General Discussions

General Discussions

Devs when u give explanation about SWF and emblem system.

Why did u talk that in game voice not will but use voice programs (TS Discord) not prohibited?Why you are not a talk that voice programs are give advantage to survivors?Why if u play survivors the game is be fun,but if u play killer the game is be head pain?U said its horror game.Where is horror when survivors with f...cking voice can change information about killer and with this brake for example Insidious perk,control where the killer go.Now its not horror.I think DEVS did big mistake when make SWF!Play only Nurse and Rin not good. but more killers now are useless.And 1 more When u correct emblem system?why noone run but killer lose?no pip or depip.U know this thing annoying already.With this rules I think u will lose more players and lets survivors run on map and run from self!THANK U!

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  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Since you seem to have a ton of good ideas - how would you ban Voice Comms?

    And even IF there is a way to ban Voice Comms, how would you manage it that people are not just using Discord or anything else on their phone?

  • Member Posts: 946

    The issue is, you cannot ban the exchange of information and how would you monitor it? If a flat of 4 playing survivors together in the same room, the just can shout. They don't even need any Discord or TS to communicate.

    If there would be no SWF people would just queuing up together and hope to land in the same lobby, otherwise DC, rinse and repeat. This happen before SWF were in the game.

    In the actual situation your cannot do anything against SWFs and ever buff to solos would inevitable buff also SWF and ever buff to killer would hit the solo survivors the most (over half of the player base).

    So what is your solution to this?

    Banning SWFs and voice isn't an option because you cannot follow up.

    Forcing voice to even the field would go against the spirit of the game and would send a lot of solo player away.

    Right now we are buffing killer and closing the gap between SWFs and try to get to a sweet spot, where everyone could at least have fun.

  • Member Posts: 371

    What could be done is we could have two lobbies where killers match with randoms and another with swf but the swf wouldn't match with any killers because none would want to play, okokok a few pro killers out there might but you get what im saying

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    And then those SWF members would lobby dodge until they got into the same "solo" lobby. Longer waits for the same results.

  • Member Posts: 833

    I don’t know if the above would happen en masse; but the most likely thing to happen would be a whole lot of players quitting the game.

  • Member Posts: 16,663
    edited September 2019


    Playing SWF should be as easy as possible. Make it annoying (at the moment it is kinda annoying, the new Lobby System is far away from perfect) and people will leave, the more casual they are, the sooner they will leave.

  • Member Posts: 833

    Yeah. Being blunt, I cannot see casual players who complain about killers dodging compounding that by dodging tons of lobbies themselves.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Probably the easiest solution is to add SWF voice support into the game itself (easier to use, will be default as new players come in) and then put limits on it (such as only talking to other survivors within 10 meters of you).

    Yes, people will still use Discord and such, but that can’t be monitored or enforced. So we need to make a shinier coin instead. If a restricted system is added to the game in a way that is much easier to use than Discord, then people will likely use the easier system more often.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Because it's completely unfeasible to actually prevent people from communicating with eachother if they want to.

    Not only would checking people's systems for VOIP apps be a very unpopular move, but if all else fails they could just use discord, skype or something else on their phone. And that's without getting into how Steam itself has voice chat, and the same for consoles (not sure about Switch to be honest, but for Xbox and PS they have their own party chat systems). People that are geographically close could even just go full LAN party and play in the same room if they wanted to.

    Already been mentioned, but people just lobby dodged and queue-sniped eachother until they found eachother before SWF was added. Sure, you could punish lobby dodging, but I'm sure killers wouldn't be thrilled about being forced to play against 4 confirmed to be competent solo survivors with pimped out toolboxes and thousands of hours each.

    And that's without even getting into how a game like DBD not having a play-with-friends mode would make it a lot less appealing to potential new players.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Isn't the point of Survive With Friends to... Play a videogame with your friends?

    Of which half the fun comes from cracking jokes, teasing each other or laughing at how you all suck?

    Seriously, guys, it's a videogame. Not everyone is here to win, some of us wanna play with our friends even though only one of us is even semi-decent at this game. If you COULD totally ban voice chat, then this whole thing would just become some boring competition as opposed to a game.

  • Member Posts: 1,167
    edited September 2019

    Communication shouldn't be banned. That would leave an ENTIRE audience of consumers completely dry. If they have an official discord ( a third-party whitelisted communication program primarily used on PC,) I doubt anything will change. Leaving an entire audience of consumers behind is just a bad business model. I don't think these changes should happen, and even if it came to it, I doubt they will ever happen.

    EDIT:Made some changes to prove what I was saying.

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