(New to This) Perk Ideas

I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I'm not new to the forums. But I am new to making these discussions, and I kinda just wanted to see what people thought of these few ideas I had bouncing around in my head for a bit now. So these are just a few perk ideas. 1, 2, and 6 are Killer. 3, 4, and 5 are survivor

1. Marked For Murder (Killer)

"This one... They shall die, no matter what."

You see the the aura of the Obsession whenever they are within your terror radius, no matter the state. The Obsession's walking and running speeds are reduced by 2%/4%/6% whenever you are in chase with ANY survivor. When a survivor unhooks another survivor, they immediatly become the obsession.

2. Fracture (killer)

"O-oh god... Is... Is that bone?!"

Whenever you hit a survivor with a basic attack, they recieve the broken status effect for 30/45/60 seconds. They recieve a 5% increase to movement for 3 seconds after they get hit. After the broken effect wears off, their healing bar is immediatly 50% filled.

3. Devil's Deal (Survivor)

Whenever you are saved from the hook or are revived from the down state, you immediatly are boosted to the healthy state. When the exit gates are powered, you are injured and put into broken for the rest of tbe game. You also suffer from Oblivious if within 24/20/16 meters of the exit gates

4. Escape Artist (Survivor)

"Let's see you keep up with this!"

You can vault through blocked windows (including window blocking perks). All vaults (both windows and pallets) are always medium vaults, the killer will always get a notification that you vaulted something, and each phase of your hook timer is reduced by 20/17/15 seconds

5. Red Herring (Survivor)

"Leaving a false trail can save your life someday."

An exhaustion perk. When healthy and running, pressing the activation button will send a patch of scratch marks in whatever direction you are looking. The scratch marks will travel for 40 meters, last twice as long normal scratch marks, and you will leave no scratch marks for 10/12/14 seconds. You will be exhausted for 50/40/30 seconds

6. Pre-Meditated (Killer)

"He has thought this through... Every scenario. Every plan. He will not have his plans fail."

Whenever a survivor is healing, rescuing, or doing a gen (with another person), both people become oblivious for 10/15/20 seconds after they stop doing said action. Hits on oblivious survivors have a reduced cooldown of 10%/20%/30%.

7. Deadweight (Survivor) [added after the fact via edit]

"I don't need you clowns, you are dead weight."

You need nobody. Others just slow you down, anyways. For every survivor alive and not within a 10 meter radius, you will recieve a 5%/10%/15% boost to all healing, cleansing, repairing, and opening actions. When alone, your items will drain 50% slower. If you are healing a survivor, or repairing a generator with any other survivor, you gain no benefits from Deadweight and recieve 50% harder skill checks, as well as drain your tools 20% faster.

Please keep this civil. I just wanted to put out a few ideas for perks, and I wanted to see what others thought of my ideas. No, these are not leaked perks.

Post edited by I_Be_Pro_Fun on


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1. By any you mean even the obsession? If so - annoying for obsession. If not then it's suuuuper weak
    2. Survivors seems to get more benefits than penalties
    3. That seems like Second Wind 2.0
    4. That's suuuuper weak. Medium Vaults are death sentence.
    5. Now that's an interesting idea. I would just adjust the exhaustion to 60/50/40 so its on par with every exhaustion perk
    6. This is interesting, would work great with Discordance, but that's about it. (also would be OP on Freddy
  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    Thanks for your input! T

    he first one is not supposed to be game changing, just make things a little bit more difficult for the obsession (as the obsession perks generally make the game much easier for the obsession)

    Two is meant to be used to counter healing mid chase, and delay the game. It's meant to be used with a character such as Legion who can get a lot of hits in on multiple survivors extremely quickly.

    Second wind is used to counter tunneling by rewarding altruistic and smart plays. Devil's Deal is meant to push players to bold moves like protection and diversion events, at the cost of a much more dangerous endgame. Example: Killer is in chase. You take two hits, saving your teammate. He puts you on hook, and you get freed. You immediatly go, and distract him again. Losing no time to heal.

    Yeah. That would be the dud perk. It's more so like... A really good player perk. Meant to help you with infinites against a dumb killer, but not make it impossible against a smarter/more experienced killer

    The last two I got the idea from "The Shining." I didn't want to make it have the same cooldown time, because unlike the other exhaustion perks, it doesn't provide a speedboost of any kind (It's meant to save you before a chase begins, or during an invisible loop)

    I feel like you sell pre-meditated short. It would also work well with Nurse's Calling, high speed killers (like Nurse, Billy, Spirit, etc), as well as Freddy and Demi would all be able to capitalize off of the oblivious effect. (This perk was actually meant to work with Discordance and Nurses calling, in a similar manner to how Head On and Inner Strength work together well)

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    • I know not all perks need to be game changing, but you didn't answer my question tho. "By any you mean even the obsession?"
    • Okay, but then again questions - Why do they get more movement speed after getting hit and why does it fill 50% of their healing bar?
    • Second Wind.... anti-tunnel? If you can loop a killer around for 30 seconds then maybe it is. Also you wouldn't HAVE to distract.
    • Infinites shouldn't exist in the 1st place but aside from that - Really good survivors can play around that (and they still have the fast vault).
    • Still, wouldn't feel fair to be exhaustion perk while having (even tho only slightly) less cd.
    • I know it could work with Nurse's but in most situations only 1 person is healing someone anyways. (and i said Freddy would be op/really good because in dream state they are always oblivious)
  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2019

    Yes, even the obsession would be affected. Basically shortening chases and making previous loops unusable.

    They already get a movement speed boost after getting hit. That tiny increase is only going to make a tiny bit of difference. Maybe not 50%, but some number to increase the bar (so you cant combine it with Sloppy butcher and coulro to make healing impossible)

    It's anti tunnel in the sense that you heal. But yeah, it is kinda just like Second Wind. Except, you can use it more than twice a game.

    They shouldn't, but it won't ever be fixed. So instead we play around it. Honestly, that would be more for groups trying to troll the killer. Its more of a fun perk, than a ballstothewall one.

    Yeah. It is. Maybe the full amount of time. I just felt like it wasn't as useful as most exhaustion, so it made more sense.

    The healing effect would apply to the survivors if they are healing as well. The only way they wouldnt is if they were healing themselves (self care, med kit, etc).

    P.S. added a 7th perk

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    • Im not sure about this perk...
    • Yeah so why even add that 5% increase? And if the increase to bar stayed, like what would be the point of this perk EXCEPT preventing mid-chase instaheal. From my point of view - I thought you meant to do a "slow the healing a lil bit" but that 50% really kills that.
    • So yeah, i don't like that. Second Wind would become obsolete tbh
    • Im still iffy on this perk (even if its meant for more of a trolling perk)
    • You could always make it like a TR based thing (just to play around the numbers and stuff so its not Pebble 2.0)
    • Well, the wording made me confused. Now it makes more sense
    • And this would be probably the new meta perk.
  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    True true.

    Not every idea I have is viable, I purely wanted to put it out there. Thank you very much for your input

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    1 and 7 are both super OP. For 1 have it require a non Obsession to be chased. For 7 have the perk not effect repairs

    2 is super UP. Remove the benefits the Survivor gets. Have it just inflict broken for awhile.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Maybe make escape artist just let you slow vault blocked windows? That way you can remove all of the downsides and have it give extra Survival BP for the Tier effect.

    Cuz it's a liability right now with all the downsides it has.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    These are all very interesting ideas that I'd love to see in the game someday. However, some of these perks need some tweaking.

    1: Marked For Murder - Reducing a survivor's speed while in a chase with them is a huge deal. 6% all the time would make them too easy of a target. I suggest something like this:

    Marked For Murder - Reduces the obsession's movement speed by 1% for each time you hook the obsession. Only effects the survivor while injured. When a survivor unhooks the obsession, they immediately become the obsession.

    2: Fracture - This perk could actually use a buff. Just make it so that it inflicts the broken status effect for 60 seconds, nothing else. 1 minute isn't too long, and the 50% insta-heal would make this perk detrimental the majority of the time.

    3: Devil's Deal - I think this perk's almost perfect. To prevent it from being too powerful though, I'd limit it to 2 or 3 uses per match and have it heal you after ~20 seconds, similar to second wind. Otherwise, the killer could do absolutely nothing about it and would lose so much pressure over the course of the match.

    4: Escape Artist - This one's kinda busted. Until the devs fix the semi-infinites, this would just let survivors run them over and over and force the killer to bloodlust them to death. I'd change the perk by setting it to a timer of 60 seconds and removing the downsides. One extra vault every 60 seconds isn't too bad since most vault spots are mind-gamable, but it could save you in places like the killer shack.

    5: Red Herring - I love this perk! An exhaustion perk that helps you escape a chase instead of just extending it is a fantastic idea. However, I think that 40 meters is way too far and the duration of the scratch marks is way too long. This would be an easy to read tell that every decent killer could recognize. I'd chop it down to a normal duration and an 8 meter range. Also, I'd decrease the time you can run without scratch marks down to 3 seconds. 14 seconds is an incredibly long time to run without scratch marks, and being able to activate that on a whim would be incredibly frustrating to play against.

    6: Pre-Meditated - Very situational, but an interesting and fair perk. I wouldn't touch it as the survivors can easily tell if you have it and just not work on gens together. The only change I'd support would be giving the survivors an oblivious debuff without them knowing about it, but I don't think that's possible.

    7: Deadweight - This would almost be a fair perk if it didn't effect repair speed. 15% for each other survivor alive would let you complete a gen by yourself within ~60 seconds. I'd remove the repair speed bonus, give you a flat 10% speed bonus to stuff while alone, and give a flat 10% speed penalty when near another survivor.

    Keep in mind that Resilience does a very similar thing, but effects everything and only requires being injured. The only reason this perk is balanced when considering repair speed is because it requires that you be one hit from going down. Deadweight with repair speed would be almost as bad as Wake Up was when it was bugged.

    I'd also like to note that I love survivor perks with downsides as a general concept! Strong perks that have risk vs reward built into them is a lot more fun than it just being a flat buff to the default survivor, and I'd like to see more perks like that more than anything else

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    Thank you both for your input!

    @Exerlin @NuclearBurrito

    Both of your ideas do provide good works.

    1, in my opinion, is actually rather weak. And if the obsession's speed was reduced when in a chase with anyone who isnt the obsession, that would simply make the perk useless. Survivors only need speed to escape, not really to sit on gens.

    As for Deadweight only affecting healing, cleansing, and opening... Well, then it's kinda just a very limited use perk. I can understand weakening the effects of it, but the benefits would be minimal, and practically useless. Not to mention that exit gates are usually crowded with other survivors, and generators too.

    I do also agree with maybe removing the debuffs of Fracture, and I sort of agree with red herring being debuffed. Though I still think it should go a bit further than 8 meters (maybe 16) and maybe more than 3 seconds of immunity (maybe 6). Because 8 meters and 3 seconds are bothe extremely weak amounts, which would really only lengthen a chase (as it would give you basically five seconds to get away, not really divert the killers attention)

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Seeing the Obsessions aura is already a really good effect. As is the Obsession swapping.

    The speed decrease is already unneeded and makes looping as the Obsession completely impractical. And in this meta that's completely OP.

    It's effectively making you a 121% Killer in a chase.

    And good Survivors will split up on gens. Especially if they have this perk.

    15% extra gen speed is insane. That simply shouldn't be a perk effect without an extremely difficult prerequisite.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    That perk is meant more so for slower killers (Huntress, Nurse, etc).

    And maybe... What if it was more like autodidact? Where it doesnt work with tools, and skillchecks have no possible benefits? Or maybe minimal benefits.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    It doesn't matter what Killers it is meant for. Faster Killers can use it too so it needs to be balanced with that in mind.

    And autodidact speeds up healing. You don't want that kind of effect on generators.

    Gen rush is an issue. Even something like 3% extra progress from skill checks is enough to start causing problems.

    Resilience and Spine chill only work because of both low numbers and large risks.

    Toning down the numbers just makes it's other effects irrelevant. So it would be better to just not have it effect gens and adjust the numbers accordingly.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    1.) It can easily be unfair for the obsession if they killer has that perk with play with your food. If the killer was smart he would also have make your choice. So not only does that person become the obsession, he would be an easy kill. The problem with new perk idea is that they can be op if you add it with other perks.

    2.) This perk seems more reasonable.

    3.)I don't know if that perk is balance or not.

    4.) It's alright because it can only be used once at a certain time.

    5.) Not bad at all. I think I like this perk as much as number 2.

    6.) I don't mind this perk.

    7.) It sounds like it can be very broken because there are perks that allows suriviors to vault and do thing quicker. So on addition to this, alot of loops can be opened. Especially with the bonus of your perk idea to vault through blocked window. So I can see this being very unfair to killers. However, the drawback Is really high which might not be worth it and lead it to becoming useless.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    If you don't affect anything but healing and cleansing, what makes it better than just running botany knowledge? Except botany knowledge can be used to help teammates, so then Deadweight would provide nothing that botany cant, excepf a slight increase to cleansing.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    Thank you for your input.

    There is lots to talk, but I'll just cover Marked for Murder.

    It can be partnered with Make your choice, but honestly (except for a waiting nurse, waiting spirit, hag, or maybe demigorgon), how often do smart players get caught out by Make your choice? I run it on Hag and Spirit, and I dont know if I've ever activated it more than once a season. Maybe twice at most.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Give it more effects then, like opening the exit gate.

    Or make it a smaller but stackable buff gained when Survivors die like Sole Survivor.

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    Maybe opening the exit gates. But then again, people will iust crowd around you making you do it slower.

    And if it was based off of how many survivors were dead, then it would simply just be like the original left behind, except it would require everyone to be dead to have the same effects