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lobby troubles

For some off reason, it doesn't matter how long I wait as a survivor or a killer and not get one person join my lobby, anyone know what the problem here is?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    What platform do you play on, whats your region, your timezone, and what is the longest time you've waited?

    I need to know all these before I can answer this question for you.

  • bearsupply
    bearsupply Member Posts: 6

    @FireHazard I play on pc, eu, GMT. I'v waiting a little over half an hour

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    The way the match-making system works is that it will pair you up with people that're the same region and rank as you, if nobody from your rank is making lobby's as Killer or joining them as Survivor, than it'll take an extended amount of time before it can find people that're above your rank.

    It also applies to people in the higher ranks, but the opposite where if it can't find people that're in the same high ranked bracket, it'll pair you with people below that rank.

    No in your case, you're on the most active platform in the eu with GMT timezone, I forgot to ask your rank but we'll just say for the sake of continuing this conversation that you're in Grey. Now, if you're in Grey in that region during 3:05PM, which is the afternoon when people usually get off work...

    You'll usually have issues finding people at this time in your region ESPECIALLY if you're in Grey ranks. If YOU'RE Grey rank ranks (Which is rank 20-17) than you'll have the hardest time finding a lobby due to not many new players being at that rank anymore since the new DLC dropped a few days ago....

    You'll eventually find a match, it'll just take a fair bit of time at such a low rank that hardly anyone is in... Once you progress in the ranking system though in your region, you'll get matches much faster. If finding matches persists with how long you're experiencing, please do write back here to let me know in the future.

    But as of right now, with where you're at... this is to be expect. If you're not at Grey rank (Again that's 20-17) please reply and let me know.

  • bearsupply
    bearsupply Member Posts: 6


    I usually got in a match pretty much instantly, during school/work times or not, iv recently reinstalled the game and after a few hours of waiting through out the day, not one person has joined my lobby survivor or a killer.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    What rank are you exactly?

  • bearsupply
    bearsupply Member Posts: 6


    19, even with that rank, iv instantly got into matches

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    The reason they were instant is most likely because when you were having these matches, the DLC was about to or just dropped. This created an influx of new players swarming the game to play the new DLC, and as such they've already gone up the ranks and have gone past Ranks 20-17. Which is Grey Ranks.

    So in turn, it actually makes clear sense as to why your matches are not instant, and are taking a long time now. Because all those players are not at that bracket anymore, or there are hardly any there anymore. And since your region is EU, and the timezone plays into it somewhat... you'll especially experience a long time to wait for lobbys.

    When I was in Grey Ranks, it used to take me 15minutes+ for lobbys back in the day when I first played this game... This isn't any different for you, and since we're also pretty far into rank reset, that also contributes into the issue... (For context, rank reset happens every time on the 13th of every new month... So its been a fair bit of time for people to rise the ranks out of Grey, and not be there anymore)

    So in turn, its not a bug or anything, its just that the ranks are Grey are fairly dead at the moment in your region. That's why it takes so long to find people, its because your region for Grey ranks is dead... and that the new match-making algorithm came out literally yesterday also... so some people are experiencing either instant lobby's now, or increased waiting times.

    You seem to fall under the category of increase wait times sadly, but that could only be because you're at Grey ranks, which is currently dead in your region... I can't say for sure if the higher ranks at your region is also taking a bit of time to get lobby's. I do know for sure that for Red Ranks there, it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes or so if that's the case.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2019

    @bearsupply Over half an hour doesn't seem right. I'm a rank 20-19 killer and rank 13 solo survivor in ET and while the queue times are definitely longer, it feels more like ~10 min, not 30 min. Might want to open a ticket and see whether there's something more at play than normal matchmaking.

    @FireHazard I remember getting matches with the following ranks as killer last night so I don't think it's because the system is trying to match him only with the Grey ranks:

    11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19


    Might be more helpful if I put it like this. One match was against 11-19-17-19 ranks and the other 14-15-18-14.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    That's naturally how the match-making is set, it matches you with people of your Rank and if there is nobody from your rank to make a lobby with, it takes longer to find people that're higher up in the ranks.

    Its to compensate for the loss in activity in one rank by putting you win another, it also can be different for people from other regions of the world. So for you it's that, but for him it could take awhile to find anyone.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    Anyways, what I stated as the last comment to what you said is definitely what you're experiencing unfortunately...

    And that's something that I wish I could assist you with but cannot... You'll just have to endure it until you get higher in the ranks to mitigate this issue.

  • Xcheesemongrolx
    Xcheesemongrolx Member Posts: 115

    If you are have long cue times you could try to reset your game it might help

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284
    edited September 2019

    I'm just gonna throw a link to the Steam Charts here.

    The time you see is your local time and you can check on your own whether you happen to be playing at a peak time or a low activity time. Of course, we can't tell from this graph how many of those people are low rank but it could still be helpful to know the general player activity.



    Basically your queue times are like this since you reinstalled the game? Was that before or after Stranger Things? Were you playing right before Stranger Things and getting normal queue times? Have you tried verifying the game files? In Steam right-click on DbD, Properties and then: