Why are survivors are so sad.

DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

Just your usual game of dbd.

Had a 4swf jump in and try to bm TF outta me from the start. Ruin got destroyed before i could even walk across the map to check it and the guy just tbagged and flashlight clicked when I finally arrived and at every pallet. Three gens went down in the minute something it took to stalk, chase him and down him with t3 evil within. And then they got real cocky. Started bagging and unhooking in my face, against a Myers lol? And they didnt know i had the fragment because i hadnt used it to this point.

I killed the unhooked that had bt with fragment, the first and nastiest of them, (he thought he was cute bagging me after the unhook thinking he'd bolt away) found one guy and got my stalk back and m1'd him down. Went to pick up and he rafequit . used EW to t3 against the dude standing like 5 feet away clicking his flashlight and downed him and went to pick up, and he dc'd.

So now the last guy gets hatch. Because thats "fair" and "balanced".

Toxic little swf group gets smashed, and i get punished for it either way.

This was the fourth game, out of the six i played today that this has happened btw.

But lets just act like killers are the problem here right? Why do survivors get option of hatch if their group ragequit in the first place ? Thats stupid ass he'll, and I'm 100 solo only when i play survivor and i think it's dumb.


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    It's just for the last survivor in general. The same as if you had a really good game and someone escaped by the skin of their teeth. Sounds like a bad game, everyone gets them.

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    I get that. But it wasnt someone escaped by the skin of their teeth. It was an organized bs festival.

    When i play survivor, it makes me sad and angry because im always solo. And occasionally I do escape by skin of my teeth because people dying/ others ragequitting. But when a 4swf group goes out of their way to cause it, thats pure bs. Thats how easy it is, oh I'm walking down to the basement? Ragequit so the last alive has an extra 10s headstart to look for hatch. That isnt fair in any way.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2019

    It really is. I don't disagree w/ having the hatch, but there needs to be a better stipulation for it's use. Perhaps "picking" the lock on it for a few seconds (maybe 5 seconds) before a person can go in. Perhaps a longer "open" time for hatch, but one that decreases w/ each generator until all 5 are complete and then it plays same as current. For example, 25 seconds to unlock the hatch. For each generator completed, the time to open the hatch decreases by 5 seconds allowing an instant escape as it is now. Or when the last survivor, it automatically bumps to 5 seconds to open unless 3 generators are complete (1 more than the total of survivors remaining).

    Survivors should spend some time to open hatch, just like killers spend time to close the hatch (especially when it's circumventing all remaining generator repairs plus the time opening the gates). This is a reward for a) lack of teamwork, b) lack of successful teamwork, c) lack of success toward objective.

    When killers fail to sacrifice survivors (their objective), the survivors escape and killers "lose." There's no "free sacrifice" for them, heh.

    Some kind of change like above would give them their way out, but make them work for it. Killers have to spend time closing the hatch--that's a big deal for a lone survivor.

    Are you unable to "pull" survivors from hatch anymore?

    Haven't been able to do it since I started playing again this year. Just never read anything about a change w/ it.

    Post edited by Marcurie on
  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    That sounds interesting. I wouldnt mind some change. Even if it kills me occasionally when i play survivor i dont think a free escape is fair because your team organized a ragequit festival.

    And about pulling them out, im not sure if its a thing or not. I might be timing it wrong all of a sudden , but i havent it happen in ages.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Playing a toxic build by yourself but complaining about others to be toxic. Double standards lol

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Hah you mean like the hatch is visibile from the start of the game, but it takes 10 minutes to pick it open. Each gen completed removes 2 minutes from that time?

    So you have to keep R1-ing it for 10 minutes from the start of the game it'll actually open?

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    Nah. The hatch won't spawn immediately. The only thing changes is that when it does become available to be opened, it isn't just wide-open. It's now visible, and ready to be "activated" to be opened (unless you have a key).

    Kind of like the whole "the number of survivors must be equal to the number of generators, plus one" thing they did or whatever. That's just to get it to spawn (which is basically, wide-open in the end).

    Hatch is a mini-game for survivors at the moment. Even if you have Hex: NOED or I guess Blood Warden, one will often be cheeky and stay in the game...literally just sit there, or go farm totems, points, or repeatedly flap locker doors for +50 Bold or just to bully the killer. "Na nanna, boo-boo! You can't get me!" *jumps in hatch, wide open, for survivor who literally did nothing for 30 sec after game was pretty much done and everyone else had escaped*

    Waste of time and "rubbing it in." I honestly think that's partially why they made this the way it is...

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2019

    See my thing is, killers close the hatch, right? That's an animation that occurs while killers are still actively playing the game. When survivors escape, their game is over and the screen fades. Don't anyone bother arguing there's an animation because it really doesn't affect what survivors do next since the animation is intended to end the game.

    For example: when a killer finds the hatch first and closes it an animation plays which the killer must go through (spend time). This closes the hatch, but requires time to be spent which prevents killer from patroling the areas, looking for survivors or checking exit gates, etc.

    This kinda goes back to my question on hatch grabs and if they're even possible anymore as I've not had many opportunities to test it in-game, since I don't do like custom games, etc. But I've attempted it a time or two and it didn't work since I returned. I was absent a year or two from the game (and regret it, lol).

    I feel hatches should work like exit gates in that a 5-second or even a 2-second timer to open it without key would be fine. This, of course, would be fine if killers can or would be able to grab players mid-activation (like on exit gates) or during the "jumping" animation on their way in (way it used to be, if it was changed that is).

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2019

    @TragicSolitude Thank you. See above, 2nd post, for my thoughts on that.

  • dist0rt
    dist0rt Member Posts: 32

    I know that feel. Ive played less and less because of things like this. When I do play killer I only run the couple of killers I'm strongest with, along with a load out to out toxic them. Or I did anyway, I've been lucky and haven't gotten many of them lately and next time I'll just DC. Until I get extra BP or some kind of incentive for dealing with that added stress I won't do it anymore

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    I had no idea.. I thought i was screwing up the whole time. So survivors really do get to tbag on their free escape with no danger. Wow

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    Yep. They can sit AFK crows in a corner against a bad killer, do no gens, do nothing to contribute, and be the last to leave--through a hatch.

    Not saying this is a viable way to do things, but it's possible to do this. The question is, why is it possible?!

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Yeah. I went from 99% killer main to basically just survivor because the bs killers have to deal with is too much and i just literally hardly have fun playing anymore.

    Which is funny because survivors constantly cry, in game and on these forums but ive got hundreds of hours in each so i know from both sides just how much bs actually goes on

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Organized but 2 DC's... Riiight.

    I get that DC's since the new lobby changes have gone up but to say 2 DC's AND you hooked one is organized is beyond suspect.

    Does it suck as killer rn, yup. Are lobby wait times a mess yup. But your "story" seems less than accurate j/s.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    edited September 2019

    Actually this is forum is heavily dominated by killer mains, so saying they [survivors] are on here "crying" is total bs.

    Now no one is going to take what you said seriously because you are clearly misrepresenting the truth.

    Oh and I have thousands of hours on each side compared to you "hundred" and I only point this out to prove that it means crap. Just because you can play a game doesn't mean you're any good vice versa.

    Edit: words

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Its a 4swf group, with 2 dcs. Plus i told every part of "my story". And that's unbelievable?


  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2019

    I'm new to these forums, as in I haven't really been very active consistently in the past, and it's quite clear there are numerous QQ threads just in the last couple days...

    But all of this is off topic.

    We don't garner good discussion by going off topic.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    Lately I’ve been having killers DC even when they killed people?

    Its usually either during end game or when everyone is about to escape lmao

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I would love to see a requirement of “if the gates are not powered, you (as an individual) must have repaired the equivalent of 1 generator before the hatch opens.”

    This would have the added benefit of giving Borrowed Time a possible use again!

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Just another fyi because you think you "made a point" . heres A LOT of what i see on this forums.

    It's not killers crying, its killers complaining about how disgusting the survivor community is. Theres four survs per one killer. Four times more toxic survs then killers.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Aaaand you know this how? SWF teams don't typically dc on each other...

    You don't count the crap stability of the game either which has being crashing left and right... THAT would be more plausible than screwing your teammates over. Solo players DC'ing I'd believe but this nahhh I'll take #thingsthatdidnthappen for $500

    Your inexperience in the game and on these forums is showing... Most folks that SWF don't "just" dc... They lag out or there's been a recent update that has caused even more stability options.

    What's more credible and plausible is *either* they weren't SWF or they lagged out due to an issue. Throwing around SWF is so common on here that it really is over inflated and takes away from pressing issues.

    Is it an issue yep. Does it happen near as often enough as people think? Nope, not especially 4man SWF.

    "Never attribute malice, what can be attributed to incompetence" in this case either the instability or lag issues.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Where's your data to prove that? Toxicity exist on both sides. Just because you perceive something to be true doesn't make it so. Clearly you haven't been here long enough because it is a killer dominated forum just go through the post and see the actual data for yourself. You made no point or gotcha just another example of my point really. Look I'm not trying to argue, I get your points but to characterize it the way you did wasn't right.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    None of this is on topic...and SWF or not, plenty of folks disconnect and it doesn't stop them. If the others are OK with it, SWF players still disconnect. I know because I've seen it and had to tell them to not to because they were going to screw the rest of us over.

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Swf dont typically dc to give their friend the best chance at the hatch? You actually serious with that? You can watch any streamer and it happens ALL the time.

    Youre the one sounding ridiculous.

    Youre so stuck on the fact that i said hundreds, instead of thousands and acting like i dont know how people work on either side? Ps4 doesnt have an hour counter that i know of and im not gonna say thousands because im bragging about how much i play.

    So I fabricated a literal beginning to end story about a recent match to just complain about something that didnt happen? Youre a troll or just silly.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    He's trolling and it's all off topic. Moving on!

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    It won't be so rare for long:) once dedicated servers arrive they will get punished for it:) and they don't even know what punishment they will get for dcing :( so why dc when you could get banned/timed banned :(

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Looks that way. Must be sad.

    I really liked your idea on hatch though gotta say. How long you been playing dbd?

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    It's not a Survivor thing. It's a Dead by Daylight thing.

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    That has to do with what? The killer dc'd and gave a free win, survivors dcing so Other survivors get a free escape is different.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    I first played in 2017 around the time Halloween Chapter was released. I then took to other games and kinda wish I hadn't now. I've been back since beginning of summer...this time hardcore lol. It's all I play now...or was :/