Enough is Enough - Dev's seriously need to crack down on survivor toxicity

thomasnut Member Posts: 113

It's one thing when this game is so toxic that survivors attack, degrade and insult killers after a match cause they are not happy about dying. It's quite another when they start attacking your family. I was streaming and after the match a player who i obviously can't name here came to my channel seen my wife walk by my web cam and just starting hurling insults at her.

I wish i knew where or how to send a copy of that portion of the stream to the dev's but this is unacceptable behavior. The dev's really need to start cracking down on the toxicity in this game. On all levels.



  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    I did report them and block them.. > @M4I3X said:

    Its not the devs task to show the players how to behave .. if you are streaming or just using the internet you need to accept that there are people that likes to insult other persons and if that hurts so you or your wife so bad then is the internet not the right place for you.

    Its hard but you need to accept that and there is no way anyone can change that.

    This is the dumbest response to a post i've ever seen in my life. It is not the dev's responsibility to show players how to behave. It is absolutely the responsibility of dev's to address harassment, inappropriate behavior, etc. which are direct violations of their tos. If it where not then there would be no reporting system in the first place or the option to report harassment. I also don't need to accept anything. I'm not going to comment on this reply any further cause it's just the stupidest thing i've ever read.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    I also need to add these comments were made in the game chat window after the match, not in my stream. This behavior needs to be addressed and these people removed from the player base.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @thomasnut said:
    I did report them and block them.. > @M4I3X said:

    Its not the devs task to show the players how to behave .. if you are streaming or just using the internet you need to accept that there are people that likes to insult other persons and if that hurts so you or your wife so bad then is the internet not the right place for you.

    Its hard but you need to accept that and there is no way anyone can change that.

    This is the dumbest response to a post i've ever seen in my life. It is not the dev's responsibility to show players how to behave. It is absolutely the responsibility of dev's to address harassment, inappropriate behavior, etc. which are direct violations of their tos. If it where not then there would be no reporting system in the first place or the option to report harassment. I also don't need to accept anything. I'm not going to comment on this reply any further cause it's just the stupidest thing i've ever read.

    Why do you or your wife care what some random idiots think on the internet or in a game? Get a grip and get on with your life. It's just words. Move on.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @thomasnut said:
    I also need to add these comments were made in the game chat window after the match, not in my stream. This behavior needs to be addressed and these people removed from the player base.

    Just leave the game after. You are not being forced to read it

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i agree that toxicity will be the end of this game. i see it happening. its happening to me as well.... and while i understood nothing can be done about it, my question is 'why does it even exist in the first place'.... the whole purpose of a game is to relax and have fun. being a killer nowadays is neither relaxing nor fun..... but its a necessary element to the game and it has the 'outer appearance' of being fun. most survivors don't take into consideration how needed killers are in order to even play. nobody appreciates us. they get a fair game, they get cocky. they get a harsh game, they get salty. the state the game is currently in, they should be glad to get a game at all....

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    After reading the last few reply's it makes me wonder where these people come from. The point isn't about being forced to read it or leaving. It's about appropriately dealing with these kinds of people. If individuals like this are capable of this kind of harassment towards one person, I'm pretty sure it's not an isolated incident. This type of recidivistic behavior needs to be finally addressed and dealt with.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Toxicity is a pilar of this game.
    That's why survivors are strong and can be abusive : so they still have fun and stay playing the game.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    thomasnut said:

    It's one thing when this game is so toxic that survivors attack, degrade and insult killers after a match cause they are not happy about dying. It's quite another when they start attacking your family. I was streaming and after the match a player who i obviously can't name here came to my channel seen my wife walk by my web cam and just starting hurling insults at her.

    I wish i knew where or how to send a copy of that portion of the stream to the dev's but this is unacceptable behavior. The dev's really need to start cracking down on the toxicity in this game. On all levels.

    nothing will be done about your salt at someone for commenting on what they saw on your webcam.

    if you are a streamer, you need to toughen up cupcake.
  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    I'm done replying back to individuals who are actually defending toxic behavior and harassment on here. The point of this thread is to point out the dev's need to finally start doing their jobs and dealing with this kind of behavior.. There is no point to having a reporting system if nothing is actually going to be done about this kind of harassment.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    thomasnut said:

    I'm done replying back to individuals who are actually defending toxic behavior and harassment on here. The point of this thread is to point out the dev's need to finally start doing their jobs and dealing with this kind of behavior.. There is no point to having a reporting system if nothing is actually going to be done about this kind of harassment.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    Yes please go, and do not make another salty thread the next time you get triggered.

    again, as a streamer, you need to toughen up cupcake.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @thomasnut said:
    I'm done replying back to individuals who are actually defending toxic behavior and harassment on here. The point of this thread is to point out the dev's need to finally start doing their jobs and dealing with this kind of behavior.. There is no point to having a reporting system if nothing is actually going to be done about this kind of harassment.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    You're leaving because you don't have a leg to stand on. To deal with your "problem" you just need to ignore it and laugh at them. If it were in the street it would be a different story. As it is not in the street, go away.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    @only1biggs said:

    @thomasnut said:
    I'm done replying back to individuals who are actually defending toxic behavior and harassment on here. The point of this thread is to point out the dev's need to finally start doing their jobs and dealing with this kind of behavior.. There is no point to having a reporting system if nothing is actually going to be done about this kind of harassment.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    You're leaving because you don't have a leg to stand on. To deal with your "problem" you just need to ignore it and laugh at them. If it were in the street it would be a different story. As it is not in the street, go away.

    I didn't leave because of not having a leg to stand on. I left because i didn't want to be rude and argue with the ignorance i'm seeing from these replies. Yes i get it would be different on the streets and the internet is full of computer rambo's who say anything in the safety of their houses. It empowers them to say anything they wouldn't say in person.

    I get in this day and age times have changed and some of the replies are people defending or making excuses for this type of behavior and attacking me instead of condeming the behavior. I only made the post in hopes that other people would see this as an example of how toxic this game really is and indicate the dev's actually start doing their jobs.

    However in this DT era i should have known better. I will leave it at that.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @thomasnut said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @thomasnut said:
    I'm done replying back to individuals who are actually defending toxic behavior and harassment on here. The point of this thread is to point out the dev's need to finally start doing their jobs and dealing with this kind of behavior.. There is no point to having a reporting system if nothing is actually going to be done about this kind of harassment.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    You're leaving because you don't have a leg to stand on. To deal with your "problem" you just need to ignore it and laugh at them. If it were in the street it would be a different story. As it is not in the street, go away.

    I didn't leave because of not having a leg to stand on. I left because i didn't want to be rude and argue with the ignorance i'm seeing from these replies. Yes i get it would be different on the streets and the internet is full of computer rambo's who say anything in the safety of their houses. It empowers them to say anything they wouldn't say in person.

    I get in this day and age times have changed and some of the replies are people defending or making excuses for this type of behavior and attacking me instead of condeming the behavior. I only made the post in hopes that other people would see this as an example of how toxic this game really is and indicate the dev's actually start doing their jobs.

    However in this DT era i should have known better. I will leave it at that.

    Ignore him. That's my advice.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I really wonder what they plan to do about toxicity seeing as it is on their plan for Year 3 of DbD: http://archive.deadbydaylight.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DBD_Roadmap_v2.jpg

    "Better tools to handle toxicity"

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    I really wonder what they plan to do about toxicity seeing as it is on their plan for Year 3 of DbD: http://archive.deadbydaylight.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DBD_Roadmap_v2.jpg

    "Better tools to handle toxicity"

    Likely a new report system and taking away chat rights for players. Probably a built-in censor as well.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The devs will only take actions in extrememe insults like death threats etc in reports if it happens in game and you show there profile in the same video.

    If you were streaming in twitch that part has to be reported to twitch not the DBD devs as its outside the game.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    I really wonder what they plan to do about toxicity seeing as it is on their plan for Year 3 of DbD: http://archive.deadbydaylight.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DBD_Roadmap_v2.jpg

    "Better tools to handle toxicity"

    @Orion said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    I really wonder what they plan to do about toxicity seeing as it is on their plan for Year 3 of DbD: http://archive.deadbydaylight.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DBD_Roadmap_v2.jpg

    "Better tools to handle toxicity"

    Likely a new report system and taking away chat rights for players. Probably a built-in censor as well.

    I would like to see as well and not only agree with orion but see a bit more being done. It should also depend on the severity of the language and harassment. Playing survivor one day i actually had two players work with the killer during the match, both trying to block me when i was hiding, intentionally blowing up gens i was working on, etc. Then after the match start using racial slurs and profain language.

    Removing the events from last night aside, hte toxicity happens after every single match. This is the most toxic game i have ever seen because people know the dev's are not doing anything about it.

    It's pretty sad when i am now going to have to leave chat permenatly off and i can't nor will no longer just beable so say gg, wp because there is always atleast one person after every match that becomes toxic.

    It's sad really for such a fun game and the dev's really need to start doing their jobs and crack down on this. There is nothing really more that can be said

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @thomasnut said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    I really wonder what they plan to do about toxicity seeing as it is on their plan for Year 3 of DbD: http://archive.deadbydaylight.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DBD_Roadmap_v2.jpg

    "Better tools to handle toxicity"

    @Orion said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    I really wonder what they plan to do about toxicity seeing as it is on their plan for Year 3 of DbD: http://archive.deadbydaylight.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DBD_Roadmap_v2.jpg

    "Better tools to handle toxicity"

    Likely a new report system and taking away chat rights for players. Probably a built-in censor as well.

    I would like to see as well and not only agree with orion but see a bit more being done. It should also depend on the severity of the language and harassment. Playing survivor one day i actually had two players work with the killer during the match, both trying to block me when i was hiding, intentionally blowing up gens i was working on, etc. Then after the match start using racial slurs and profain language.

    Removing the events from last night aside, hte toxicity happens after every single match. This is the most toxic game i have ever seen because people know the dev's are not doing anything about it.

    It's pretty sad when i am now going to have to leave chat permenatly off and i can't nor will no longer just beable so say gg, wp because there is always atleast one person after every match that becomes toxic.

    It's sad really for such a fun game and the dev's really need to start doing their jobs and crack down on this. There is nothing really more that can be said

    If I'm streaming, I copy paste "gg" followed by a link to my stream (gotta get dem viewers) and immediately close the chat. If anyone's toxic, my mod bans them permanently, with zero tolerance. If I'm not streaming, I just close the chat. If any Survivor sends me a friend request on Steam, I block them. So far, only one didn't intend to be toxic when he sent me a friend request, but we cleared that up on the stream.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs will only take actions in extrememe insults like death threats etc in reports if it happens in game and you show there profile in the same video.

    If you were streaming in twitch that part has to be reported to twitch not the DBD devs as its outside the game.

    As i said in a reply after my original. The comments did no occur in my stream. It occurred both in game chat after the match and them coming to my stream after. The attacks and insults towards my wife were made in the game chat after the match. Which tells me they were also stream sniping since suvivors can easily see who the killer is after the match starts..

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Orion said:

    @thomasnut said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @thomasnut said:
    I'm done replying back to individuals who are actually defending toxic behavior and harassment on here. The point of this thread is to point out the dev's need to finally start doing their jobs and dealing with this kind of behavior.. There is no point to having a reporting system if nothing is actually going to be done about this kind of harassment.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    You're leaving because you don't have a leg to stand on. To deal with your "problem" you just need to ignore it and laugh at them. If it were in the street it would be a different story. As it is not in the street, go away.

    I didn't leave because of not having a leg to stand on. I left because i didn't want to be rude and argue with the ignorance i'm seeing from these replies. Yes i get it would be different on the streets and the internet is full of computer rambo's who say anything in the safety of their houses. It empowers them to say anything they wouldn't say in person.

    I get in this day and age times have changed and some of the replies are people defending or making excuses for this type of behavior and attacking me instead of condeming the behavior. I only made the post in hopes that other people would see this as an example of how toxic this game really is and indicate the dev's actually start doing their jobs.

    However in this DT era i should have known better. I will leave it at that.

    Ignore him. That's my advice.

    @thomasnut Stop playing the victim card and saying your are being attacked. You are not. You just need to deal with things differently than you are.

    @Orion You are an idiot.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    @thomasnut Stop playing the victim card and saying your are being attacked. You are not. You just need to deal with things differently than you are.

    @Orion You are an idiot.

    After reading this and the insult to orion I rest my case. It's gotten so bad These kind's of people can directly insult people even openly on the forums because they have no fear of reprisal.

    There is nothing i can say nor any example greater than this that the dev's really need to start doing their jobs. I need not say anymore.

    Good day

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    @thomasnut said:

    @thomasnut Stop playing the victim card and saying your are being attacked. You are not. You just need to deal with things differently than you are.

    @Orion You are an idiot.

    After reading this and the insult to orion I rest my case. It's gotten so bad These kind's of people can directly insult people even openly on the forums because they have no fear of reprisal.

    There is nothing i can say nor any example greater than this that the dev's really need to start doing their jobs. I need not say anymore.

    Good day

    I believe you have your streamer name as your steam profile name, you might want to consider changing that. It hurts your self promotion, but it should cut down on the harassment suffered by you or your spouse on the third party website known as twitch.tv

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @thomasnut said:

    @thomasnut Stop playing the victim card and saying your are being attacked. You are not. You just need to deal with things differently than you are.

    @Orion You are an idiot.

    After reading this and the insult to orion I rest my case. It's gotten so bad These kind's of people can directly insult people even openly on the forums because they have no fear of reprisal.

    There is nothing i can say nor any example greater than this that the dev's really need to start doing their jobs. I need not say anymore.

    Good day

    The poke to Orion was from another thread. It is a fact that he is an idiot. He mentioned me, I retorted. Simple.

    I do not go around insulting people or their wives in some kind of crude manner like you are describing. I hate that, but when it happens to me, I laugh. As a killer I have had far worse things said to me than what you have reported here. So, get off your high horse and join people in reality. Just report it and move on or ignore it. Easy :)

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @thomasnut said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The devs will only take actions in extrememe insults like death threats etc in reports if it happens in game and you show there profile in the same video.

    If you were streaming in twitch that part has to be reported to twitch not the DBD devs as its outside the game.

    As i said in a reply after my original. The comments did no occur in my stream. It occurred both in game chat after the match and them coming to my stream after. The attacks and insults towards my wife were made in the game chat after the match. Which tells me they were also stream sniping since suvivors can easily see who the killer is after the match starts..

    For the former you need to copy past it into the report and or a video link which is better. For the latter send that straight to Twitch and let them take care of it. As far as being a Streamer sadly there's idiots out there that're extremely toxic on both sides. The same is true for both side sin this game and the majority of the cool people get flamed because of the idiots.

    @Orion I've actually made several friends in game on both sides just by myself or them being cool and enjoying playing with each other. But I've also had people be idiots and stalk me which is why I don't easily accept requests either.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @powerbats said:
    @Orion I've actually made several friends in game on both sides just by myself or them being cool and enjoying playing with each other. But I've also had people be idiots and stalk me which is why I don't easily accept requests either.

    I'd rather not take the chance. I've got enough people on my friends list.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    @Sn0wJob said:

    @thomasnut said:

    @thomasnut Stop playing the victim card and saying your are being attacked. You are not. You just need to deal with things differently than you are.

    @Orion You are an idiot.

    After reading this and the insult to orion I rest my case. It's gotten so bad These kind's of people can directly insult people even openly on the forums because they have no fear of reprisal.

    There is nothing i can say nor any example greater than this that the dev's really need to start doing their jobs. I need not say anymore.

    Good day

    I believe you have your streamer name as your steam profile name, you might want to consider changing that. It hurts your self promotion, but it should cut down on the harassment suffered by you or your spouse on the third party website known as twitch.tv

    This is actually pretty good advice and i may have to do that. I have been using the name for 25 years cause i got tired of every name i try to use already being taken.

    I really don't want to change it because i've built my viewer base with it and have no other issues when I stream any other game but this one.

    As a variety streamer and the many many games i love to play and stream there is only one of them that is toxic. Dbd is 100x more toxic then all the other games i play and stream combined. That is pretty sad really.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @thomasnut said:

    @Sn0wJob said:

    @thomasnut said:

    @thomasnut Stop playing the victim card and saying your are being attacked. You are not. You just need to deal with things differently than you are.

    @Orion You are an idiot.

    After reading this and the insult to orion I rest my case. It's gotten so bad These kind's of people can directly insult people even openly on the forums because they have no fear of reprisal.

    There is nothing i can say nor any example greater than this that the dev's really need to start doing their jobs. I need not say anymore.

    Good day

    I believe you have your streamer name as your steam profile name, you might want to consider changing that. It hurts your self promotion, but it should cut down on the harassment suffered by you or your spouse on the third party website known as twitch.tv

    This is actually pretty good advice and i may have to do that. I have been using the name for 25 years cause i got tired of every name i try to use already being taken.

    I really don't want to change it because i've built my viewer base with it and have no other issues when I stream any other game but this one.

    As a variety streamer and the many many games i love to play and stream there is only one of them that is toxic. Dbd is 100x more toxic then all the other games i play and stream combined. That is pretty sad really.

    Using your own name to advertise might get you viewers, but it also gets you harassment. I'd rather have 5 viewers at any given time than force my mod to deal with all that bullshit.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    @Pirscher said:
    You are not realistic.

    You cannot police the world.

    Learn to ignore and then continue doing your own thing.

    Greetz from Germany

    You are absolutely right. It's not my job to police the world. It's the dev's job to police their own game. There is a reporting system in the game for a reason and they should start addressing the issue.

    With that said i'm out. No reason to continue to debate this. With all the topics, posts, comments about how toxic this game is and the player base saying the same things, devs start doing your jobs. It's pretty obvious what they start needing to do.

  • ILuvCampingRec
    ILuvCampingRec Member Posts: 25

    @thomasnut said:
    It's one thing when this game is so toxic that survivors attack, degrade and insult killers after a match cause they are not happy about dying. It's quite another when they start attacking your family. I was streaming and after the match a player who i obviously can't name here came to my channel seen my wife walk by my web cam and just starting hurling insults at her.

    I wish i knew where or how to send a copy of that portion of the stream to the dev's but this is unacceptable behavior. The dev's really need to start cracking down on the toxicity in this game. On all levels.

    Are you really that stupid mate? If you get insulted on a stream (i guess twitch) for whatever reason, its not in the responsibility of the dev´s. the stream gave you tools to ban these guys on your stream, report this to police or just dont stream. i cant believe it how stupid you can be.

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    @ILuvCampingRec said:

    @thomasnut said:
    It's one thing when this game is so toxic that survivors attack, degrade and insult killers after a match cause they are not happy about dying. It's quite another when they start attacking your family. I was streaming and after the match a player who i obviously can't name here came to my channel seen my wife walk by my web cam and just starting hurling insults at her.

    I wish i knew where or how to send a copy of that portion of the stream to the dev's but this is unacceptable behavior. The dev's really need to start cracking down on the toxicity in this game. On all levels.

    Are you really that stupid mate? If you get insulted on a stream (i guess twitch) for whatever reason, its not in the responsibility of the dev´s. the stream gave you tools to ban these guys on your stream, report this to police or just dont stream. i cant believe it how stupid you can be.

    More proof dev's need to do their jobs. Not only does this person not know how to read when i clearly stated several times the comments were made in game chat an not in my stream channel. More importantly another example of direct insults cause nothing is being done about it.

  • ILuvCampingRec
    ILuvCampingRec Member Posts: 25

    @thomasnut said:

    @ILuvCampingRec said:

    @thomasnut said:
    It's one thing when this game is so toxic that survivors attack, degrade and insult killers after a match cause they are not happy about dying. It's quite another when they start attacking your family. I was streaming and after the match a player who i obviously can't name here came to my channel seen my wife walk by my web cam and just starting hurling insults at her.

    I wish i knew where or how to send a copy of that portion of the stream to the dev's but this is unacceptable behavior. The dev's really need to start cracking down on the toxicity in this game. On all levels.

    Are you really that stupid mate? If you get insulted on a stream (i guess twitch) for whatever reason, its not in the responsibility of the dev´s. the stream gave you tools to ban these guys on your stream, report this to police or just dont stream. i cant believe it how stupid you can be.

    More proof dev's need to do their jobs. Not only does this person not know how to read when i clearly stated several times the comments were made in game chat an not in my stream channel. More importantly another example of direct insults cause nothing is being done about it.

    sorry but i dont care about your whiny opinion. if youre not old enough to play this game, you should play tetris or something smiliar. the survivor just could harass you that hard, because you was streaming "came to my channel seen my wife walk by my web cam and just starting hurling insults at her". deal with it or play another game.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    @M4I3X said:
    Its not the devs task to show the players how to behave .. if you are streaming or just using the internet you need to accept that there are people that likes to insult other persons and if that hurts so you or your wife so bad then is the internet not the right place for you.

    Its hard but you need to accept that and there is no way anyone can change that.

    well. it kind of is their task. its their game, thats why there is a report system even though it clearly doesnt work.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    everything is ok
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    That's why you have a chat mod ready to airlock people from your stream the moment they act up.

    My own mod lives for those moments when I say those words. "Okay dude, go ahead and airlock this bozo"

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @thomasnut said:
    It's one thing when this game is so toxic that survivors attack, degrade and insult killers after a match cause they are not happy about dying. It's quite another when they start attacking your family. I was streaming and after the match a player who i obviously can't name here came to my channel seen my wife walk by my web cam and just starting hurling insults at her.

    I wish i knew where or how to send a copy of that portion of the stream to the dev's but this is unacceptable behavior. The dev's really need to start cracking down on the toxicity in this game. On all levels.

    That has nothing to do with DBD, thats the risk when you stream, especially with a cam

    But yeah, something needs to be done about ingame toxicity, especially DCing

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    That's why you have a chat mod ready to airlock people from your stream the moment they act up.

    My own mod lives for those moments when I say those words. "Okay dude, go ahead and airlock this bozo"

    they should just be banned from the chat for some time, or not be allowed to play for some time for toxicity.

    and if its recurring, then they'll get a perma-ban.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    I’m sorry to tell you but reporting doesn’t work. Devs do not care about these types of survivors at all. If you try to email them about it, they will just have a robot telling you to use the in-game report system.

    I heavily advise you to block and ban these people from your stream so they can’t come back and do that.
    Same with killers cheating
  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    @Vietfox said:
    PinkEricka said:

    I’m sorry to tell you but reporting doesn’t work. Devs do not care about these types of survivors at all. If you try to email them about it, they will just have a robot telling you to use the in-game report system.

    I heavily advise you to block and ban these people from your stream so they can’t come back and do that.

    Same with killers cheating

    yes same with killers cheating.

    or killers being toxic.

    or survivors cheating.

    or survivors being toxic.

    we get that all people can be toxic and cheat, but in all honesty, its a bigger occurring issue among survivors than killers.

    this report system is for everyone, and should be made better to make the game experience better as whole.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    thomasnut said:

    I'm done replying back to individuals who are actually defending toxic behavior and harassment on here. The point of this thread is to point out the dev's need to finally start doing their jobs and dealing with this kind of behavior.. There is no point to having a reporting system if nothing is actually going to be done about this kind of harassment.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    It is NOT there job to monitor your ‘feels’
    If your being harassed on stream then complain to the service provider you were using to stream! 
    How is this even remotely their issue?
  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235
    Isn’t this game meant for adults? Adults should know better than to listen to what people say online lol. Please move on and mature a bit? 
  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    @Twix said:
    Isn’t this game meant for adults? Adults should know better than to listen to what people say online lol. Please move on and mature a bit? 

    that makes no sense. clearly when you push the report button, theres a category for flaming. its right there. so even if its not "their job" which it is, its their game, they are responsible for it working which it doesnt when ppl flame constantly, then they've taken it upon themselves to make it their job.

    as long as its a category, then yes, its their job. why would there even be a report system for chat abuse if they themselves didnt think, it was their job?

    i believe that they do want to do something about it, but balance issues just take the first place. implementing a mute system is probably second.

    its all about how the world views this game too. right now, everyone knows the community is toxic as #########. look at the reviews after 1 day of a big patch that wasnt in one sides favor. even i knew it was toxic before i bought the game.

    developers will want a good PR for their game, and having a ######### community is not helping them.

    also, why would Rainbow Six or any other multiplayer game have a report system if its not their job?

    People will not want to be excessively flamed, or they will quit the game. the developers must take upon the mantle of muting toxic players, or their own game wont be played as much as it potentially could.

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235

    Maybe if people weren't sensitive little snowflakes they could ignore said toxicity and everyone would be off better, but no. No wonder the world is going to shits lol. I had my online ego disrespected by a complete stranger that knows nothing about me and whom I don't owe anything, let me be hurt by a few comments. Get a grip and grow up.

  • morimebabsi
    morimebabsi Member Posts: 43
    Sorry but its your fault
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited July 2018

    do it like me:
    they start a conversation with you, where they talk respectfully: you give them thumbs up.
    they dont say anything or just some short stuff like "gg": you don do anything
    they complain about your playstyle (no insults): you dont do anything
    they call you names/insult you: report them ingame
    they go on your profile and insult you there: report them ingame and on steam

    at least the steam banns should work properly.
    Also, dont take their sh*t serious. If you'd beleave whatever they say, I'd be Robo Hitler trying to gain world dominace via camping/getting 4Ks in DbD...

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Beardedragon said:

    we get that all people can be toxic and cheat, but in all honesty, its a bigger occurring issue among survivors than killers.

    this report system is for everyone, and should be made better to make the game experience better as whole.

    Because it's 4 survivors in every game to 1 killer so the chances of getting someone toxic are increased.