're at least decent in chase, try to be the aggressive player, but a team were all 4 players are aggressive don't always end right.

    I had a friend that was mocking me for being sneaky when I knew the killer was coming. Pretty funny to point out that he always barely piped, and I always got more BP than him.

  • CaphnYT
    CaphnYT Member Posts: 41

    Yeah, I'll definitely play both now. I should probably run a few stealth perks along with an exhuastion perk that helps me in a chase, like BL or DH.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Note that you don't need stealth perks to be stealthy.

    For my first 500 hours of DBD I was playing full stealth. I used all the stealth perks. But that experience taught me how to stealth.

    These days I barely run stealth perks. I just run stupid crap for fun. And I can still stealth almost as good as I did when I was running full Iron Will, Urban Evasion and Spine Chill.

    That said, it's hard to switch from stealth to aggressive. The reason being: when you go for stealth, you have to go all in. And when you go for looping, you also need to go all in.

    For instance, if you try to stealth, that means staying still and trying to "pass" the killer without him noticing you. A looper upon spotting the killer will break into a dead sprint to keep distance; distance is crucial for a looper to loop the killer. A stealth player on the other hand will stay still and keep out of sight; sometimes right under the killer's nose. (This is why Urban Evasion is so important to stealth players). But if the killer sees you at this point, you're screwed since you don't have any distance between you and the killer. You will get hit.

    So early on when you encounter the killer, you have to decide: are you going to stealth or loop? You can't do both at the same time. You can switch between both styles in between encounters with the killer, but you can't change halfway in.

    Looping basically means you're going all in on distracting the opponent so your teammates can get work done.

    Stealthing means you're going to avoid the killer altogether. You won't be wasting his time, he won't even know you're there. So either you will be the one doing gens and pass off the killer to another teammate, or you are by an objective and you keep working on it, when killer passes by he will kick the gen and look for you. In which case you need to keep hidden and waste his time searching while you avoid detection. Then go back to gen, lather, rinse repeat. It is possible to waste a killer's time a lot in this fashion while getting work done on the gen in little increments.

    Both methods are effective but both are difficult to pull off in their own ways. Stealth is by far much harder to do because stealth has been nerfed extremely in the past couple of years, and requires a lot of proper anticipation and mindgaming. One mistake and it's over. Savvy killers know all the tricks and there's not much more you can do but hope they guess wrong.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    I used to play very aggressively as a survivor. But they’ve nerfed chasing so hard, that it doesn’t make sense to play aggressive.

    Unfortunately, they’ve also given so many opportunities for tracking that it makes stealth play very difficult as well.

    It is a lose lose situation.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    That's just being aware/smart, not playing stealthy lol.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    My style of play more on the aggressive style, very rarely I try to be stealthy unless I'm going for hook saves. As I'm quite a good looper, so I don't really mind if the killer can see me as. As it's one thing the killer can see me whether he can down me is another thing. Most my chases go two ways the killer just gives up chasing me and tries to ignore me for the rest of the game or I get chased for ten minutes.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    For which? Survivor or Killer?

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm an aggressive player personally. Chases are where I shine.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    When you want to git gud very fast just play always aggressive. This will help you to learn what is possible and what not. Once you are very good at judging distanced, not panicking while injured etc then I would mixture stealth into it. However, stealth would be at 20% use at max imo. The only time you start stealthily a lot is against a ridiculously strong Nurse main and eventually against spirit.

    Just don't fear the killer and you will get better and also automatically will find the best playstyle on most situations.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Stealthy doesnt reward you much bloodpoints nor any emblem points to rank up.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Which is actually good! Who wants to rank up, it's miserable up there in the red ranks.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447

    I prefer Stealth even though stealth isn’t very good at red ranks(unless you’re playing against Spirit or Hag). Certain perks like like Lightweight & Calm Spirit need buffs imo.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Stealth is also good against Nurse.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Both. Know how to run, but know when to lay low as well.

    Some killers and situations change it though. Against Nurse you probably want to avoid detection whenever possible, and if you're confident you're the strongest runner in the lobby it's pretty good for the other survivors if you go out of your way to make the killer chase you instead of them.