RAGE QUIT will kill the game

For many week "rage quit" is more and more frequent. (killer and survivors)
If nothing done, I think it will be killing the game.
Lot's of games have a competitive and casual mode.
The competitive usually gives an abandonment punishment. Where you can get temp bans, up to perma bans, etc...
Most casual modes do not gives bans or abandonment penalties of any sort. One that does is Dota 2, played that often. Games that do not, Rocket League, Rainbow 6, CS:GO, TF2. There are more than do and do not give punishments for casual, I am sure. But as you can see, I easily named more than do not punish compared to the one that does. If you have more, would love to know. I am sure there are games similar to how DBD is with it's matches.
The games we play do not usually punish for RQ at least in casual, and since people don't care about rank, and it's not really competitive, they are more likely to RQ or at least leave the match. Whether or not they mean to.
Unlike other games, this mixes it's ranked and casual sort of. Since there is no other mode besides KYF, and that's not something people want to do on the regular. I am sure you can see the problem here.
Should there be a ranked mode for DBD honestly, I see no point but at least it would help standardize expectations a bit.
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Right now it's a function of matchmaking being messed up. All these new players getting thrown in with old players is a bad mix.
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Yeah, that doesn't help either
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If BE doesn't fix matchmaking based on level and perks with tiers then DCing and raging will continue forever and do you blame them?
Not sure why it's like this after three years. Well, it just shows they don't know how to do it. Things are a lot simpler than people think. Now its just put anyone in a match as fast as possible roughly based on rank. BE doesn't want to do an aggregate of rank and perks with tiers.
They truly don't know how much damage they are doing to the game and community. I agree if they did a simple study of why people rage and DC would tell them they are losing massive amounts of money.
Dont talk to the devs but the business suits and getting them to know devs leaving it like this are causing a massive net cash loss as people are leaving. Currently its covered and bandaged by DLCs. Then and only then would you get a real change that is good for everyone. Maybe a few different devs but better for the game and community.
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Rage Quitting has been popular for the past two years.
The game is alive and kikcing.
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It's worse since 3/4 monthes i think.
In 10 last hours games, i've got aroung 8 time with a RQ minimum.
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It's nowhere near as bad as it was at the start of the year around Jan-Feb-Mar.
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Matchmaking based on perk tiers is ridiculous. Perks aren't that important in this game, and the difference between different perk tiers isn't that significant for most perks.
Player experience and mastery of basics gameplay concepts is much more important.
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Totaly true.
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Last game few minutes ago,
For 3 survivors at 1st time on the ground........RQ.