Survivor mains at their best.

Please note i am not trying attack this person nor am i trying to let others get to him.
I'm purely just making an example how i think survivor mains (not all) who message killers telling them what to do is just really dumb.
I was a freddy in temple of purgation and got a 3k due to the last survivor going to hatch. I switched targets constantly and like the pictures shown above i did not always camp and i only really did when they were swarming my hooks mid game. Ruin was destroyed straight from the beginning and they only had 2 or 3 gens done. Keep in mind there were 2 red ranks and two rank 15. Probably due to swf because the rank 15 didn't play so bad at looping.
I only messaged him back to see what he would say and to prove me wrong i tunneled.
That being said i get messages like these about almost everyday and i just wonder...why? They are setting a bad example of the dbd community yet they say things like
"dbd is dying cuz killers keep getting buffed and they're op" only to realize (or not) that they are the ones that make the community have a bad name. Also, im not supposed to camp and tunnel at rank 3 when i have too? Lol
This isn't really a discussion and i dont even expect to get any replies at all because there aren't many questions asked. But if you have a question go ahead and ask.
How are they even messaging you, why are you giving your private information out to random strangers on the internet.
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Ps4 is direct salt.
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This is the PlayStation messages app.
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Only time I message a killer is when they do really good imo, I say gg.
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Ah, if I ever get a PS4 I will block the messenger somehow.
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100% agree. Sketch
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I literally have in my PS4 bio “hello clownass feel free to send hatemail ill gladly laugh at you!” I think it reminds salty people that they look like a clown 🤡🤡🤡
Sometimes the hate messages I’ve gotten from DBD are honestly hilarious.
You shouldn’t let it get to you, they’re just salty that you killed them.
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Tunnelling 3 people?
Uh what
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I have taken great pains to clean up all the messengers and social media I have. I even uninstalled Facebook on my phone because it's a stupid the amount of notifications it gives you. This age of internet connectivity has its benefits but largely it's a pain in the butt. I don't even want to look at the 10,000 spam messages in my email inbox.
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Yes! Spread positivity! Playing PS4, I always message killers who I feel need help.
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Exactly lol
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Survivors be like :
You tunneled all 4 of us ur bad.
Uhhaha okay then. Guess im not allowed to attack anybody? The survivor community is hilarious
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This reminds me of my console days.
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How on earth do you tunnel 3 people. Do we have a new dlc killer with the power to split into smaller killers?
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I don't know for sure, but I've run into someone with the same PFP, same mindset, same style of talking...etc. it might be the same person. If so, when I went against them they were complete trash and way overconfident, to the point of being just plain stupid. Nice to see they haven't changed their ways, if it is the same person.
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I understand what he means by tunneling 3 people, saying that the killer instantly goes for the unhooked at any given time.
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Me as a Killer when someone unhooks victim:
.When I turn back seeing both Unhooker and Unhooked, I go for unhooker.
.When turn back and see only unhooked, I go for them. Because they leave trails, noise,its easy to track...and looks like I tunnel them, but not. If one dies too early, its others' fault that not get in my sight/attempt to protect their mates.
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I must admit, and agree with the original poster. I play on Xbox and there’s rarely a day passes without at least one toxic, pointless complaint whether I play killer or survivor. Now I’ve only played 35 days (that’s around 850+ hours in total) so I’m neither a noob or an expert.
it is pointless and annoying-yes notifications can be switched off but you close out the good guys too, the ggs and the where was the totem, etc.
as far as I can see this is the only game that seems to breed toxicity that I can recall.
i actually had a rank 6 face camp and pointlessly slash continually til I died. Then he messaged me and said it was punishment for looping him continually a couple of days back! Not only is that an anger issue it’s s memory issue as it wasn’t even me that upset him in the first place! No idea who/where/what he was talking about.
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And survivors shouldn't do gens. The DBD community as a whole trends toward ridiculous.
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(The worst kind of person is one who DCs despite the game being nearly over or having just started. This goes for both sides.
For killer thing thing that annoys me the most, on PS4 at least, is that if they DC a certain way, all remaining players in-game don’t get the BP accumulated from the match, making the match a waste of time for everyone.
For survivor, there are several things... DC’ing on first down, DC’ing when being carried to the hook (slugging is lame, still not a reason to DC though) to give last survivor hatch or to simply prevent the killer getting an extra hook, DC’ing to prevent a BBQ stack, the list goes on I’m sure but those are the ones that annoy me the most.)
Edits: ^ Yeah don’t mind this. My brain stopped working for a solid 5 minutes and I’ve just realised that I was ranting about a different post... my bad.
Regarding what they said... just ignore it. You likely played it how you should have done and they’re just annoyed that you beat them. If it gets to you, just set messages to private. There are far fewer people who’ll go out of their way to say “gg” or ask genuine questions on PS4 than there are people who will call you out for some reason or another.
TL;DR - This is normal. Ignore them and block them/private your messages if they harass you.
Note: Sorry for any words don’t make sense, autocorrect is being funky on my phone currently...
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I don't want to say what came to my mind when I read this...
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Aw theres the triggered survivor main.
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Call me crazy, but people sending my ass hate mail is my favorite part of this game. It’s always so ######### funny when I see that someone added me to a DM.
It’s also great when they send “love mail”. It’s only ever happened to me like twice, but recently I had a David I struggled with all match tell me I was good. Felt so goddamn niiiiiice.
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One time I got a msg saying I had great trap placement as Trapper 😁 It's a great feeling
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Yeah had a friend once claim a Huntress was "long distance camping" because she would throw at hatchet or two in the direction of the hook from across the map. Mind you these shots were not very close and the Huntress had no LOS. Needless to say I told my friend he needs to start playing killer because his salty butt is staying on the hook if I hear him say that one more time.
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That's poor saves. Not the killers fault.
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It happens bro I honestly look forward to those messages so I can laugh at them for trying to tell me how to play when im the won who won lol
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Why bother? You're not talking to someone who can be reasoned with.
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It’s a two way street. Drop a GG and leave, that’s what I do.
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That has to be the most boomer thing I have ever heard, But no yeah I see where you're coming from.
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I love the dumb asses that try to loop the killer near basement and fail and DC because they got put into the basement. Had it happen three times yesterday almost in a row.
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I had someone come into my chat a few weeks ago and say "hey just want to let you know you honestly suck as a killer because you slug at rank 3 i'm a freddy main too and i don't slug so u suck have a good day". Had a good laugh and made a chat command out of it.
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Had a game with someone that was running around lery. Carried them all the way to the basement. Friend came down and got activated borrowed time so I ran them thru with tantrum. A DC was followed by this by the unhooker. I was a leatherface too.
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Really? I don't see a triggered survivor main there but I see a triggered killer now lol. Also FYI I don't play survivor ever, I'm a killer main, specifically a Huntress
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Please don't dude. I'm a part of 2 DBD PS4 groups and this hatemail garbage is filling both of them. We get it, 80% of the survivor mains are oblivious and unreasonable, nothing we can do about it.
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Can we start deleting these posts? Seriously, they add nothing to the conversation about the game and any of us can show survivors or killers acting like idiots. I vote we delete these as soon as they are posted. Pointless and only further divides the community and breeds more toxic behavior. We have enough already.
Nobody cares if someone was mean to you. We all get it done to us as well. Move along.
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Absolutely. Not only does it prevent snotty messages from survivors, but certain security risks.
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Why do people even react and respond to those kiddies? It's always only pure energy and time waste.